Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Informative speech on sleep Essay
I. Attention Gainer: â€Å"Even though we burn more calories when we stay awake, losing sleep is not a good way to lose weight. The light sleepers ended up eating far more than those who get nine hours of sleep.†According to author Tara Parker-Pope of The New York Times published on March 18, 2013. II. Thematic Statement: Most people don’t think about the long term effects of not getting enough sleep you need to function properly. But if we all were to go to bed at a reasonable time, then not only will it improve your physical health it will also improve your mental health. III. Preview: I am going to begin by talking about how much sleep do we need according to our age? Then what goes on with our brains during sleep and lastly I will explain the implications of lack of sleep. Body: I. Main Point #1 (How much sleep do we need according to our age) A. According to The National Sleep Foundation last updated March 22nd, 2014 â€Å" Studies confirm that on average adults need at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep to complete all stages of sleep.†Also after further research newborns 1 month to 2 months old need 14 to 18 hours, Infants 3 to 11 months old need 13 to 16 hours, toddlers and children need about 11 hours, and teens need 9 to 10 hours. These variations of sleep time is because of growth and repairs the brain and the body need. Neither can be obtained if you’re always up. B. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website last updated January 13, 2014 states that â€Å"50-70 million U.S Citizens have been recorded to have sleep deprivation (or lack of sleep) caused by various reasons.†Various reasons meaning that the lack of sleep could be anything from a medical problem to self-infliction of sleep deprivation. Internal Summary #1: Now that we are aware of the amount of sleep we need, let’s now discuss about our brain activity during sleep. II. Main Point #2 (What goes on with our brains during sleep) A. According to The National Institute of Neurological disorders and stroke last updated April 28th, 2014 â€Å"During sleep, we usually pass through five phases of sleep: stages 1, 2, 3, 4, and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep.†The article also states that 50 percent of our sleep is during stage 2, 20 percent in REM sleep, and the other 30 percent in the remaining stages. B. Stage 1 of sleep is also known as light sleep where we drift in and out of sleep. This stage is where we can be woken up the easiest. Stage 2 is where our brain activity and eye movement start to slow down and stop. Stage 3 brain waves start to begin with slow and fast movements. Stage 4 also known as deep sleep is the toughest stage to wake someone up. It is the stage where there is no eye movement or muscle activity and if you were to awaken during this stage. The results would be the feeling of grogginess or disorientation. The last stage REM sleep aka Rapid Eye Movement is the dream stage of sleep. Where we fantasize about our life and day occurrences. Internal summary #2: We have discussed what goes on with our brains during sleep, let’s finish with the implications lack of sleep has on our society. III. Main Point #3 (Implications) A. Sleep is a very important factor in our everyday lives in fact according to The National Association of Science last updated April 14, 2014 â€Å"Sleep deprivation can cause severe cases of anxiety and can also lead to insomnia.†B. Without sleep our brains cannot not work to the best of its abilities. Scientists can’t discover new things, students will continue to fall asleep in class, and people that work 9 to 5 jobs could and will go mentally insane. Conclusions: I. Summary Statements: We are now familiar with the amount of sleep we need depending on ages, what our brain activity is like during sleep, and how sleep impacts us all as a society. II. Concluding Remarks: Since I researched this topic very thoroughly I can now help people who refuse to sleep for decent hours realize what they are doing to themselves. WORK CITED National Sleep Foundation â€Å"how does sleep deprivation affect us†Web 27 June 2014 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention â€Å"Sleep deprivation†Web 27 June 2014 National Association of Science â€Å"Negative implications of sleep deprivation†Web 27 June 2014 The New York Times â€Å"Lost Sleep Can Lead to Weight Gain†Tara Parker-Pope published on March 18, 2013. Web 27 June 2014. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Web 27 June 2014
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Belonging: Indigenous Australians and White Society Essay
â€Å"A sense of belonging can emerge from the connections made with people, places, groups, communities and the larger world. †The quote is clearly represented in the play â€Å"Rainbows End†by Jane Harrison and the musical _____________________________________. Belonging is subjective and so there is no correct way of what it means but what I think belonging means is to feel apart or connected with the rest of the group. In my first text â€Å"Rainbows End†by Jane Harrison it supports and reveals connections made with people, places, groups, communities and the larger world. This will become evident throughout the language, and symbols used in the play. Rainbows End is fiction but Harrison tried to capture the indigenous experience that was set in the 1950s. Harrison also draws historical events in the play such as the Queens visit, the Rumbalara housing development and the Assimilation Policy. The play is focused on three indigenous Australians; Nan Dear who is against whites and uses this to form her identity as an Aboriginal. â€Å"Refuses to say that the Queen is not her Queen as Nan thinks that it is a part of the white society†. Gladys is an enthusiastic and idealistic person who desperately wants to be in the white society â€Å"She believes that she will meet the Queen†. Dolly is the youngest and she is proud to be Aboriginal but is ashamed of the status that comes with it. She is also dutiful and hard working â€Å"serious about her homework†. Gladys and Dolly constantly listen to the radio this is a symbol for the woman connecting to the rest of society. The radio gets the woman to listen and become more involved in society even though they are perceived outcasts. The radio keeps them connected to society and in turns gives them a sense of belonging. The encyclopedias that Gladys brought from Errol are another symbol used in the play. Gladys brought these encyclopedias for Dolly as Gladys believes that it may represent an opportunity for Dolly to be a part of the white society.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Which Place Do You Prefer to Live?
Which place do you prefer to leave: in a small town or in a big city ? Small towns and big cities both have their good sides. First big cities have unlimited choices of things you can do. There is always a lot to do and visit. Living in a big city is more comfortable because there are cinemas, theaters, museums, shops, malls, lots of restaurants to choose. There are a lot of possibilities of shopping. Secondly the standard of education is also very high in big cities. People have many oportunities and it’s also much easier to find a well paid job.Teenagers can receive a good education in big cities because universities have different subjects. So, an argument in favour of living in a big city is that students can have more choices for their future careers. In a big city there are many people that you don't know and you can make many friends comparative to a small town where people always know something about you. Also famous singers or personalities come in big cities so you c an meet your favourite singer and take an autograph. Lastly big cities have other conveniences like airports and good hospitals.I think that to many teenagers big cities are exciting while the small towns are boring. Coming down to me I prefer living in a small town than in a big city because I don’t like noise and crowded places. I stayed in Bucharest for 2 weeks and it was too long for me. I had never ever been so tired than that time. Every night I had heard motorcycles, cars, dogs, horns, people talking very loudly. The first advantage of living in a small town is a healthy life. One of the conditions that helps us to be healthy is good weather and less population that exist in a small town.Also, in a small town there are less crowded and less traffic. Living in a place with less pollution such as air pollution or sound pollution helps us to have a healthier life and one of the main consequences is less stress and more happiness. In addition, in a small town foods and mat erials we need are healthier than in big cities. Therefore living in small towns is healthier than in big cities. Secondly, another advantage of small towns is living costs which is cheaper than in big cities.In particular, in a small town we can live in big houses with beautiful landscapes. Transportation cost is less than in big cities and we have less traffic so that we can save time and money. In conclusion, I prefer to live in a small town and I think it has some advantages such as less stress. In small town people know each other and have better relationships together than big cities therefore, in my opinion, in big cities people feel alone and depress. And it is obvious that people in small town have more happiness and friendships and less illness.
Drinking age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Drinking age - Essay Example Using the research conducted in 2005 by White and Hayman via ‘Australian Secondary School Students and Drug Use Survey’, reports show that approximately 40% out of samples from the 16-17 year-old drinking Australian population confessed that parents bear chief influence in alcoholic consumption. Additionally, such findings had no substantial variance from among those who obtained influence from friends through the peer pressure of drinking on a weekly basis. Still the question remains what age must one be legally allowed to drink and to what extent should it be tolerated relative to other forms of addiction. White and Hayman (2006) examined whether parental control of drinking may be attributed to the occurrence of risky drinking for short-term harm (RSOD) and alcohol-related difficult behaviors such as physical and verbal assault from a sample of underage drinkers. Research indicates that 86% of adolescents 16-17 years of age are existing alcohol consumers whereas some 20% appear to be weekly RSOD and more than 34% get involved in at least one case of alcohol-linked problem with conduct. Moreover, it is found that mere banning of alcohol drinking for the sake of youth 18 is not practically sufficient. Fresh plans for appropriate mediation and avoidance are apparently essential according to the study of parental supplication that was figured to impact lesser rates of RSOD and alcohol-related social behavior. This rather implies the likelihood that by changing the normal supply of alcohol from the source other than the parents to the parents alone, the shift may bring about good restrict ion to the amount of consumption and injury among the adolescents. However, as much as parental guidance toward alcohol supply control is considered one positive approach, it is quite unexplored and must therefore undergo thorough investigation as promising alternative (Dietze, Livingston,
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Cuban Missile Crisis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cuban Missile Crisis - Assignment Example Additionally, the U.S. resolved to destroy all its weaponry positioned in Italy and Turkey. It vowed never to attack Cuba unless directly provoked. The paper strives categorically to afford a detailed analysis of the Cuban missile crisis. It will focus on the actions that triggered the crisis during the 1960s. Additionally, it will examine both its short term and long-term implication. A number of factors are directly linked to the emergence of the Cuban missile crisis. Since time immemorial, the US has been against the close association between the European communist nations and South American nations (Kennedy, 2011). The US felt threatened by an alliance between the Latin and the Soviet Union. After the adoption of communism by Cuba, the US tried to overthrow the Cuban government. However, it failed and the operation adopted the name failed Bay of Pigs invasion. After the botched operation, the Soviet Union resolved to strengthen its position by offering to place nuclear missile in Cuba. Fidel Castro, the then Cuban leader gladly agreed hoping that it would deter further attacks from the U.S. When the plot was known to the US, the Cuban Missile crisis ensued. The aftermath of the crisis helped shape the relation between the Soviet Union and the US. Khrushchev credibility bared the blunt of international criticism after agreeing to dismantle the missiles and because the US nuclear deployment in turkey and Italy was not known publicly. The political downfall of the soviet leader is directly linked to the conclusion of the crisis. However, the resolution was applauded in the U.S. with historian citing it as a great achievement by John Kennedy’s government (Khan, 2012). Additionally, they argued that the US success in the crisis had prompted its involvement in other military operation across the globe. The crisis also led to the creation of a Moscow-Washington hot line that linked the Kremlin and the White house. The cold war
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Chemistry of Hazardous Materials Case Study Essay
Chemistry of Hazardous Materials Case Study - Essay Example three main illustrations explain that the tanker is transporting hazardous substance that can negatively affect the health and safety of the safety workers and the members of the public. Hazardous material is considered substances, which potentially damage the well being and health of individuals and also the environment. The hazardous substance in the case is in liquid form; this is illustrated through the dripping liquid, from the tanker valve, that is red to yellow in color. Liquid hazardous materials have identifiable characteristics. They are flammable; hence, they ignite easily and burn rapidly if exposed to ignition source. The materials can also be spontaneously ignitable. This implies heat concentration due to oxidation and microbial activities can ignite the material. Corrosive liquid materials damage skin tissues during contact. Toxic characteristics are applicable to substances that cause negative health effects and even death of the individuals exposed to it. DOT provides guidelines for transporting the hazardous materials. The liquid being transported in the case is Thionyl Chloride. The color of this liquid is red to yellow. The NFPA diamond symbol for the liquid is 4, 0, 2 and W that is slashed. The symbol implies that; the substance reacts violently with water, and hence safety caution should be observed by the health and safety team. The action plan for handling the accident situation entails adequate health and safety planning by the professional team. The team should start by ensuring public safety by protecting the accident scene. Members of the public should not be within close proximity to the accident scene. This measure prevents corrosion and irritation effects that people may experience. The safety personnel should wear protective equipments when accessing the accident scene. The safety materials include; special clothing and gas masks. The gas masks prevent the inhalation of harmful fumes that may irritate the respiratory tract. The
Friday, July 26, 2019
A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume - Essay Example The researcher states that David Hume is an Empiricist. He is a believer in sense experience as a primary source of knowledge. He believes in observable phenomena, that greatly influences his view of the self. He believes all the elements that make up the self can be observed. The most vital premise he advances to support his ‘no-self’ conclusion is that there is too much turbulence in one's life for one to remain untouched. This is a well-thought position. Imagine that constantly in life, one has to tackle varying circumstances using equally varying means. It’s impossible that there is a part that remains impervious to all this change. Small elements of our make –up may remain the same but the general picture is altered from time to time and with different situations. Also, central in Hume’s study of the self is his assertion that the self is â€Å"is a bundle or an assemblance of different perceptions†not a substance. Perceptions are†ideas or impressions†about oneself. This is to say that every person has a character that is unique to them. It also to states that this â€Å"ideas and impressions†are recognizable even by ourselves. By and large, we all agree to some extent with Hume’s position. The ideas that build up to his conclusion are well thought out and go a long way to re-affirming him as foremost on personal identity.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Physical Geology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Physical Geology - Essay Example The landscapes we see around us have many different and varying features, many of which have been fashioned by a number of external forces. Erosion is probably the major force in this respect and it can come from a number of sources, such as wind, water and ice. While these sources can be seen to be unique, in fact in the majority of cases they usually combine within the erosion process that shapes our landscapes. Wind is forceful creator of particular land features, especially in areas where deserts exist, normally close to the equator. In this instance as the warm air rises, forming clouds, the winds blow these away from the equator, both north and south, leaving a dryer condition. As a result, these areas receive significantly reduced rainfall, limiting the amount of vegetation, which would bind the earth’s surface together. The wind also carries particles of plants and rocks with it to create a build up of vegetation and chemical deposits in other areas. The power of the w ind, for example in the form of hurricanes, can have a significant effect on the landscape, as well as destroying human habitats.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
HW12 Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
HW12 - Math Problem Example Prepare the journal entry to record the allocation of net income. (List multiple debit/credit entries in descending order of amount.) Assume the partnership income-sharing agreement calls for income to be divided with a salary of $30,000 to Guillen and $25,000 to Williams, with the remainder divided 45% to Guillen and 55% to Williams. Prepare the journal entry to record the allocation of net income. (List multiple debit/credit entries in descending order of amount.) Assume the partnership income-sharing agreement calls for income to be divided with a salary of $40,000 to Guillen and $35,000 to Williams, interest of 10% on beginning capital, and the remainder divided 50%-50%. Prepare the journal entry to record the allocation of net income. (List multiple debit/credit entries in descending order of amount.) The Best Company at December 31 has cash $20,000, noncash assets $100,000, liabilities $55,000, and the following capital balances: Rodriguez $45,000 and Escobedo $20,000. The firm is liquidated, and $110,000 in cash is received for the noncash assets. Rodriguez and Escobedo income ratios are 60% and 40%, respectively. The Best Company at December 31 has cash $20,000, noncash assets $100,000, liabilities $55,000, and the following capital balances: Rodriguez $45,000 and E
Violence towards mental health nurses Research Paper
Violence towards mental health nurses - Research Paper Example In fact, the Australian Institute of Criminology has identified the health industry to be the most violent industry in the country, with registered nurses (RNs) recording the second highest number of violence-related workers compensation claims in year 1995 and 1996, ranking even higher than prison and police officers (Deans, 2004, p. 14). Patient violence on mental health care professionals not only leads to staff sickness and absenteeism but also to various psychological and mental distresses. Specific psychological problems include depression, anxiety, isolation, trauma (LeFlore & Bell, 2007, p. 147), post-traumatic stress disorders, loss of confidence, anger, fear, loss, distrust, and guilt (Whittington & Wykes, 1992; Doughty, 2005, p. 1). Understandably, these problems would adversely affect the therapeutic alliance between patients and HCPs (Watts & Morgan, 1994, p. 14; LeFlore & Bell, 2007, p. 147). In addition, this will also prevent optimal staff recruiting and retention of employees within the hospital (Doughty, 2005, p. 1). In a survey conducted by Duxbury & Whittington (2005, p. 469) on 80 mentally ill patients and 82 HCPs in three inpatient mental healthcare wards, it was found that that the patients regarded the poor facilities and communication as the two significant factors behind violence, whereas the nurses identified that the patients’ mental illness was the root cause for the violence. On the other hand, according to Glick and Fishkind (2008, p.117), the risk of violence in psychiatric care facilities include lower staff-to-patient ratio, higher percentage of female HCPs, and presence of staff without specific training in psychiatry or agression. The United States Department of Labor (2004, p. 7) also recognizes the lack of staff training as partly causing hostile and assaultive behavior of patients. Currently, the intervention strategies used to curb violence include stress management, rehabilitation of staff victims and providing th em a work environment that is not conducive to violent behavior (Warshaw & Messite, 1996, p. 993). Stathopoulou (2003, p. 4) suggested that the preventive measures on violence towards health care professionals should focus on three areas: hospital organization, arrangement of the physical environment, and staff training and development. Significance of the study With the increasing number of psychiatric patients, the potential for occupational violence for HCPs in psychiatric facilities is on the rise as well. The adverse effects of these incidents on work performance and retention of employees make it imperative for health institutions to provide effective means to prevent and manage aggression from psychiatric patients. Theoretical framework for the research methodology Figure 1. Theoretical framework for this research study This research proposal predicts that providing appropriate knowledge regarding the management and prevention of violent behavior from psychiatric patients thr ough training equips the HCPs the ability to protect themselves from the potential physical and psychological effects of aggressive behavior from their patients, and subsequently allows them to perform to the best of their abilities. Ultimately, the health institutions with trained HCPs benefit from increased work performance
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Disneyland and history of it Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Disneyland and history of it - Essay Example Ultimately, rather than merely being an entertaining environment for families to spend leisure time, Disneyland was intended to be something of a historical/cultural interpretation of America, the American dream, the American past, the American future, and the American president. Through such a delineation and discussion of these different time frames and interpretations, it was Walt Disney’s distinct hope that Disneyland could be representative and indicative of the way in which individuals understood the country in which they live or indeed the country in which they visited. As a function of understanding this particular dynamic, the following analysis will be concentric upon discussing the way in which Disneyland was representative of the United States, its experience, culture, and potential future, as well as discussing whether or not this representation was merely imaginatively fanciful or in fact was effective and ultimately represented a realistic/crude interpretation o f life. Moreover, a unique discussion of what defined American greatness, at least with respect to Walt Disney himself, will also be engaged. ... However, within this â€Å"Main Street USA†, Walt Disney represented a close-knit community that, although exhibiting a level of development and modernity that reflected the era in which it represented, nonetheless had a very small town feel and emphasize the importance of community interaction above many other aspects. Yet, rather than representing Disneyland as something that was entirely concentric upon an idealized nation of Midwestern life, Walt Disney also created another identification of the United States with respect to what was termed as â€Å"Adventureland†. This particular representation was unique in that it represented the global reach and power that the United States was able to impact upon the world. A psychological or sociological analysis of this particular representation might lend the reader to assume that an element of colonize Asian or empire building was contingent upon Walt Disney’s personal interpretation of what made the United States gr eat. In short, â€Å"Adventureland†represented a Caribbean or Asian complement of the United States; indicative of territories that the United States held overseas as a result of both the Spanish-American war and the second world war. Naturally, and identification of Hawaii and the global reach of the United States, as well as the interaction between different cultures that represented the United States, was also part and parcel of this particular representation. Interestingly, â€Å"Adventureland†is one of the only interpretations the United States the Walt Disney made which emphasized cultural diversity. Whereas Walt Disney was continually criticized for representing only a handful of African-American employees at Disneyland, first opened in the early 1950s, this representation of a
Monday, July 22, 2019
Management of technology Essay Example for Free
Management of technology Essay Explain the term â€Å"Technofact. †How can it be used to define Technology, and Management of Technology? Explain the value and advantage of the term Technofact, compared to other definitions and common agreement about technology. Explain the weaknesses, missing elements, and contradictions in this term. Technofact is a reproducible object created by humans. By reproducible I refer to any product (tangible or virtual) of which the intention of its human creator was to make more of exactly the same, using the same methodology. Once weve defined technofact, we are able to focus the term technology around this entity, and to define it as the capability of creating technofacts (or the human capability of creating reproducible objects). Technology is not the technical object itself but rather the capability of creating it over on over again. Other fields of science concentrate on understanding and gathering knowledge around the entity that is in the center of the science in question while the technology â€Å"science†is a capability, which is more than merely an understanding. On top of the knowledge gathered, the term encapsulates the creation itself, the know-how. The different aspects of the means to establish that capability ought to be coordinated and managed, thus, management of technology can only be defined if we separate the term technology from the objects, the technofacts, as one can not manage objects. Most of the traditional definitions of the term technology are either inaccurate or too broad. Inaccurate when the definition refer to objects (tools, products) as the technology itself. Too broad when the definition refer to any human activity (van Wyk), which might include forms of art that can not be considered as a technology. Another broad approach can be found in definitions that consider any nature manipulation as a technology (is navigation by stars a technology? ). There are three cases in which I find difficulty with the term technofact as the central entity that technology deals with: 1. When the product has an inherited random element: Consider a computer program that creates random melodies (or drawings) pleasant to the human ear (or eye), based on some mathematical rules. The program itself is obviously a virtual technofact, but are the new melodies or drawings created by it can also be considered technofacts? Obviously, they are being created over and over again using the same technology, but each time the program produces something different. 2. When the product is a natural object or resource: For example in agriculture. Carrots cannot be considered technofacts, but there is obviously a technology to grow carrots. The tools which are used in the process (a plow or a combine) are technofacts, which farmers use to produce the crop itself, but they are not the reproducible product the technology deals with. Another examples can be mining technologies. The end product is the extracted material, which can not be considered a technofact. 3. When the product is an action: For example, the capability to lift heavy weights. A crane is a technofact, but it is not the reproducible object this specific technology enable to reproduce. The reproducible object in this case is not an object but rather an action. What is a â€Å"Technology-Based Organization†? Give an example for a TBO and non-TBO. Can a company be a TBO for a limited time? Explain and give an example. A technology based organization is an organization that uses technology to create economic value or to create a competitive business advantage over other competing organizations. The organization can be continuously pursuing technological improvements, manufacturing technofacts or both. This kind of an organization will be perpetually considered a TBO. On the other hand a non-TBO organization can become one for a limited time, if it incorporates a new technology to improve its processes, thus creating an advantage over its competitors. During the process of assimilating the technology and the time that takes other players to use the same technology, a non-TBO organization can be considered a TBO, as it creates economic value using technology. Consider an imaginary traditional dairy that used to produce milk in the old milking fashion, using the farmers hands and a big nice bucket. At some point the farmer decided to acquire a milking machine from his engineer friend that had recently established a milking equipment factory using his own inventions. The farmer installed the machine in his farm and taught his kid how to use it, so he can peacefully retire. During the next couple of years, the farmers kid gained an advantage over his neighbor farmers, bought more cows, made a small fortune and established a new dairy company (which he called after his dad). Few years later, after all the other farmers had done the same, the farmers kid decided to install digital thermometers in the dairy (acquired from the very same milking equipment factory), and became the leading milk provider to the entire region, with the reputation of having the freshest milk around. Again, achieving an economic advantage using new technology. This dairy had become a TBO for short periods of time during its existence, while the milking equipment factory that had invented and manufactured the machinery was a TBO throughout the years. Explain the term â€Å"White Spaces†in the context of technological innovation. How could this term be used in an organization to help planning and decision making about innovation? White spaces are the two optional gaps between technologies and applications. The first gap exists when there is a need in the market but no solution to match it. The second gap takes place when there is a technology out there that has the capability to produce a technofact that no one knows what to do with. A technofact that did not yet find the â€Å"ultimate product†it enables (where theres a way but there is no â€Å"will†). Innovative organization can either fill up the first gap by pursuing new technologies to match the unanswered market needs, or they can focus their efforts around understanding the potential of existing technologies and to use them to develop new groundbreaking applications. Outlines the dangers and risks associated with rapid technological development to society and individuals. Are you pessimistic or optimistic about it? What can and should we do as a society and as individuals to benefit from technology and avoid the risks. The dangers and risks that rapid emerging technologies incorporate can come in many ways, shapes and forms according to the technology domain. From the lose of privacy through health jeopardizing, moral issues and mass destruction weapons, they all have one thing in common – the rate of the technology adoption and development has become faster than the rate of the ability to comprehensively understanding its implications. Successful technologies are spreading swiftly, acquiring life of their own and â€Å"forcing†people to use them in order to survive in the modern society. Even if a certain individual decides to rebel and not to use a specific technology directly, it still might change the environment this person lives in, to affect and endanger im just the same (e. g. cellular phones). The lose of freedom inflicted by some technologies is a big price of its own that society and individuals have to pay. History tells us that panic from new technologies had always existed, and we are probably experiencing the same unjustified fear of the unknown that the car inflicted on society a hundred years ago. But the problem with history is that it can only explain the past, while the present is unlike anything humanity imagined before. I dont believe that governmental regulations aiming to restrain technology can work in the long run, but in order to control at least some of the risks, governments should cooperate globally on some issues to regulate technologies similar to the way new medicines and drugs are treated. As individuals, we must take responsibility for our health and moral values, to deal with it at all times among ourselves, to be aware of the risks we are taking and not to become blind addicts for anything new. Still, Im pessimistic as for the capability of mankind to do that and overcome its basic selfish nature.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Visitors Experience On Their Visit To Jantar Mantar Tourism Essay
Visitors Experience On Their Visit To Jantar Mantar Tourism Essay Aim: To understand how destinations are presented to visitors for them to be able to have an experience. This research paper seeks to find out about the experience build of visitors on their visit to a monument, in this case, Jantar Mantar. Jantar Mantar is a place of great historical, astronomical, and astrological value and is in existence since 1724. It is an Observatory built by Jaipurs Maharaja Jai Singh Sawai II on the order of the Mughal Emperor, Muhammad Shah to develop a medium to record and compile all the astronomical data and future predictions of time, related to study of the movements of sun, moon, and other planetary bodies. Four more observatories were built by the same Maharaja in other parts of India. The observatory in Delhi was the first observatory built by him. Aim of the Project is to explore number of related questions, including: 1. What are visitors reactions on their visit to Jantar Mantar? 2. How have other tourist places been developed for improving the experience of visitors? These questions were explored through literature review, contextual study, interviews and questionnaires and observations. The paper concludes by analyzing the findings from the data collected and coming up with recommendations for Jantar Mantar Authority (Archeological Survey of India) to consider some changes in the way they present themselves to their audience, i.e., to the visitors. 198 WORDS Research Questions and Data Collection Method Contextual study and literature study Introduction: Jantar Mantar also known as Yantra Mantra which means calculation instrument in Delhi is the place to observe the movements of the Sun, stars and other planetary bodies. Its an astronomical, astrological observatory, a sun dial. It is a monument which has great astronomical and astrological values attached to it. Build: In 1724 by Jaipurs Maharaja, Jai Singh Sawai II, on the order of Mughal King, Muhammad Shah. Later king build four other observatories in India, in Jaipur, Ujjain, Mathura and Varanasi. Location: It is situated in the Parliament Street near the Connaught Place. Admission fee: INR 5 for Indians and INR 100 for the Foreigners. Admission timing: Open from sunrise to sunset. How to reach: Rickshaws, taxis, bus, metro can help you reach this place in time. Nearest railway station: Delhi Railway Station. Nearest metro station: Connaught Metro Station. Reason for its building: To revise the astronomical tables. The monument was built as the significance of a Sun Dial, and to record the astronomical data and future predictions of time, the purpose was to study of the movements of sun, moon, and other planetary bodies. What is an Observatory? A room or building housing an astronomical telescope or other scientific equipment for the study of natural phenomena. Http:// Oldest Observatories in the world: Chinese archaeologists claim that they have found the worlds oldest observatory, dating back to some 4,100 years ago, in North Chinas, Taosi, Shanxi Province. He Nu, a researcher from the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the observatory was not only used for observing astronomical phenomena but also for sacrificial rites. Other discovered sites that fall under the category of the worlds oldest astronomical observatory, includes one in Goseck, Germany, that was constructed around 7,000 years ago, it is called a sun temple and other is the German Stonehenge with construction beginning around 4,000 to 5,000 years ago. Standing Stones of Callanish in Scotland, are older than Stone henge, being constructed around 2900-2600 BC. In Egypt Nabta Playa, are around 6,000 to 8,000 years old. One of the oldest known sites in the world is Gobekli Tepe, Turkey which is around 11,000-year-old ruins at Gobekli Tepe. Some observatories build during 1700s:  · 1724: Indian observatory of Sawai Jai Singh at Delhi  · 1725: St. Petersburg observatory at Royal Academy  · 1732: Indian observatories at Varanasi, Ujjain, Mathura.  · 1734: Indian observatory of Sawai Jai Singh at Jaipur  · 1758: John Dollond reinvents the achromatic lens  · 1780: Florence Specola observatory Instruments which comprises of Jantar Mantar: The Samrat Yantra : As the name says Samrat which means Supreme. The name completely justifies the instrument because it is in the shape of a giant triangle which represents a sun-dial. Measuring 70 feet in height, 114 feet in length and 10 feet thick which depicts the hours, the minutes and seconds of the day. Its hypotenuse is parallel to the axis of the Earth. It is used to depict Delhis local time. The Jai Prakash Yantra: The shape of an instrument is a hollow hemisphere of concave surface with markings on them. One is treated as Northern hemisphere and other as Southern hemisphere and this one is used by Astrologers to make humans horoscopes. The Ram Yantra: The shape of the instrument is very interesting in itself, it has windows and the edge of windows have marking inscribed on them, and with the help of those marking the observers can find position of sun and moon. The role of this instrument was to track the eclipse and full moon There are two Ram Yantras one to track the moon and other to track the Sun. The Mishra Yantra: Since the name is Mishra, which means combination, this instrument is used to depict the time of noon of various cities across the globe and Delhis local time. It is the only instrument which was not constructed by Maharaja Jai Singh Sawai II. Ancient Indias contributions in the field of astronomy: The earliest references to astronomy are found in the Rig Veda, which are dated 2000 BC. Astronomical principles were used to explain matters which are related to astrology, like making of a horoscope. Besides from linking astronomy with astrology in ancient India, astronomy continued to develop independently, and resulted into original findings, like:  · The calculation of eclipse occurrence.  · Earths circumference.  · Theory of gravitation.  · Proving that sun is a star.  · Finding number of planets under our solar system. Experience Design: No mans knowledge can go beyond his experience. John Locke Great experiences dont happen by accident. They are the result of deep thought and deliberation. Bill Buxton Experience design is the practice of designing services, events, and environments with a focus placed on the quality of the user experience by providing a relevant solutions. Experience design draws from many other disciplines psychology, linguistics, architecture, environmental design, hazard analysis, product design, theater, information design, ethnography, brand strategy, interaction design, service design, storytelling, and design thinking. Touch points are created between people and the place on the basis of ideas, emotions, and memories. Ronald Jones, describes the practice as working with disciplines, which is an integration between concepts, methods, and theories. According to Jones, the mission of Experience Design is to persuade, stimulate, inform, envision, entertain, and forecast events, influencing meaning and modifying human behavior. Experience designers create experiences that brings change in behavior amongst clients, users, visitors, audiences. Study of how other tourist places have been developed for improving the visitors experience: Eiffel tower, Taj Mahal, Pyramid of Egypt, Great Wall of China provides incredibly powerful image for their respective destinations. These destination works to build an experience for the visitors. Lubbe Berendien,page 154, part5 Tourism management in Southern Africa EIFFEL TOWER Introduction:The Eiffel Tower is located on the bank of the Seine River which is northwestern of the Champ de Mars, Paris. It was build to celebrate 100th anniversary of French revolution. It was built as an entrance arch for an international exposition held in Paris in 1889. After the exposition closed everything was dismantled, the tower remained, to help recover the costs of its construction. It was supposed to be dismantled after 20 years, in 1909, but by then it being useful as a radio transmission tower was discovered by the military. Http:// Build by: The engineering firm of Alexander Gustave Eiffel. Height: Till May 28, 1930, Eiffel Tower was the tallest structure till Chrysler building in New York City, United States. Http:// Reaction of people in 1800s for Eiffel Tower: It was treated as an eye sore. Parisian novelist Guy de Maupassant used to dine very frequently in Eiffels restaurant because thats the only place where he could not see the tower. He wasnt alone in not liking the structure. If it hadnt proven so useful for radio communications it would have been dismantled in 1909, at the end of the lease period. Present scenario: Paris tops ranking in global city image study. GfK roper public affairs media and simon anholt Roper (worlds fourth largest market research company) release 2009 City Brands Index, which captures consumer perception of the image and reputation of 50 major cities worldwide. The Eiffel Tower is the most visited paid monument in the world and it is one of the most recognized structures on earth. In 2009, Paris topped the GfK anholt city brands index and the Eiffel tower is visually a big part of that brand. Eiffel Tower from inside: The structure has three platforms, to reach to different elevations either stairs or elevators can be taken, in which stairs are only allowed till 2nd elevation, to go to the summit elevator is a compulsion. Counting from the ground, there are 347 steps to the first level, 674 steps tothe second level, and 1710 steps to the third level. While climbing up one can read the small boards explaining about the history of Eiffel tower. Http:// Facilities for visitors: Level 1: This is the largest platform, with room for a cafe, post office with special Eiffel Tower stamp and small museum called Cineiffel showing a short film about the history of the Eiffel Tower and, Souvenir shop. Other attractions on this level include the grand historical staircase, the one Gustave himself used to climb to his office on the top. Level 2: One can experience viewing Paris with telescope, souvenir shops, animated displays on the operation of the elevators, restaurant. Http:// Level 3: Office of Gustave Eiffel. Scale model presenting the history of the platform. It is here one will be able to see that the tower is of communication and transmission importance as it has dozens of antennas of radio and television. There is a table while indicates the Parisian landmarks and distance of Eiffel tower from other places in the world. Engraved names: The names of 72 French scientists, engineers and famous individuals were graved by Gustave Eiffel, under the first balcony, with 18 names on each side. This has been done to pay tribute. Commemorate the French presidency: In mid-2008, the tower was lit from the outside in blue. Visitors Comments, suggestions, tips and their experience Pariss Image:  · Place to fall in love with.  · For the ultimate romantic feeling, theres no need to travel across the globe. Words from Eiffel tower manager: Melissa Drumheller::  · At nighttime, its very romantic, and Eiffel Tower is a popular romantic destination.  · During the day, you get a view of all these mountains which is a phenomenal view. Suggestion by visitors: 1. Visit at Night: It is agreed that Eiffel Tower is magical at night, going up to different elevations ad observing streets of Paris is a visual delight, and makes you realize why Paris is called City of light. 2. Tour to mechanical room: Visitors interested in mechanics can have a look of how Eiffel tower works. Original machineries are placed with current Eiffel tower control room, and the visitors can learn about the construction of the tower. Http:// Http:// 3. Send a Postcard: On the First floor of the tower is a post office. Send postcard with Eiffel Tower postmark to make the trip memorable. Http:// 4. Souvenirs: Around Eiffel tower one can find many vendors selling the Eiffel tower souvenirs, interested people can buy. 5. Visit to the website: visit to the Eiffel tower websites news page, it lists current events taking place on the tower. Http:// Http:// Experience of one of the visitors to Eiffel tower: Akash Bhasin My day started with the touring of the Eiffel tower. The tower has glass-walled elevators which get to the first, second and top platforms. There is a ticket to enter the tower which is around 12-14 euros. Nevertheless, I purchased the ticket and started my journey, the journey of eiffel. Everything about eiffel is special, starting from the entry gate, the glass-walled elevators which gives you a wide view of the lovely city. As there are three levels in the tower, I halted at each one of them as I wanted to have the feel from different altitudes. At last I reached the Top most platform of the eiffel tower. The moment I stepped outside the elevators I was flabbergasted with the view I saw. It was a lifetime view, the one I used to see in my dreams. As I was on a height of 300 meters, there was fear inside but I outstripped it and moved towards the corner. The view of the Paris city I saw from there cannot be defined. It was the most mind-blowing and fabulous scene I have ever in my life. From the top I could see the sienne river just below me, the high-rise just opposite the tower, a playground and traffic moving like ants. The humans from the top were barely visible. On the Top platform, there were arrangements for a pantry and other basic necessities. There was a room in which an effigy of Gustave Eiffel was placed. In another room, there was a list of countries and their distance from the Eiffel tower. I saw India distance that was about 6600 kms, I felt great to see that. I stayed for an hour on that platform and gazed at the view so that I can capture it through my eyes and store in my memory forever and ever. It was lovely, it was great. I actually felt that love in the air, felt like in serene nirvana. This is the moment of my life I actually lived. Statue of Liberty Introduction: The Statue of Liberty or known as Liberty Enlightening the World is a sculpture on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, it was designed by Frà ©dà ©ric Bartholdi on October 28, 1886. The statue was a gifted to the United States by the people of France. The female figure represents Liberates, the Roman goddess of freedom, she holds a torch and a tabula ansata i.e., a tablet which represents the law upon which is inscribed the date of the American Declaration of Independence. A broken chain is placed at her feet. The statue is an iconic symbol of freedom, liberty and of the United States. Idea and people behind its making: Bartholdi a sculpture was inspired by French law professor and politician Édouard Renà © de Laboulaye, he commented in 1865 that any monument raised to American independence would properly be a joint project of the French and American peoples. In June 1871,Bartholdi went to New York Harbor, he their fixed on Bedloes Island as a site for the statue, because vessels arrive in New York has to cross that island, which is owned by United States government. In 1875, Laboulaye offered that the French can finance the statue and the Americans canprovide the pedestal and the site for it. Bartholdi visited U.S President Ulysses S. Grant, where he was assured that is would not be difficult to get the site for the statue. The framework was by Euge-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc and Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel. Public appearance of the statue: Bartholdi completed the head and the arm holding torch, before the statue was completely designed; two pieces were exhibited for publicity at international expositions. The arm was displayed in New Yorks Madison Square Park between 1876 to 1882. Fund-raising: Efforts were made to raise funds for construction of pedestal in America, but till 1885 work on the pedestal was a big question due to lack of funds. Publisher Joseph Pulitzer started a drive for donations to complete the project. This campaign inspired over 1,20,000 contributors. Construction and Assembly: The statue was constructed in France and was shipped to United States and it was then assembled on the pedestal of what it was then named Bedloes Island. The statues completion was celebrated by New Yorks first ticker-tape parade and a ceremony by President Grover Cleveland. Encharge: The statue was under United States Lighthouse Board until 1901, then it was under Department of War till 1933; since then, it has been looked after by the National Park Service. Renovation: The statue was closed because of renovation in 1938. In the early 1980s, it was found that it had deteriorated to such an extent that a major renovation was required. For the same reason statue was closed from 1984 to 1986. The torch and a large part of the structure were then replaced. After the September 11, 2001 attacks, the statue was closed for safety reasons. It then reopened in 2004. Its again scheduled to close by late 2011. Meaning of the statue: The seven rays form a halo or an aureole. They mean the sun, the seven seas, and the seven continents, and the torch represents Liberty enlightens the world. Bartholdis models concept, a female figure in represents liberty, wearing a stole (which is a gown and cloak, and it is common in depictions of Roman goddesses). The face was modeled after sculptors mother Charlotte Beysser Bartholdi. He gave it bold classical look and applied simplified The erected statue is over a broken chain, it is half-hidden by her robes and it is difficult to see from the ground. He decided on to a tabula ansata, a keystone-shaped tablet which is used to realate to the concept of law, he chose to inscribe JULY IV MDCCLXXVI, indicating the date of the countrys Declaration of Independence. Usage of the statue as an Icon: 1971 US airmail stamp depicted the head of the Statue of Liberty. It appeared on coins which were issued to mark its centennial in 1986. An image of the statue was decided for the American eagle platinum bullion coins in 1997. It also appears on the back side of the currently issued series of Presidential Dollar which are currently circulating coins. Two images of the statues torch also appear on the current ten-dollar bill. In between 1986 and 2000, New York State had issued license plates on which statue was used. The Womens National Basketball Associations New York Liberty uses both the statues name and its image as their logo. The New York Rangers of the National Hockey League had the statues head on their third jersey which began in 1997. The National Collegiate Athletic Associations 1996 Mens Basketball Final Four, again had statue on their jersey and used it as their logo. Replica in circulation: A tiny version of the original statue, approx. one-fifth the height of the original, was gifted by the American community in Paris to France. For a patriotic tribute, the Boy Scouts of America, as part to encourage and strengthen the Arm of Liberty campaign in 1949 to 1952, donated about two hundred replicas of the statue to states and municipalities across the United States. Media: In the movies, the torch of the statue helped to set the climax of director Alfred Hitchcocks 1942film Saboteur. The statue was featured as the most famous cinematic appearances in the 1968 picture Planet of the Apes, in which it was shown half-buried in sand. It was destroyed in the science-fiction films Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow, and Clover field. In Jack Finneys time-travel novel Time and Again, the right arm of the statue, played a crucial role. On October 15, 1924 it was announced to be US National Monument, and in 1984 it was announced to be a UNESCO world heritage site. Presentation to Public: Inside the statue is a museum for visitors to get to know about the history, importance of the place and about the great minds behind its making, for this the picture gallery is set there, they have audio visual media and multimedia presentations for explaining it easy and convenient way. For kids special program has been installed to get to know the place better and understand it in fun and easy way. For this a program called Junior ranger has been set up in which children from age group of 7-12 can participate. Children are given assignment sheets in which they have to complete the assignment which asks questions about the Statue, answers to which could be found from visiting museum and asking questions from the ranger. In this way the children learn about the statue which will remain with them for time, and as a reward on the completion of the assignment they get certificate and a batch. The Wall of Honor The American Immigrants Wall of Honor at Ellis Island, which is outside the statue, is the largest Wall on which names are written in the world. Over 7,00,000 names are currently inscribed. People can have your family name inscribed at Ellis Island. Along with the inscription people receive a certificate and their names will be listed in Ellis islands website which is an online virtual wall, which can be viewed world wide over the Internet. Benefits of a Name on the Wall of Honor: It is a permanent inscription on The American Immigrant Wall of Honor, which featured exhibit at the Ellis Island Immigration Museum. A listing is done of the honorees name and their country of origin, on the Virtual Wall where it can be viewed by the world. And, most importantly, people know that for ages to come their familys name will be on display at Ellis Island, which honors their familys unique contribution to Americas heritage. Visits to places (for primary data collection): Red Fort: It is known for magnificent history of India, where Kings stayed and gave their judgement. To explain the history of India to audience the light and sound medium is used as a tool. Human mind retains more when it hears or see, rather than what it reads, so they work on the same lines and presents history in a fun and interesting way. Gandhi Smriti: It is place where Gandhiji spend last few days of his life. It is an interactive museum, using electronic media. It try to explain about India and Gandhijis Life, they work on the lines of the more you do it yourself the more you gain. I observed the visitor themselves get so involved that it definitely creates an experience and the visit become worth and does not go waste. Finding and Analysis Now in 21st century due to time factor and pollution the marking of the Delhi observatory has become invisible, which means it does not work anymore. Now when visitors visit this place they do not understand how it used to work, because it was all visual game. Though the shadow falls, but the observer needs the marking to find out the time. Visitors to Jantar Mantar and Their activities: {VISUALS} What do visitors do in Jantar Mantar: 1. Get their pictures clicked. 2. Climb up the stairs. 3. Walk. 4. Relax. 5. Wait when some official work nearby has. 6. Some read the description on the boards. 7. College goers come to pass time when they bunk classes. 8. Couples find this place private. 9. Hang out with friends. There are two options available to describe the instruments at Jantar Mantar, guides, and these descriptive boards. Visitors visit and their feedback: One of the visitors to the observatory was a Physics professor from Bangalore, he was extremely keen to understand the instruments because of which he went through every descriptive boards. He was able to get a fair idea that different instruments are used for different purpose. But he was not able to understand how it used to work, what are the different components in an instrument about which is described in board. He was bit upset on his visit, so he gave suggestions to improve the place. 1. To have a scale model of all the instruments, so that the visitors can visually observe the time without imagining reading description about it. 2. As the place is closed in night, and it has a lot of meaning for night time i.e, stars are tracked by using instruments, so to make the visitors clear picture Gallery should be developed. 3. Descriptive boards can be more for one instrument as one board which has too much of text is bit unpleasant to read, it will increase the amount of information which the visitors get. 4. Mentioning of other near by places in Jantar Mantar. 5. The descriptions could be more in audio visual form which the will enable the visitor to retain the images in mind. 6. Package should be developed for educational trips to the place. From other visitors: Something should be done to bring out it functional value to the visitors as the main aim to visit the observatory is to observe time. Current image of Jantar Mantar from visitors point of view: So now Jantar Mantar has built an image for itself in the mind of visitors especially local people, which is that its a place 1. To have fun, 2. Where you can hang out, 3. It has apparently become the famous place for the couples because of which many youngsters go there for bird watching, 4. it is famous for all protest related activities in the city. Visitors see this place like this because what they want they do not get to see that there, i.e., The working observatory. Visitors from the entire globe come to view this ancient astronomical delight to fill their curious minds about the usage of the various tools and methods applied during those past centuries for calculations and predictions, but their curious minds remains unanswered. For now Jantar Mantar is not creating or have impact on visitors mind, it fails when it comes to leave an impact on visitors mind. Its not the fault of the place or the monument since it is an observatory and visitors visit it to see how in ancient time, these giant structures used to work, they come with curious minds which apparently remains curious because there answers do not get solved, as the observatory is a non working structure now as its marking has got erased over the period of time. A place builds its image at following step:- On the visit plays a major role as the visitors come to the place and experience it but if that experience is not memorable or something that person does not feel proud about his post visit activities would not be there, as in the visitor will not spread about it, will not post anything/less on internet, will not be encouraged to write articles. 1st visitors post visit become the prior to visit of the 2nd visitor, so its a circle/ chain which is followed. Example: when the 1st visitor visits to Eiffel tower, on the visit he is offered a package to experience so many things, and he takes back home a bag full of experience and memories so post visit he will be encouraged to spread about it amongst the friends, will upload pictures, write up on internet and will share the memories with people around, will have souvenir to share, and will be encouraged to write an article. :: this is what happens when people come after their tour to Eiffel. Now his post visit will be prior to visit for other potential visitors, who will be encouraged to plan a visit to the place. Conclusion Jantar Mantar being an astronomical and astrological observatory has all visual appeal and because of its non working instruments its main motive has disappeared. Visitors visit a place like observatory expecting to make observations using instruments, markings and shadow but on their arrival the scenario changes. In short, their experiences are not great in terms of gaining or understanding the purpose of the monument. While the other tourist places attract more tourists and have a better name because they let their purpose of existence come across the people and they make sure it does not wash off, which creates a space in memory of visitors. Synopsis Jantar Mantar, Delhi, is place which holds great astronomical and astrological value since 1700s when it was build my Jaipurs Maharaja Jai Singh Sawai II, to track the stars, sun and moon placement. The present day scenario is that everything sells because it try to creates a memory or emotional bond with the people. Jantar Mantar is one of the monuments which attracts large number of audiences one of the reason except for its values is that its in Connaught place. Observatory is not working now, the visitors except for large red structure dont get to see anything as the observatory is something in which you observe and not imagine, the same happens with every visitors. A lot of imaginations go in for those who are interested in knowing the working of observatory, which can be misleading. Now, its the age to sell place by providing a unique experience, the other tourists places are doing it by creating an whole package for the visitors, which they can take home as a nice experience. Travel has become a part of lifestyle and tourist plans there tour keeping in mind the place which suits there style. The tourist places follow it, although it make the place commercial and might hurt the sentiments of the stake holders, but for doing so related authorities should agree and then think about the changes, and improvements. Its the time when Jantar Mantar s
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Emerging Themes In A Country Doctor English Literature Essay
Emerging Themes In A Country Doctor English Literature Essay A Country Doctor is a short story written by Franz Kafka (1883-1924), a Polish Jew renowned for his distinctive literature. It is the story of a rural doctor who is called upon to attend to a patient in circumstances of perfect difficulty-deep in the night, amid a severe snowstorm, to travel ten miles when he has lately lost to the cold the life of his horse that draws his carriage. His maids efforts to search around for a borrowed horse are fruitless-as the doctor himself anticipates. Acting in frustration he kicks open an old disused pigsty, and from it proceeds help: a groom and two horses to his aid-or so he believes-only for the groom to set him up for the journey and then unexpectedly remain to embark on fulfilling his violent lust on the doctors defenceless maid, as he has wickedly proclaimed intent. The doctor arrives in no time and is briskly shown to the patient, who immediately makes his desire to die privately known to the doctor, causing this journey to reveal itself to the doctor as an exercise in futility, especially as he recollects the desperate situation he has left his maid in on account of his own imprudent departure, and as he initially fails to see what is ailing the invalid youth. He rejects the old hosts courtesy of a drink of rum offered, feigning attention to the patients case in spite of his foregone conclusion. It soon becomes clear that he plans to leave the young man unattended, but amid all the unease this realisation causes on the hosts, he is helped by a maidens holding of a bloody cloth to see the patients wound near his hip-a festering ugly rose-like wound with large worms wriggling inside. The hosts soon strip off his clothes and cast him beside the patient on the wounded side as children sing strangely outside, and the two are left alone together. The doctor is forced to calm the patient to tranquil death with somewhat self-excusing arguments. He is keen to escape this situation and hurriedly climbs a horse naked, dragging the other one, the carriage and fur coat along, but the horses make no haste, painfully suspending him in the moment of feeling empty and wasted. Challenged first with the requirement to be capable of responding urgently to a patients call in spite of inconvenient timing, distance and weather; secondly with the requirement to procure means in a situation of unanticipated lack which highlights his precarious unsociability (or that of his neighbours); thirdly, the requirement to protect his vulnerable maid from an explicit threat of a sex predator at a time when duty calls elsewhere; and fourthly, the requirement to make a correct professional decision, faced with a patient who wants to be helped to die and amid feelings and thoughts of guilt, the doctor is dismayed to find himself failing too often. Even after he finds these challenges daunting, he is left to wallow in frustrations he encounters: one being his ultimate inability to rescue his maid; he is incapable of being urgently helpful to her despite meaning to be all along since he left for duty. Things do not work out for him as he had hoped, though initially it is a frustration to him as well that she is abandoned to this vile groom who prefers to delight himself in her misery over accompanying the doctor as the doctor had expected. Yet another is that he finds himself unable to treat his patient-he does not end up curing him. Furthermore, the patient does not even wish to be cured; he wishes to die, and is hostile to the doctors attendance. The doctor finds the whole journey amounting to a response to a false alarm, with added professional frustrations, which rubbed it in how truly unhappy and humiliated it makes his life. Initially, the death of his faithful old horse was a frustration that he hoped to overcome, but it persists as he finds that the horses he is newly experiencing only serve to complicate his predicament, as if by some conspiracy of circumstances, in the manner which they ride him off when he wishes to stay and help his frightened maid; and they walk him ever so slowly back whereas he wishes to escape his unpleasant ordeal and return to redeem his already his already molested Rosa. Perhaps we can call this short story a nightmare. Perhaps it is a literal nightmare-that is plausible-owing to the psychological intensity of the narrated experience. The author almost seems to rush and club together the doctors experiences, giving him such little control, and all along portraying how intense the doctors emotions and thoughts are over the whole ordeal. Or it may be viewed as a metaphorical nightmare; a narration of events that anyone would hate to experience in real life as they fictionally occurred to the country doctor, the main character of the story. Arguably, though, some events in the story occur in a manner somehow fraught with mystery, such as the plot-convenient and plot-rescuing presence of the pigsty, from which come this groom and these horses which serve to deepen the doctors personal crisis; the mischievous and uncharacteristic but highly aware songs which the children sing and the intelligent behaviour of the horses. But there are themes which emerge in this story. One is the dilemma of professional occupation and domestic or private obligation. This theme is demonstrated especially in that moment when the doctor helplessly witnesses his maid being ambushed by the groom, as he is ridden off in his carriage to work. The predicament haunts him throughout his call of duty, and is regularly brought to stark remembrance as he works, causing in him an inner restlessness and emptiness. Some commentators have shown this theme as being pertinent in Kafkas life-he is torn between happiness in relationships and his writing career. Another is the moral complexities professional ethics face, as in the case of euthanasia in the medical profession. Is it right to cure a patient who wishes to die? Should a doctor have to make such a decision? Might a doctor sometimes lack the will or form to be helpful to a patient owing to a personal or private crisis? What happens then? Should he be forced to work-is such compulsion successful anyway? Moreover, there is an apparent thematic conspiracy of circumstances, and its potential to change a persons perspective to life. Is it an ordinary thing-and is it good? Especially because we see another theme: the doctor is plunged into an existential crisis. All what he values in his life -both private and professional-is under attack, and he fails to satisfy his own standards and expectations of himself. Is private life worth sacrificing for profession-particularly if profession is potentially life-saving? Could it be that sacrificing private life ends up destroying ones professional competence? Clearly though, the choices sometimes may have to be mutually exclusive, and the individual risks suffering helpless regret whichever way. Kafka, Franz. A Country Doctor. Trans. Ian Johnston. Nanaimo, BC: Malaspina University-College, 21 Feb. 2009. Web. 18 May 2010. Soman, Ebey. Literary analysis: The Country Doctor, by Franz Kafka. Helium, Inc. Web. 21 May 2010. Bernardo, Karen. Franz Kafkas The Country Doctor. Web. 21 May 2010.
Social Anxiety :: Biology Essays Research Papers
Social Anxiety A woman hates to stand in line in the grocery store because she's afraid that everyone is watching her. She knows that it's not really true, but she can't shake the feeling. While she is shopping, she is conscious of the fact that people might be staring at her from the big mirrors on the inside front of the ceiling. Now, she has to talk to the person who's checking out her groceries. She tries to smile, but her voice comes out weakly. She's sure she's making a fool of herself. Her self-consciousness and anxiety rise to the roof...(Richards 1) (1). A student won't attend her university classes on the first day because she knows that in some classes the professor will instruct them to go around the room and introduce themselves. Just thinking about sitting there, waiting to introduce herself to a roomful of strangers who will be staring at her makes her feel nauseous. She knows she won't be able to think clearly because her anxiety will be so high, and she is sure she will leave out important details...The anxiety is just too much to bear---so she skips the first day of class to avoid the possibility of having to introduce herself in class... (Richards 2) (2). These are just two examples of how people who suffer from social anxiety disorder feel about social situations and everyday interactions. Their fears can be paralyzing. Social anxiety disorder is the third largest psychological problem in the United States. It affects approximately 15 million Americans every year. It is a widely misunderstood disorder, where nearly 90% of people with social anxiety disorder are misdiagnosed. They are often misdiagnosed with schizophrenia, manic-depression, clinical depression, panic disorder, and or personality disorder (Richards 1-3). Misdiagnosis and undertreatment of anxiety disorders, according to "The Economic Burden of Anxiety Disorders," a study commissioned by the ADAA, costs the United States more than $42 billion a year and more than $22.84 billion is linked to the repeated use of healthcare services for symptoms that mimic physical illness. In addition, people with anxiety disorder are three-to-five times more likely to go to the doctor and six times more likely to be hospitalized for psychiatric disorders when compared to those who do not suffer from anxiety disorders ("Brief Overview of Anxiety Disorder s" 2) (3). Social anxiety disorder can be defined as the persistent fear of one or more social or performance situations in which the person is exposed to unfamiliar people or to possible scrutiny by others, and where exposure to such situations provokes anxiety.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Supremacy :: essays research papers
THE NATURAL DESIRE FOR THE SUPREMACY OF ONE â€Å"The frogs, grieved at having no established Ruler, sent ambassadors to Jupiter entreating for a King. Perceiving their simplicity, he cast down a huge log into the lake. The Frogs were terrified at the splash occasioned by its fall and hid themselves in the depths of the pool. But as soon as they realized that the huge log was motionless, they swam again to the top of the water, dismissed their fears, climbed up, and began squatting on it in contempt. After some time they began to think themselves ill-treated in the appointment of so inert a Ruler, and sent a second deputation to Jupiter to pray that he would set over them another sovereign. He then gave them an Eel to govern them. When the Frogs discovered his easy good nature, they sent yet a third time to Jupiter to beg him to choose for them still another King. Jupiter, displeased with all their complaints, sent a Heron, who preyed upon the Frogs day by day till there were none left to croak upon the lake.†     Aesop’s fable tells of a problem that has existed throughout history, the need for supremacy. Someone always has to be the best, the leader, the ultimate judge, and without this ranking, the people are never satisfied. There is a need for humans to classify others into the general categories of inferior and superior and the ultimate superior is necessary. This tendency has led many nations to create a form of rule with only one leader which although can at times be beneficial is always a waiting disaster. This has been a tendency through out history that has led to the downfall of many civilizations and is also a basis in religion and can be seen in many aspects of today’s society.      Before civilization began, humans existed as nomadic wonderers. People looked nothing like the people of today and they spent their existence surviving. Not only did they look different, they lived differently as well. Very little would be recognizable to the people of today and their way of life was altogether different than the human way of life today. However, supremacy still existed in these nomadic tribes. Evidences have been found, showing there to be a chief or key person who looked over the tribe and served as the ruler. This shows that from the beginning of time people have had this desire to rule or be ruled over.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
A Risk That Paid Off Essay
One of the biggest risks that paid off was my husband and I agreeing for him to join the Marine Corps. It required us to up and move our family from Utah to California with no friends or family around for support in times of hardship, which tends to come a lot with being a military family. I had to learn to take control of everything from paying the bills to taking care of the house and vehicles because of his training, field ops, and deployments which required him to be gone for weeks or months at a time. When he deploys I have to raise the kids on my own which is a challenge in itself. It creates chaos for the kids emotionally and they begin to act out at home and at school. They lose respect for both of us when he is gone. Having family time and alone time with each other becomes very limited because of his work schedule. We never know when our family time will be or even if there will be family time. With that being said you can only imagine how hard it is to get alone time together. I believe this all has and continues to pay off because I have created a whole new family within the Corps, I have made new friends that can never be replaced and only they can truly understand the struggles I go through better than any of my friends and family from home ever could. I have learned to be more self-reliant maintaining our household on my own. As far as our marriage it continues to get stronger with communication and we cherish each and every moment more than we ever have before as a family and as a couple.
The History Of The Systemic Approach Education Essay
In fact, survive with deliberation machines in the educate dayroom, it is a spot similar populating with an elephant, it is nerve-racking, it is cumbrous, it is upseting. What do you make with an elephant. We guess to c altogether down the otherwise tame. This is plan, efforts to consist them into indoctrinate daying pattern. just how? Changing wonts and behaviour. however alteration is involved, it requires be aftering, mustiness be checked and it is non gentle to pull off an elephant, nor the usage of computer science machine equipment.A A A Ab by 25 old ages past that we be fiddleing to co-ordinatedd in the altogether engine rooms in dissimilar states. At different rates, depending on altering the joys, advantagees and failures in supremacyion some losing forbearance, argue that it is an ageless and merely separately cringle of the coiling considers us innovative farther in front. The rail exchange and usage of progressively engineerings and dig ital resources to consolidate these alterations. tack, innovate, integrate, absorb engineering sassy The engineering in the inform go away be late if t for each oneing organization that employs is juvenile. A A A unrivaled behavior to alter their schooling patterns is to incorporate digital engineerings in their instruction patterns. But it must be remembered that this alteration does non usher in. For at that place to be dodge, ICT incorporate should advance the maturation of virtuoso or to a greater extent of the following(prenominal) rulesA A A A increased contact teachers-students or outer space A A A A set up high expected values vis-a-vis pupilsA A A A rear get a lineing reactive, proactive and synergistic A A A A facilitate strong and immediate feed posterior A A A A better and increase the trim of mint and reading A A A A promote various(a) endowment A A A A enhance cooperation among pupils.A A A If the usage of ICT is non contri scarcelying to th e instruction of one or the other of these rules, so there is alteration, more(prenominal)over there is no pedagogical creation. But how and with what tools burn we go up the educational development of these rules?The exoteric dedicateations of new engineerings in schools atomic number 18 non connected to the supply or edification of machines poop non promote believing that it is easier to fault the machines take educational Finally, everything is at that place, new engineerings in schools go out be new if the teaching method that employs is new or instead re-create. A A A Is that correct? be at that place baronial utilizations of engineering in instruction live togethering with weakening or unworthy intents? This is improbable. It is instead a inquiry of development, integration quantity. We must larn to utilize simple engineerings before embarking into complicated utilizations.A A A To introduce through engineering, we must foremost be concerned pupils and so lay claim care of tools. This is the foundation of a human-centredic, interdisciplinary and anthropocentric and a arrangingic fervour to figure in instruction and basic reengineering the school utilizing engineering.A A A alike frequently, the consummation of cultivation engineering is down the stairs the mark of improvisation. We believed, and still believe one of the innovators , the diffusion of an invention in instruction is by osmosis and contagious disease nearby. This visual modality of Utopian procedure returns as follows a instructor sets up an advanced initiate utilizing ICT in the schoolroom. Spontaneously, co- ca-caers, intrigued by both invention and covetous of such(prenominal) a success, raring(predicate) to transform their teaching method, innovate and take part in this educational success. average direct them the know-how. The shriveling expands and shortly the upstanding school is tainted by the new engineerings, each wishing to have an e lephant in its socio-economic classA A A Unfortunately, invention is non spread in this manner in the field of instruction. It agree, this scheme has non vicarious delivered the judge instants. Few thousand early adoptive parents have non solely spread in their schools. Colleagues in the innovator did non spontaneously covet innovate or chambarder their teaching method, or rearrange their classs. They did non instantly agreed that the success of an invention undertaking was due to the engineering, eve if it was really present in the undertaking. In this vision of spontaneousness of the diffusion of invention, we must oppose dustatic and general attack.A A A The general attack is divided into four phases.First measure, the system is in equilibrium manoeuvreal school. each(prenominal) histrion ( manager, instructors, pupils, professionals, director, support staff ) takes his take to the woods and the system is runing usually. It accomplishes its mission decently and wh olly? If so, there is no demand to interrupt, the chambarder. Otherwise, the school does non let pupils to develop adequately its function in society. The school system is so critiqued and challenged. It is tog to alter it.Second measure, given up the insufficiencies of the school prodigal inventions are introduced doing electrical shock moving ridges and instability.Third phase, the school system responds to this instability in two ship canal a ) rejection of encrustation to maintain the aforesaid(prenominal) old balance unstable and unsatisfying B ) if the first maneuver did non work so the school system efforts to incorporate new, save minimising its effectivity and impact It is riotous and instructors seeking to incorporate engineering barely altering nil in their instruction. Teachers try once more with these new tools the alike(p) as before but more frequently and more rapidly.Fourth measure, if the tactical integrating harmonic rejection or non fonctionnees so the s ystem tries to absorb new engineering and animate a new systemic functional balance. Then there is replacement of learning patterns. These four stairss are carried out consecutive and the procedure can be accelerated or stopped at any clip. This is why it is so of importing when presenting technological inventions in instruction proviso in continuance, to persist and to maximise the lush and destabilizing. Until a new equilibrium is non reached systemic one can state that an institution is in the procedure of integrating but non assimilation. If the advanced release system wildness per unit area on the freshness consequence may regress and everything can be once more.A A A Furthermore, it is of import non to pout and success when instructors say the engineering employ in their pattern non yet to the full renewed you must make out the clip advance to go on doing the coveted alterations. therefrom the innovators , backed up by the governments, can distribute the freshness and contaminated the whole community.3. The locution for a successful execution Let us all engineerings, but Lashkar-e-Taiba s slave ordinal number number A A A Already in 1987, the innovators of the integrating of engineering in learning had discovered the formula for a successful execution. 5 present it is3.1. IngredientsA A A A Strong political allow which beef cattle up topical anesthetic directors in their attempts and back up firm instructors.A A A A Significant pecuniary resources and provided yearly for several old ages, conditions for long-run planning.A A A A Many calculation machines, efficient, dependable, accessible, networked and connected to the earnings for teleco and learning communities.A A A A Powerful applications, stable, dedicated, easy to utilize, drug user friendly and supply entree to meat and quality digital resources seamlessly incorporate subjects.A A A A culture and support in nigh(a) measure and at a changeless advert and stea dy.A A A A A systemic integrating consequence of a happy complicity between the spouses in instruction ( instructors, principals, counsellors, engineering directors ) .A A A A Time for instructors, clip for contemplation, for set, for planning of larning state of affairss and rating ( SAE ) authentic, contextualized and draw in conformity with the proviso plan.3.2 cookeryA A A Each of these ingredients should be available in high-priced measure and assorted in proportions that equip regional liberty and the sensitiveness of local histrions ( schools ) . For illustration, the Commission scolaire de la Seigneurie-des-Mille-Iles lists five phases of ICT integrating in instruction entry, acceptance, version, appropriation and insane asylum. The innovation is the phase where the instructor imagine new utilizations for enriching the preparation plan 10 . Depending on the phase identified resource demands, preparation and support may change. This is the first parting to see when planning integrated and contextualised by a systemic attack.A A A Regarding pupils, without desiring to give the urban parable sing the genetically programmed eruditeness who would be born between a pussyfoot and a keyboard , we must acknowledge that many are non expected the happening to standard into the schoolroom, or connected Television chance to collaborate.A A A If provision and ingredients are non sufficient quality and measure, mayo may non acquire as stress this illustrated Barriers to ICT for instructor. tekki .3.3 Tips and TricksA A A This recipe known in 1987 and ingeminate in 1997 13 , should be reissued in 2007 for everyone to retrieve that the foundation of engineering has non appeared at once and will non vanish with him. Sing its diffusion in instruction, there is a universe of distinction.A A A However, nowhere resources will non be sufficient to save the impatient. Two digressive forces hinder this obligate March towards ICT everyplace for e verything and for all, at least in industrialised society. First, the human and fiscal resources are scarce and must be shared among multiple precedences. More bills to engage instructors or purchase equipment?A A A There is so the opposition to alter. Throughout the West, school systems are shaken interviewed and this uncertainness before school decision makers and instructors do non desire to be confused disrupted rushed. The instructor of the present clip is a tired expectant male band and this schematisation of his public presentation ( Figure 2 below ) begins its resiliency and helps to deter.4. The effectivity of digital engineerings for learning It takes a small town to assist a kid with a computer. A A A For the school adapts to alterations in engineering and integrates deliberation machine and Internet, you unavoidableness a vision-based acquisition ecology of the school is based on the construct of computerized acquisition environment, what, in like manner known a s digital work environment ( DWE ) , concrete campus or practicable office work 16 . Specifying the school as a acquisition environment, it is refocusing on acquisition and, therefore, more efficient usage of its resources. This is when they are situated in rich acquisition environments, including rough-and-ready cognitive tools, these are existent or practical environments that kids every bit good as grownups, learn and develop intellectually and socially.A A A Christian Barrette, an analyst at the Association for search in college ( CRA ) , has compiled a batch of investigate on the effectivity of new engineerings for learning and larning. 17 Barrette concludes that ICTs are effectual when they are portion of a structured educational finely diversified acquisition activities and pedagogical attacks. In other words, the course of involve offers larning of cognition, thoughts, constructs, and accomplishments development ( cognition, know-how, accomplishments ) and the ins tructor must cognize how to utilize ICT sagely to accomplish all these ends.A A A positivist the look into of Professor Marcel Lebrun Louvain-La-Neuve 18 proposes to consolidate Barrette pedagogical attacks into three categories-behavioral attacks empiricist, positivist, humanist and cognitive-constructivist which it associates the technological point of position the applications and attacks reactive, proactive and synergistic. Should prefer the constructivist attack when utilizing ICT at school? Not needfully run into Barrette. We need to diversify pedagogical attacks, learning methods and digital tools. And the research worker noted that Among these attacks, the emergent of societal constructivism in pedagogical discourse, but small in pattern. It has been said around it, it could be good served by these engineerings that facilitated communicating and exchange in the transmutation of information into cognition meaningful. The empirical grounds, drawn from the research revi ewed, indicate that it is possible that ICTs are besides centered attacks to knowledge transportation ( behaviourism reactive manner ) or cognizant control of cognitive accomplishments ( proactive manner and cognitivism involuntary ) .A A A The reappraisal of undertakings and technological devices for larning ( larning state of affairss or learning scenarios and computing machine system ) really shows that these devices fall into three householdsA A A A devices bring oning larning public presentation ( behaviourism, reagent ) A A A A bespeaking devices metacognition ( cognitivism, proactive reflexive ) A A A A devices back uping cooperative acquisition ( constructivism, synergistic ego ) .A A A Lesson effectual digest of assorted surveies reviewed by Barrette is hence as follows have be effectual preparation devices ( attack, method, activity, larning state of affairs, digital tools ) A A A A bring oning larning public presentation ( show ) and utilizing adaptative tools and differentiated exercisings repeated as gymnastic apparatuss, tutorials, educational games, lifes, chiefly used in the schoolroom or computing machine labA A A A seeking metacognition and utilizing tools such as tutorials, dynamic geometry, demos, simulators, scheduling, robotics, drawings, portfolios in single activities that extend beyond the schoolroom or research lab A A A A back uping collaborative acquisition with tools such as practical preparation environments, wikis, web logs, electronic mails, forums, preparation platforms, which support active communities of exchange and cooperation curiously outside of the schoolroom or computing machine lab.A A A Figure 3 summarizes these three pedagogical attacks and this for each definition of acquisition, the scholar, the instructor s function, the position of cognition, learning methods and illustrations of digital tools pet. You will besides happen the didactic rules that promote educational invention and educational success. em piricismBehaviorismRationalismCognitivismHumanitarianismConstructivism translation of larning alteration in discernible behaviours. Change in ways of thought and work outing jobs.Cognitive struggles. Change in ways of thought, in co-creation activities.Motivate.Definition of larning larn reactive hearing, watching, reacts and attempts once more. Active acquisition, information processor, treat the information, automatic procedure, high outlook Interactive Learning, cognition builder which initiates a undertaking and self-regulating, reflective, high outlook constituent of the instructor sender of information and cognition. It presents, describes, schematically, programs and cheques. handler of acquisition, usher, leads, directs, advocate says, is sing jobs, regulates redress. Guide, Zanzibar copal, aid, cause, inquiries, organizes, provides, suggests redresss and allowed to move, suggests ego situation of cognition / skills nonsubjective external institution that the pupil must g et, assimilate and reproduce. away ball that the pupil must incorporate its mental forms and reuse. Reflexivity.Objective external world but perceived and reconstructed aptitude = know how to move by mobilising command methods Teaching group, explicit, E3, repeated pattern, immediate feedback, abide by clip, frequent contacts. Individualized direction, differentiated strategical attack deductive inductive survey clip, frequent contacts. Vicarious larning strategic, differentiated by undertakings inductive-deductive, less frequent contact, promotes cooperation.Digital tools preferredGymnastic apparatuss, tutorials, games, ICT competency, life, web portfolio, trial unsung words quiz Net and others.Simulations, simulation, robotic, jobs, You re the hero, programming, Create a Web page, DAO, experience, portfolio, geometry, practical research lab, SAE, Scoop, webquests..
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
A Psychological Representation of Her Fear of Childbirth
olibanum, a novel first published in the year 1818, stands as the most talked most massage of bloody shame Shelley literary career. She was just nineteen years old when she penned this novel, and throughout her demeanor cadence she could not progress to any other work that surpasses this novel in terms of creativity and vision. In this novel, Shelley effectuate an egress for her own intense sense of factorization, and her desperate repugn for love. Traumatized by her fai lead minorbirth incidents, troubled childhood, and s beardalous courtship, many of Shelley life experiences drive out be seen reflected In the novel.When discussing the credit and growing of the monster, Shelley launches an extensive discussion on the contain for a proper environment and education for a childs moral development. When we explore the novel in depth, we can see that it exudes the true horror of childbirth matt-up by Shelley, and articulates the fears and anxieties she had regarding her reproductive and nurturing capabilities. Shelley life was marked by a series of pregnancies, miscarriages, childbirths, and destructions.Her firsthand experience of a bereavement started early In her life, when her mother died when she was football team days old, be gain of a puerperal fever contacted cause of childbirth. This marked her first encounter with pregnancy and connect complications, scarce unfortunately, it was not the last one. When she grew up, she had a ignominious part with the married poet Percy Shelley, and their first child was natural prematurely and did not survive. In total, she had four childbirths and life- grueling miscarriage, before the age of twenty-five.Only one of those children, Percy Florence Shelley, survived and out unrecordedd her. A fraught(p) Harriet Shelley, the first wife of her save Percy, drowned herself ascribable to the affair between Mary and Percy (Battlement, 2006, p. 25). So we see that, the pen of this novel has had undeniab ly horrific experiences and tragedies associated with childbirth and pregnancy. Thus, by the time this story took form in Shelley mind, she had already woolly a child and her mother due to pregnancy complications. She had a six month old scotch during that time, and SIX months later she was c formerlyived with her third baby.Hence, creation, nurturing, and vent of a new life, was prominent among her thoughts when she penned this novel. gum olibanum is undoubtedly the first literary work to talk about the pregnancy anxieties. While searching for the underlying written report in this novel, it is also important to understand why the theme was concealed. In that era, writing about much(prenominal) subjects was taboo, and in a field dominated by male authors, pregnancy and the related subjects had hardly found mention In the mainstream literary works. Before creating the monster, passe-partout has many doubts about his ability to create a life form. But my imagination was too m uch exalted by my first success to as man (Shelley, 1818). Overcoming his doubts, he started working on creating a human life for nine long months, Just worry a woman shakeing a life in her womb, and eve birth to his creation on a dreary November night. passe-partout by creating a baby without a mother feminizes himself, and this shows that the real subject of the novel is about the anxieties associated with the childbirth (Hoverer, 2000, p. 12) The irony found in the novel is that, Victor is frightened of his creative potence through his own creation (Sherwin, 1981, p. 900).He created a victuals being and immediately recognized the blunder he had done. During the creation branch of the dick, Victor did not pack the time to work out the details of its long proportion and what might be the consequences. Neither does he think whether the life produced by him would like to live a life captured in a flagitious body. His escape of patience and vision cost the pecker a normal l ife. He watchs one savor at the creature and decides to desert him. How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wretch whom with such infinite pains and care I had endeavourer to form? The creature has to endure miseries and hardships galore because he was abandoned by his creator. The life of the monster can be related to the motherless life led by Shelley. Shelley mother too left her as soon as she was born, and as a result, she ad quite an arduous life. Combined with her fathers financial woes, her dissolute relationship with her stepmother meant that Shelley did not perk up an steml childhood, which would have had a serious impact on her personality. She had to roam up with a lot of miseries when she grew up, and was subjected to lifelong bane from the society because of her affair with the married Shelley.In a correspondent counseling, Victors monster was subjected to hate and ridicule from the society just about him because he did not ge t the nurturing he deserved. He did not get education and was left to take care of himself. Wherever he went people were panicked by him, and he is confused about his existence. When troubles invaded his life, he had no one to guide him and in the process of self-education he made some incorrect decisions that proved fatal, both for him and the others. He yearned for counsel and a family to belong to.Since he did not get this from his creator, he tried to substitute him with the family of the De Lackeys in the forest. Mary Shelley firstborn daughter represents ogre in dickens divergent ways the monstrosity of an untimely death and monstrosity of being an illegitimate child, which was quite scandalous during that era. The authors feelache is reflected in the lamentation of Victor over his mothers death. The two birth-related deaths in her life, made Shelley yearn for elemental fruitful power, Just like Victor Frankincense in the story (Lehman, 1992, up. 9-50) These are the re flections of the first days besides when the lapse of time proves the reality of the evil, then the real bitterness of heartbreak commences. (Shelley, 1818). Victor grieving over his mothers death and his urge to produce a new life to compensate the loss suffered by him, in many ways relate to he tragedy of Shelley, who had lost a mother and daughter. Giving birth to a monster (psychological) is an unconscious fear many women carry when they are pregnant, according to Dry. Almond.Almond believes that Shelley was concerned that any child she produced might carry some of the repressed, destructive causas she herself possessed. the likes of the doubts Shelley had about her spirit of the child she might bear. The dream, which gave Shelley the idea to write this novel, further throws light on the fears she had in her mind about the sort of child she get out give birth to (Tomato, 2009, p. 22). In the novel Victor hates his creation from the moment he sets his eye on it, and charge wishes that he could destroy it. L gnashed my teeth, my look became inflamed, and I ardently wished to extinguish that life which I has so thoughtlessly bestowed (Shelley, 1818). Thus, the creature starts his life excursion not Just devoid of parental attachment, but also as a bearer of the ira of the parent. The novel is more concerned with the Journey and development of the creature than that of the emotional turmoil of Victor. This stresses the fact that the heart of the novel is the light of the children growing under lack of nurture, and what they might turn out to be once they grow in such an environment.Shelley relationship with her husband was also perceived to be strained during the time the novel was conceived. The loss of their infant daughter, while it caused Mary immense grief, it did not perturb Percy as much. He did not share the grief with her, nor did he do much to console her. He was disappointed with the sex activity of the child, and once the child succumbe d to illness, he moved on with his life without helping his wife to cope with the grief (Battlement, 2006, p. 24). This incident too could be beneath the enactment of the creature, which did not get its required attention and affection from its father figure, Victor.The resentment of the monster when Victor abhors him elucidates Shelley sentiments towards Perrys rejection of her child. Oh, Frankincense, be not equitable to every other, and trample upon me alone, to whom thy Justice, and even thy clemency and affection, is most due. Remember, that I am thy creature I ought to be thy Adam (Shelley, 1818). The creatures attempt to self-educate itself is Shelley way of showing that succumbing o the ruse of humanities is the alley to humanitarian for the monster. The monster created by manmade science becomes a challenge to humanities and the laws that govern it.Though he has the feelings saturnine human he is shunned by the world base on his appearance. Thus, the novel challenges th e anthropological foundations of humanities and asserts that nature and not nurture form the personality and character of a person. References Battlement, A. F. (2006). Why did Mary Shelley Write Frankincense? Journal of Religion and Health, Volvo. 45, No. 3, 419-439. Tomato, B. (2009). Mary Shelley Frankincense an orphaned authors dream and Journey toward integration.. Modern Psychoanalysis. Volvo. 34 Issue 1, 117-135.
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