Monday, September 30, 2019
Case 2- Marketing Mix
Case 2 1. What is the company’s strategy with respect to each of the 4 Ps of the marketing mix? 2. Based on the current marketing strategy, should the company’s promotion mix focus be on personal selling or on advertising? 3. What further questions might you ask Herr Wursching to help his company move toward a more relationship-based business and establish CRM initiatives? What other recommendations might you make for him with respect to CRM? 1.The company’s strategy with respect to each of the 4 Ps of the marketing mix: †¢Product: They have come up with providing cell phone services with advanced satellite network and they have come up with five cell phone options for customers to choose from. †¢Place: The Company’s corporate offices are located all around the world in different cities. The customer service outlets and retail sales are conducted through the company Web site, as well as though licensed electronics retailers.The company does not m aintain its own customer service or retail locations. †¢Price: Customer’s interested in paying a premium for worldwide cell phone coverage are what the company is looking for and in large volumes. †¢Promotion: A Berlin-based advertising and public relations agency to develop a worldwide advertising campaign is doing the promotion for the company. Print and television ads have already entered the European market and will soon be shown in the U. S. market. Several promotions to get its product and name known are already in process. . Based on the Company’s marketing strategy, the company’s promotion mix should focus on advertising. Since they don’t have their own customer service, sales force, or retail locations and due to that fact, the company is receiving customer’s through the advertising. So I think it makes sense for them to focus on advertising heavily. 3. Further questions that I might ask Herr Wursching to help his company move to ward a more relationship-based business and establish CRM initiatives: 1. Will you establish a sales force soon? If so, where? 2.Will you be using the online website for all of your client/sales based activities or will you establish other methods of marketing and offering services? The recommendations that I would make Herr Wursching in regards to CRM would be to purchase software which could be used for client data since they offer their phones/services in worldwide locations. It would be something that would benefit the company regardless of the fact that it’s expensive. The benefits outweigh the costs. Also I think he should set up retail stores in main cities where Client and Customer Representative can interact directly, face to face.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Differences Between Female Japanese and English Mill Workers Essay
Despite the fact that Japan and England had many similarities with female mill workers, they still had a few differences. They basically had young children and women working in big dangerous factories making thread or in mines. So how were their experiences different? Female Japanese workers had to work more, they got paid less, and they accepted the role that their society gave them. Compared to English women mill workers, Japanese women worked more. English female workers only worked about 74 hours a week and Japanese female workers worker 91 hours a week (Document 5). This was because the Japanese workers worked longer each day, had less holidays, and worked on weekends (Document 8). English female workers had more breaks, worked shorter hours each day, and did not work on weekends. This is a big difference between female English and Japanese mill workers. Even though in both England and Japan women got pair less than men, Japanese women got paid even less than English women. This is a reason why they had so many workers. Since they paid them less they would be able to hire more workers and increase their production rate. Even though they got paid less, it was for the same reason. Why would they want to pay women less? They paid women less because the women needed money and they would accept any amount given to them (Document 8). Japan and England have different ways they treat women and because of that the Japanese women accepted almost everything they went through in the mills. In Japan the women were treated a little less fairly. Japanese women were more willing to accept their role in society because they couldn’t do much about it (Document 8).This is the reason that female Japanese mill workers got low pay and worked more hours. In their society the men were respected more and had more freedom. Female Japanese workers had to work more, they got paid less, and they accepted the role that their society gave them. Although their situations were almost the same, the different cultures had a big part to do with the way women were treated while working. England treated their women with more respect while Japan just thought that women needed to support their families by working all the time. This is important because it was a way for people to discriminate against women and make them work at bad places with low pay and many working hours.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Soviets Side and View of the Cold war Research Paper - 1
Soviets Side and View of the Cold war - Research Paper Example The revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin asserted that Russia was encompassed by a ‘hostile capitalist encirclement’ (Gaddis 1997). This laid the groundwork for what was to follow, i.e. years of hostility and isolation between differing ideological camps. The culmination of the conflict came after the end of the temporary alliance formed between the USSR and US aiming to topple Germany into defeat. The difference in lifestyles and beliefs was so significant that the two nations were at loggerheads over ideological reasons as soon as their alliance ended (Mcmahon 2003). The arms race that supplemented the cold war resulted in dire consequences for several nations after the dissemination of the USSR. The weapons are still used by terrorist and rebel movements all across the world as both the USA and USSR aim to liquidate their excess artillery in the search of economic returns. Joseph Stalin, the revolutionary communist leader of the USSR, considered the world to be divided into two ideological parts: the capitalist and imperialist regimes and the ‘progressive’ and communist world. The soviet leader believed that the concept of communism was widely acceptable and good for all considering that it followed a utilitarian philosophy of good for the greater number. Non ideological disputes arose between the soviet nation and western democracies post world war II over the soviet occupation of eastern European states. These states were later called soviet republic states and formed the eastern block of nations that would ‘endorse’ soviet communism and adopt the economic methodologies of the soviets. The united states, which had no business in the region according to soviets, warned that an ‘iron curtain’ was being brought down over Europe (Archives 2010). Joseph Stalin later emphasized that the cold war was a consequence of capitalist and
Friday, September 27, 2019
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease - Essay Example The superficial layer of the esophagus is known as adventitia. The adventitia attaches the esophagus to surrounding structures. The esophagus secretes mucus and transports food into the stomach but it does not produce digestive enzymes. The stomach contents can reflux (back up) into the inferior portion of the esophagus when the lower esophageal sphincter fails to close adequately after food has entered the stomach; the condition which is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). In GERD, the basal layer of of the epithelium is is thickened, and the papillae of the lamina propria are elongated and extend toward the surface. Abnormalities of the lower esophageal sphincter, Hiatus hernia, Delayed esophageal clearance, Gastric contents, Defective gastric emptying, Increased intra-abdominal pressure, and Dietary and environmental factors may be the factors involved in GERD. Clinically, GERD may be diagnosed by radiographic examinations using dyes, endoscopy, and esophageal pH-metr y. PPI trial is also an accepted method of first line diagnostic test. Treatment involves both non-pharmacological treatment measures as well as pharmacotherapy. Non-pharmacological treatment include avoidance of foods and medications that exacerbate GERD, smoking secession, weight reduction, taking a small meal at a time, avoidance of alcohol and elevation of the head of the bed. Drugs for treating GERD include H2 receptor antagonists like cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine or nizatidine. Proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole, pantoprazole, lansoprazole and rebeprazole are found to be very effective to reduce acid reflux and hence inflammation. H2 blockers were found to heal ulcers and erosions but the typical reflux changes of the squamous epithelium of the esophageal mucosa are not recovered. Studies confirmed that PPIs not only heal ulcers and erosions but also cures basal cell hyperplasia and elongation of the papillae. The percentage of normal epithelium were also reported to increase significantly after PPI administration in patients with GERD. Two commonly employed treatment alternatives for GERD are antirefluctive surgery and Endoscopic Treatments. Surgery is preferred only when the patient fails to respond to pharmacological treatment, when the patient prefers surgery, in those patients who have complications of GERD like barrett's esophagitis, or if the patient has atypical symptoms and reflux documented on 24-hour ambulatory pH monitoring. Several randomized controlled trials have confirmed that open fundoplication and medical treatment have similar long-term effects for GERD. Laparoscopic antireflux surgery is also reported to have similar outcomes to the open procedures. Endoscopic Treatments for GERD include plicating gastric folds methods (Endoscopic Gastroplication, ELGP method, thermal tissue remodeling /neurolysis method, and bulking injection method. These endoluminal treatments augment the reflux barrier. Section I: Organ system structure and Function. Explain the accepted normal healthy structure of parts and function of organ system; How it works The esophagus is a collapsible muscular tube, about 25 cm (10 in.) long that lies posterior to the trachea. The esophagus begins at the inferior end of the laryngopharynx and passes through the mediastinum anterior to vertebral column. Then it pierces the diaphragm through an opening called the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
War and The Role of Photography and the Media Essay
War and The Role of Photography and the Media - Essay Example The Spanish Civil War offered one of the most enduring images of all, caught by the camera of the legendary Robert Capa - a Republican soldier at the instant of death, the moment of truth, the bitterest truth of all. And now we see again how potent a picture can be. Not long ago it seemed certain that the lasting image of war in Iraq would be Saddam's toppled statue. Instead, for millions, it is now a grinning 21-year-old girl holding a dog lead attached to the neck of a naked, cowering Iraqi. That the mass media grew in importance during the twentieth century cannot be doubted. The late Victorian period witnessed an enormous expansion of the press, stimulated by improved technology and by the mid-century removal of the so-called 'taxes on knowledge', the stamp and paper duties which had raised the price of newspapers. By 1901 there were 21 major daily newspapers being produced in London. Although this number was to fall in the next few decades, as a result of closures and mergers, the press would remain a power in the land, courted and feared by politicians of all parties. After the First World War new media came to rival the press in their capacity to reach a mass audience. The cinema came into its own in the inter-war period, providing newsreel images which enabled the public at large to gain its first visual appreciation of the country's political leaders. The establishment in the 1920 of the BBC made possible the supply of radio, followed later by television, directly to voters' homes. From 1955, with the emergence of independent television, the BBC's monopoly of broadcasting was challenged by the rise of commercial channels. The appearance of satellite and cable television from the late 1980s further extended the variety of media available to the public. The role of the media in politics remains an area of intense debate. Although the press and broadcasting have rarely, if ever, been direct causes of political change, arguably they have done more than merely reflect their environment. The historians James
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Coursework for Quantitative Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Coursework for Quantitative Methods - Essay Example The competitive markets will equalize the price of a similar good in the two countries when prices are expressed in similar currencies. For instance, a certain Television Set priced at 750 Dollars in Canada should cost 500 Dollars in United States when the exchange rate between the two countries is 1.50. Economists use two Purchasing Power Parity versions: Relative Purchasing Power Parity and Absolute Purchasing Power Parity. Absolute PPP is when the price level across countries is equalized. For instance, the exchange rate of Canada and US is computed by dividing the price level of Canada by that of the US. Assuming the exchange rate is 1.3 CAD per USD from 1.5 CAD per USD today. PPP theory implies the Canadian dollar will appreciate as USD depreciated. The relative Purchasing Power Parity refers to the degree of changes in the price level commonly known as the inflation rate. It says that appreciation rate of a currency is similar to the difference in the rate of inflation between the home and the foreign country. Assuming the inflation rate for Canada and US are 1% and 3% respectively, The US currency will depreciate against the Canada Dollar by 2% annually. Relative PPP withstands when the difference in inflation is very large. The concept is related to effect of trade and market arbitrage on the prices of similar products exchanged in multiple markets. In markets that are efficient, there must be a single price of those commodities in respective of their trading areas. The law of one price is also applicable to factor market. However, since the costs of the transaction and transport are positive, the law needs reformulation when applicable to spatial trade. Assuming we have two markets (Liverpool and Chicago) trading wheat and the wheat are transported from Chicago to Liverpool. The difference in the prices of wheat between the two markets should be similar to the cost of the transaction
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Study need and rationale, research questions and rationale, testable Essay
Study need and rationale, research questions and rationale, testable hypothesis or hypotheses annotated bibliography - Essay Example 41, 6755-6786. Habib CHaudhury, Atiya Mahmood, and Maria Valente are all Professors at reputed Universities. This research studies the effect of environmental design on reducing nursing errors and increasing efficiency in acute care settings. They concluded in their study that variables such as, noise levels, ergonomics, lighting, and design can increase errors at work place. This study is relevant to the current research as the current research also focuses on the efficiency of employees at a hospital and the effect of variable i.e. music, on their productivity. 3. Furnham, A. & Strbac, L. (2002). Music is as distracting as noise: The differential distraction of background music and noise on the cognitive test performance of introverts and extraverts. Ergonomics. 45, 203-217. Furnham and Strbac are Professors at the Department of Psychology, University College London. They conducted the research to study the effects of background noise on the performance of individuals who were both introverts and extraverts and found that the noise has a negative impact on their performance and concluded that music has different impact on people with different personalities. This study is similar to the current research as it also studies the impact of music on the performance of employees at a hospital. Dr. Tim Gilmor is an organizational psychologist who specializes in assessment and development of management teams. He conducted the meta-analysis of data which was conducted from five different research studies evaluating the efficacy of Tomatis Method. He concluded that affect sizes that favoured the children being studied were in compliance with the clinician’s report. This study is relevant to the present research because of its evaluation of effect of auditory sensation on learning of children with learning and communication disorders. Hallam, Price, and Katsaru conducted this research to study the effects of background music on the task performance of Primary
Monday, September 23, 2019
Case INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Case INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM - Essay Example This is an investigative report on the effectiveness of community’s emergency management plan in reducing property loss. This paper is organized as follows. The first part will comprise a short investigative plan. The second part will look at the reasons why there was no implementation of a flood mitigation program. It will be concluded by an overview of the general principles governing the formulation and implementation of mitigation measures. â€Å"A more general definition that incorporates dynamic considerations is the To investigate and verify the emergency response to flooding incident and the consequential damage; To investigate the effectiveness of the emergency response and the sequence of events and actions taken during the flooding incident. During Superstorm Sandy, 70 % of the property in the flood prone area of Moonachie city was damaged. The aim of this section is to highlight the failures that led to the failure of the implementation of a flood mitigation program five years after the last flood. The residents of the city failed to hold the office of the mayor to account which contributed to laxity in the implementation of an effective policy of the flood mitigation program (Healy & Malhorta, 2009). Implementation of the flood mitigation program was hampered because there was no federal, state or city office or official that was willing to take responsibility of implementation (O’Sullivan et al, 2012). The voters of Moonachie city have never taken the political elite to task on disaster preparedness. Even when electing their leaders other issues take pre-eminence at the expense of disaster preparedness, this has led to little or no spending on disaster preparedness (Healey & Malhorta, 2009). The responsibility for disaster management cannot be the responsibility of the Federal government alone. As a result local leadership failed to take up its responsibility to steer the disaster preparation which affected their
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Management accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 5
Management accounting - Essay Example This paper focuses on management via accounting and applies the same for Ryanair. Importance of Management via accounting The main theme of The Visible Hand is that modern business enterprises utilise the market mechanism for allocating resources and coordinating the activities of the economy. According to Chandler, the traditional American business enterprises were single-unit operations and small in size, which used to produce single product within a small geographical area. The activities of the traditional enterprises were monitored and coordinated by the price mechanism and the market. Eventually, the modern business firm evolved which were larger in size and conducted multi-unit operations, which monitored the production of different products from different locations. The activities of those enterprises were not coordinated and monitored by market mechanism, but by the salaried employees. In simple words, the modern enterprises had suspended the market because the administrativ e coordination provided higher profit, better productivity and lower cost, compared to the coordination by market mechanism. He emphasised on the fact that management via accounting has created advantages that gained precedence over all other previous forms. The main advantages that it draws are: Lowering internal transaction costs by ‘routinizing the transactions between units’: The organizations with high value supply chain ends up increasing the transaction cost. This requires paying immediate attention by framing policies for reducing the cost. Properly organizing the information or goods between the units involved in the production of goods and services will lead to decrease in the transaction cost (Spulber, 2009; Swinnen, 2007; Pollitte, 2008). Reducing costs for information on markets and supply sources by ‘linking the administration of producing units with buying and distributing units’: Market failures may result from asymmetric and inadequate info rmation. The appropriate and full information is not always perfect since goods information is also expensive. In a market that deals with good and services, inadequate information can lead to various social costs like, market power, low innovation or inefficient allocation of resources resulting from customer deception. Thus, the cost of information available to the market and supply sources linking between the various units like, administration, production and distribution, should be reduced (Kouvelis et al., 2011; Sunstein, 2002). Faster and cheaper flow of goods or services and of information from one unit to another: Goods and services are seen to travel through manufacturers, warehouses, retailers, wholesalers, distributors and customers. The organization should link the sellers and the buyers together via an ongoing communication that can enable the business to effect the decisions taken by each of the business units. Therefore, the organization should emphasize on the fast a nd cheaper flow of goods, services and information through both down and up the supply chain. By making this flow cheaper and faster, the organization will be able to save lots of cost incurred that can be utilized in other forms (Finch, 2008). Management via accounting provides the organization with lots of value added benefits. They provide information for decision making and
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Pride and Prejudice, Tea in the Wendy House, and He said Essay Example for Free
Pride and Prejudice, Tea in the Wendy House, and He said Essay Pride and Prejudice is a novel of love and marriage and how people have prejudices about love. Pride is involved as it blurs the seeing of true love. Jane Austen displays this as she was part of society and she had first-hand experience of this. In Tea in the Wendy House and He Said, there is an visible change in the role of society and attitudes to love and marriage. This is because of the different times each novel was written. Jane Austen does not make the subject of marriage favourable, as she never writes about a completely happy marriage. For example Mr and Mrs Bennets relationship, this is not an example of a good marriage as Mr Bennet is always taunting Mrs Bennet. Or you may send them by themselves, will be better, for you are as handsome of any of them. Here Mr Bennet is ridiculing Mrs Bennet by saying she should go and visit Mr Darcy as she may end up marrying him, as she is just as beautiful. This was one of Austens intentions to show that the society she lived in was superficial. Another example of a bad marriage is of Charlotte Lucas and Mr Collins. Charlotte is only marrying Mr Collins, as it is her last resort because she is seen as a spinster at the age of 27. Usually girls are married off at young ages, as it is their only ambition. This is shown in Pride and Prejudice, but in Tea in the Wendy House, even though Lyn has an opportunity of marriage she is not happy. She feels pressured into marrying Graham and doesnt have the chance to vent her true feelings properly. She feels she is also trapping Graham into marrying her and becoming a father. I didnt say anything, because Graham was so enthusiastic. She is worried about other peoples feelings and hers but does not get the chance to show them. Whereas in He Said there is no chance of Bev getting married to Errol, as he is too irresponsible. This is an example of the way society has changed drastically. In Pride and Prejudice it was expected for girls to get married straight away and the most important thing in their life. In Tea in the Wendy House there was some expectation but not as much. In He Said society has changed so much that Errol does not think he needs to propose to Bev, even though she is pregnant. This also shows the attitudes to sex before marriage. As Austen shows more bad marriages than good, there were a few happy marriages, as they contain an equality of character traits between the couple. Elizabeth was too prejudiced to realise her true feelings and Mr Darcy was too proud. Even though she does finally realise Darcys good qualities. She began to comprehend that he was exactly the man, in disposition and talents, would suit her. This is the opposite in He Said, as Bev finally realises that she is stronger than Errol, and how she can cope without him. I dont care if I never see him again. In Jane Austens novels the valuable marriage is usually because of chance. If Elizabeth did not read Darcys letter and witness the elopement of Lydia and Wickham, she would have realised how much she values him. This is the opposite in Tea and the Wendy House as Graham and Lyn had known each other since their teens and so had got to know each other better. I was fourteen and Graham was fifteen. As Errol and Bevs relationship in He Said is just based on sex and so there was no previous acknowledgement of character traits. Intervention played its part in the prevention of Darcy and Elizabeth getting married. Elizabeths prejudices intervene and prevent the marriage at first. This does not happen to the main character of Tea in the Wendy House but there is some intervention from Lyns parents. In Pride and Prejudice Elizabeths mum is always pushing her to get the best man she can. She is very bossy and likes to get what she wants. In Tea and the Wendy House it is also Lyns mother that has an intervening nature as she is making the wedding dress. She was busy, giving final touches to the dress. There is a difference in He Said, as her parents do not intervene. Although her father does not want to get involved with her situation, he feels no way in abandoning her when she needs them most. As her father is a minister of a church, he has strict religious beliefs but as he does not want to help he comes across as a bully. If that harlot crosses my doorstep, I will strike her down. Then he had gone to church. This contradicts his religious views. Status is another problem in the prevention of the marriage of Darcy and Elizabeth. Elizabeths astonishment was beyond expression. She stared coloured doubted and was silent. This he considered enough encouragement. Darcy thought that Elizabeth would have said yes when he first proposed, as she may never get a better offer as that one as he is much higher in status than she was. Darcy has a lot more money than the Bennets. In this time it was seen as better if you could marry a man with a large house and very good income. This was so he could provide for his wife when she had children but also to show-off to others. In He Said money is still important to Bev as she is by herself without a husband, so she has to fend for herself. She is struggling and in a poor job. She has not got the financial support from her parents like Lyn in Tea in the Wendy House. Bevs prospects are limited because of lack of money and there is a slight suggestion that this will not change much. There is a sim ilarity between pride and prejudice and Tea in the Wendy House. This is because Lyn and Elizabeth both have some financial support from their parents, although it was not the most important thing in Tea in the Wendy House. Lyns mother puts it across as a bonus to the marriage, but having a good job is quite important. And hes got a job, and course theres the house. You really struck gold there. Mr Collins also demonstrates the status prevention, as he expects her to say yes but it comes across as quite pompous. I am to inherit this estate after the death of your father. He is openly stating that he will own Elizabeths house, as if it was nothing. In the actual proposal of Mr Collins to Elizabeth it was quite formal as he asked permission, which was expected in those times. This differs in the proposal of Graham to Lyn. He seemed embarrassed, it was not very formal but still had the decency to propose. I told you it was corny, but will you, will you marry me? There is no proposal in He Said. Errol obviously does not believe he needs to propose; not formal or gentleman-like. Judgement plays quite a big part of pride and prejudice, as it was a very judgmental society. People are always being judged. Elizabeth prides herself on good understanding of what people are like generally. The extravagance and general profligacy which he scripted exceedingly shocked her. This shows how she was wrong about Mr Wickham and Darcy made her realise this in the letter he wrote to her after he proposed. Good judgement is being to see past deception, pride arrogance and hypocrisy. She tried to recollect some instance of goodness, some distinguished trait of integrity. This shows Elizabeth frantically trying to have some recollection that Mr Wickham was not deceptive and devious. Like Mr Darcy explained in the letter. This is a bad judgement that Elizabeth has made, just like the bad judgement of Errol by Bev. She thought he was going to stand by her throughout the pregnancy, but he does not. I dont want anything to come between usnow he would not speak to her. This shows how shallow and unreliable Errol is. Although she knows Errol is not going to face up to his consequences, it does not stop her from fantasizing about the way she would like things to be between her and Errol. Imagining Errol holding her tightly, perhaps his voice breaking with emotion. Elizabeths first meeting with Mr Wickham compared to her first meeting with Mr Darcy it was not surprised she preferred Mr Wickham. This made her very shocked at the proposal from Mr Darcy. This pitfall almost brings Elizabeth to lose her future husband, although she does come to terms with her mistakes and corrects them. How despicably I have acted, I who have prided myself on my discernment and gratified my vanity, pleased with the preference of one and offended by the neglect of another. This reveals that Elizabeth has recognised her mistakes and how she has treated both men. Darcy has also overcome his arrogance and pride. Austen believes that a happy marriage is built on good judgement and so introduces a genuine perception. So they see each other for who they really are. Tea in the Wendy House, Lyns perception of Graham was not clear, she was not being clear about her feelings. The writer used the Wendy House as symbolism to show that however perfect something seems, it may not make you happy. Although at the end with the last Wendy House reference, you are left wondering if Lyn will ever be happy, but also there is no mention of Graham being with her, in this ideal world. The bright blue walls seem to be closing in around her, the ceiling is coming nearer and nearer. She is a mummy. It doesnt matter that she cant get out. It is making her conform to the stereotypes of typical women. Bev in He Said has made a journey of self-knowledge, from hating Errol for not standing by her to realising she can cope without him, and go along with the pregnancy by herself. From the pressures of society, the doctor telling her it would be best to get an abortion, her father throwing her out, living in a gritty flat and working in a dead end job. Bev has made a miraculous journey from where she was, to feeling confident of having the baby by herself. Elizabeth goes against her time by refusing two marriage proposals, and marrying for true love. In her society a sexual relationship before marriage was seen as unacceptable and shame would be brought onto the family. This is a contrast between our time and Jane Austens time. Lyn is pregnant before she is getting married, this is also the case in He Said apart from Bev is not getting married, and so has to cope on her own. This indicates the age and time Elizabeth lived in. Wickham was this type of person who would deceive women into thinking he loves them but then leaves them. This is what he did with Lydia Bennet. This was not the first he tried; he also tried with Darcys younger sister. He gambles and lives loosely and does not give a second thought to his sexual immoralities. Sex before marriage is seen as the main corrupt. Wickhams character is similar to that of Errol. He does not give a second thought to the consequences of his action. With the faint smell of urine around her realising that probably some man had walked away from relieving himself without a backward thought about the results. Just like Errol. Lydias relationship with Wickham has effected her reputation because of the elopement. Wickhams love for Lydia is not true. This is the opposite with Lyn and Grahams relationship. Graham is truly in love with Lyn, but it is Lyn that has the insecurities and does not feel true love. There is no one in the Wendy house except Lyn. Mandy isnt there. Graham isnt there. This shows how maybe in the end she will be by herself without no one. In Elizabeths time courtship between two people would not have lasted quite long, so Wickham and Lydia were not truly in love, it was most probably infatuation. His belief that Wickham never intended to go there or to marry Lydia at all. Jane Austen was a person in this society and time, which believed marriage, was the most important thing for a young girl. This would lead to prejudices about how much money did the husband have and of what status was he. Jane Austen shows through pride and prejudice that she would not have married because it was convenient but because of love much like Elizabeth. Society has changed, as evident in He said. From wanting marriage as an ambition, to Errol not needing to propose, it does not mean the society has got any better. Society and other peoples thoughts all contribute to prevention of some marriages, even nowadays.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Genesis Of Army Air Defence History Essay
Genesis Of Army Air Defence History Essay What happened in Kuwait Iraq necessitates a review of the attitude towards the army air defence and the countrys entire AD systemà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. When we ask ourselves, did it work in Iraq, we have the answer, mostly it did not. Russian Minister of Defence Yazov NATO defines air defence as all measures designed to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of hostile air action. They include ground and air based weapon systems, associated sensor systems, command and control arrangements and passive measures. It may be to protect naval, ground and air forces wherever they are. However, for most countries the main effort has tended to be homeland defence. NATO refers to airborne air defence as counter-air and naval air defence as anti-aircraft warfare [2] . Missile defence is an extension of air defence as are initiatives to adapt air defence to the task of intercepting potentially any projectile in flight. In some countries, such as Britain and Germany in World War II, the Soviet Union and NATOs European Command, ground based air defence and air defence aircraft have been under integrated command and control. Nevertheless, while overall air defence may be for homeland defence including military facilities, forces in the field, wherever they ar e, invariably deploy their own air defence capability generally referred to as Army Air Defence. A surface based air defence capability can also be deployed offensively to deny the use of airspace to an opponent. This is the central idea of this article. THE EVOLUTION There are two things that make Air Defence (AD) necessary something to defend and an airborne threat. The threat from air existed earlier than the airplane. There existed a concept of air defence much before the Write Brothers flew the first aircraft in 1903. In August 1861, an American Aeronaut while on his balloon, reported the first anti aircraft fire [3] . This was one of the pioneering attempts in active air defence. The air defence artillery (ADA) began its evolution, when Col RP Davidson of USA built the first automatic AD weapon around 1909 [4] . However, very little work was done in the field of AD Doctrine, as the military leaders were yet to realize the importance of air defence. The substantial air threat encountered in World War I triggered the development of dedicated ADA. In 1914, when the Allied air attacks on Germany became more persistent, the Germans exploited this new weaponry and called it Flugzug Abwehr Kanomen or Flak [5] . Sound location and search lights were the main means of surveillance. The establishment of London Air Defence Area (LADA) in July 1917, was pivotal as it was the first step towards centralization integration of assets like FF units, AA Gun Batteries Search Light Batteries into one entity. At the end of World War I, to facilitate quick demobilization, the AD elements of great powers were broken up. During the inter-war period with the evolution of AF, to control Englands airspace Air Defence Great Britain (ADGB) was formed in 1925. This was the first time AF was integrated for the AD which had two distinct elements: Royal AF Bombing Formations and the Fighting Area. Fighting Area was made up of ten sectors under GOC Ground Troops who would control all ground base elements of AD [6] . The Garrison Artillery was also abolished and its AD units were transferred to Field Artillery. In 1930s the development of radars brought about another renaissance for the AD and fostered induction of surveillance radars and better guns. The Abyssinian Crisis in October 1935 saw the first overseas deployment of AD, when the 1st AD Brigade was deployed in Egypt to protect the English against Italian attacks. The Ground Commander continued to be in charge of the local air defences as he could coordinate allocation of resources, Passive AD (PAD) measures and deception. Procedural Air Control measures were conceived by the Japanese after the US Doolittle Raids on Japan in 1942 [7] . However, at no time were the interceptors and ADA placed under a single commander [8] . The Japanese defeat through air power is one classic example of the enormous price a nation had for inadequacies and poor air defences. It was Japanese air threat in SE Asia during the Second World War which forced British Government to raise AD units in India. Thus the history of AD Artillery in India began 1939 onwards when a few Indian troops began to be trained in the use of the 3 inch gun as part of the Anti-aircraft (AA) Batteries of Hongkong and Singapore Royal Artillery (HKSRA) and Indian Artillery. From 1941 onwards AA units and training establishments began to be raised in India. [9] The orgaisation of AA units and formations, though akin to artillery for command and control, evolved on the basis of gun density requirement for protection of Vulnerable Points and Areas. During the World War II, the Indian LAA Regiments were awarded for their dedication and acts of valour in the face of the enemy. At the time of partition only two AD Artillery units viz 26 LAA and 27 LAA Regiments came to India while the oldest AA Establishment the 1 Training Battery failed to survive the partition [10] . We have come a long way since then, graduating from ACK ACK (AA) to the Air Defence Branch of Regiment of Artillery, creation of a separate Corps of AD Artillery in 1994 and then renaming it as Corps of Army Air Defence in 2005 [11] . However, a lot of ground still remains uncovered and today in spite of having AIR DEFENCE ARTILLERY OF USA Air Defence Artillery originated from the Coast Artillery Corps which was created after the Revolutionary War to defend the US coasts against naval attack and bombardment. As the US entered World War I in 1917, Coast Artillery units were detailed as Anti Aircraft Artillery(AAA) units. Weapons for these units were procured from France (75 mm Guns) but there was no doctrine. These units entered World War II beginning with the engagement of the Japanese at Pearl Harbor. German V2 Rockets led to the development of US field missile systems. Today AAA refers to the combat group that specializes in anti-aircraft weapons (such as surface to air missiles). In the US Army, these groups are composed of mainly air defence systems such as the PATRIOT Missile System, Terminal High Altitude Air Defence(THAAD), and the Avenger Air Defense system which fires the FIM-92 Stinger missiles. The Air Defence Artillery branch descended from the Anti-Aircraft Artillery (part of the Field Artillery) into a se parate branch on 20 June 1968 [12] . Eqpt. Corps AD/EAC DIVAD FUTURE DEVP REMARKS PAC 2 GEM (100KM/ 55KM)* AVENGER SLAMRAAM *RANGE/ ALTITUDE PAC 3 (100/ 55) STINGER MEADS THAAD (200/ 150) BSFV C-RAM LINEBACKER SLAMRAAM :Surface Launched Advance Medium Range Air to Air Missile MEADS: Medium Extended AD System BSFV: Bradley Stinger Fighting Vehicle C-RAM: Counter Rocket, Arty Mortar Division Air Defence(DIVAD) Units. These are Short Range Air Defence (SHORAD) battalions tailor made for the formations they support with each of them having about three to four batteries. Infantry, Mechanised Infantry, Armoured, Air Assault and Air Borne Divisions have their own DIVAD battalions. Non DIVAD units. These are High and Medium Air Defence(HIMAD) Battalions at both Corps and Echelons Above Corps (EAC) levels equipped with Patriot THAAD systems. The Patriot Battalions have about five batteries. Patriot is a long-range, high and medium altitude, all-weather Air Defence system to counter Tactical Ballistic Missiles(TBMs), cruise missiles and advanced air craft. The current force of 12 Patriot Bns, 13 Avenger Bns four AMD Bns is planned to be reorganized into 16 AMD Bns ( equipped with MEADS/ THAAD) nine SLAMRAAM Bns. The 32d Army Air and Missile Defense Command (AAMDC) is a one-of-a-kind theater level Army air and missile defense multi-component organization with a worldwide, 72-hour deployment mission. 32d AAMDC consists of two brigades, 11th Air Defense Artillery and 35th Air Defense Artillery; both stand ready to accomplish any mission anywhere, anytime in support of the warfighting CINC. Recent contingency deployments to Southwest Asia and an intense exercise schedule in Korea exemplify the vital role and mission that the organization plays [13] . The Army Air and Missile Defence Command (AAMDC) is the Armys combat organization for planning, coordinating, integrating, and executing AD operations in support of the army service component commander (ASCC), the Army forces (ARFOR) commander, the joint force land component commander (JFLCC). [14] A majority of air and missile defence (AMD) coordination of interest to ADA occurs between the Area Air Defence Commander (AADC) and the JFLCC in most theatres. The JFLCC integrates Army capabilities into joint air and missile defence efforts through close coordination with the AADC. When the AAMDC is in theatre, the AAMDC commander will normally be designated the DAADC and will be the principal integrator for the JFLCC to the AADC on air and missile defence. An AAMDC liaison team works closely with the AADC and his staff and the BCD (Battle Space Coordination Center) to accomplish air and missile defence integration [15] . THE AIR DEFENCE OF RUSSIA The first Soviet AD Units was raised with the est of 1st AAA Regt at Leningrad in 1924. The air def directorate was formed in 1932. In November 1941, motivated by increasing German raids on Moscow Leningrad, National Air Defence Forces or PVO Strany was formed and in 1948 it became a separate service [16] . The organisation of PVO was very peculiar as it had its separate AD air crafts. The Air Defence Forces formerly the Air Defense Troops of the Nation (Russian: à ’à  ¾Ãƒ  ¹Ãƒâ€˜Ã‚ à  ºÃƒ  ° à Å ¸Ãƒ ’à Å ¾, Voyska ProtivoVozdushnoy Oborony, Voyska PVO and formerly ProvitoVozdushnaya Oborona Strany, PVO Strany) was the air defence branch of the Soviet Armed Forces [17] . By 1958 separate service , AD of ground troops PVO SV was established which was responsible for AD of army assets. Operating two different ADs, PVO Strany PVO SV and also two different AFs had its inherent command control problems. So, in 1981 PVO Strany was reorga nised and its name was changed to Voyska PVO (AD Tps). The Army Air Def was made subordinate branch to Voyska PVO and was called the AD of Troops (Voyskovaya PVO). Prior to dissolution of Soviet Union, PVO was the second largest independent service of Soviet armed Forces and it consumed major share of military allocation. [18] On disintegration of the Soviet Union, President Yeltsin signed a new defence policy document in Aug 1998 which established a single system of military administrative division of Russian territory. This replaced the earlier military districts with six integrated strategic areas or Zones. In 1998 the AD was merged with the Air Force (VVS) and by 2003 the RVSN i.e Strategic Missile Force Army Aviation units were merged with AF. The AF is organised into six Air AD armies which are operationally under op control of military zone/district commanders. Each zone is divided into AD Districts Districts are further divided into AD Sectors . Air defence of impor tant areas is under Missile Bdes. Air surveillance and intelligence is responsibility of Radio Brigades. The overall AD system of Russian includes :- Space defence troops. AD troops (Strategic). Army AD Troops. Naval Anti Aircraft Troops. D:Documents and SettingsAdm TrgDesktopCapture456.PNG Eqpt. MISSILE BRIGADES ARMY AD TROOPS FUTURE DEVP REMARKS SA-3 PECHORA (25KM/ 15KM)* SA-6 KVADRAT/ SA- 11 GRADFLY SA-20 TRIUMF S-400(400/30) *RANGE/ ALTITUDE SA-10 GRUMBLE (200/ 90) SA -8 OSA AK/ SA-15 PANTZYR S1 SPAD (4/6) SA-12 GLADIATOR (90/ 15) SA-19 TUNGUSKA DZHIGIT(SA 16/18) SA-17 BUK M2 (42/25) $ SA-18 IGLA 2/S ANTEY 2500/ S-300 VM (200/30) $ 4 TH GENERATION SA-5 GAMMON (200/20) KS 30/ S-60/ ZU 23 @ @ GUN SYS Russian AD doctrine is defensive in nature. The anti aircraft fire is coordinated by the AD Sector and AD Missile Brigades are responsible for fire control in a specific sector. The overall AD network is completely integrated with Ranzir CP, Baikal IE systems and Polyana 4E systems [19] , for each level, which get inputs from AWACS through compatible integrated data transfer system. They have developed the S- 300 series S-400 series of Missiles which are Counter Missile system. The deployment of S-400 began in 2007 and is likely to be completed by 2015. [20] The Russian R D is now focusing on point AD systems Counter missile Systems. Russia with the help of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries is developing a comprehensive AD structure which could give depth to Russian Air space. THE AIR DEFENCE OF CHINA Armed with a formidable arsenal of nuclear weapons and rapidly maturing delivery capabilities, China has little to worry about in terms of major invasion. Since China is surrounded by potential adversaries, particularly the US Pacific Forces it deploys strong ground-based air-defenses to protect itself against sudden air attacks. The official terms for the PLAAFs AAA troops is gaoshepao bing/gaopaobing and the SAM troops is dikong daodan bing/didao bing/daodan bing. However, the PLAAF occasionally refers to its AAA troops as first artillery (yipao), and SAM troops as second artillery (erpao), which is often confused with Chinas Second Artillery Corps (erpao). [21] During the 1950s, the Soviets exported air defence equipment to China. But the Khrushchev-era tensions put an end to that, and over time China proceeded to reverse engineer all of these Soviet designs. On 6 February 1964, during his meeting with Dr Qian Xuesen (Father of Chinese Rocketry), Chairman Mao again expressed his views on the importance of the missile defence capability. According to Mao, missile defence capability should not be dominated by the two superpowers only, and China must also develop its own missile defence weapons, no matter how long it would take. This conversation, later known as 640 Directive, led to a missile defence system that could defend the country against nuclear-armed strategic missile attacks [22] . Early models SA-2 Guidelines from USSR were reverse engineered and entered service as the HQ-1 and soon after HQ-2 systems. Since the year 2000, HQ-2 remains a major cornerstone of Chinese air defenses [23] . In the 1960s-80s the main strategic adversary was USSR and consequently most air defenses are concentrated in the north of the country [24] . Chinese attempts at indigenous SAMs were somewhat poor even after an injection of Western technologies during the 1970s and 80s. In the 1990s and 2000s the focus had returned to the financial hub of Shanghai (and now Hong Kong) and the Taiwan Straits. PLAAF has upgraded its air defense (non-aircraft) capabilities which involves three of the PLAAFs branches: SAM, AAA, and radar troops. It is expending tremendous effort establishing an Integrated Air Defence System (IADS) at both the strategic (SADS) and tactical (TADS) levels. [25] SADS Integrates Naval, Space ABM TADS Integrates PLAAF PLA AD as explained in the figure below. The Automated Air Defense Command and Control System [IBACS] identifies targets, evaluates threats, allocates forces, and guides fighters. It also commands surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) and antiaircraft artillery (AAA), and it includes tactical air defense systems (TADS) and fixed radars. A sector operations center is linked with three TADS, various air bases, AAA sites, SAM units, radars, and ground and naval units [26] . Eqpt. REGIONAL AD FIELD AD FUTURE DEVP REMARKS HQ 9 (90KM/ 30KM)* TOR M1 ( SA-15) HQ -15 (SUPER S-300 )(200/25) *RANGE/ ALTITUDE SA-10 GRUMBLE (200/ 90) S-300 PMU HQ -7 (FM -80) HQ 16 (SUPER TOR M1 (35/20) HQ-12 KS 1(50/ 25) HQ 64 (LY -60) HQ 17 (30/17) HQ -2 B(90/20) QW-3/ TY-90 HQ 18 (400/35) PL-9/ HQ 61 A ABM SYS MANPADS ( QW [27] 1,2,3 HN 5) QW [emailprotected] @ 4 TH GENERATION 14.5MM/ 23 MM/ 25MM/ 35 MM/ 57 MM/ 85MM GUNS. TYPE 95 GUN MISSILE SYSTEM GUN SYSTEMS The Chinese AD Doctrine post 2006 follows an Active AD Strategy with offensive and defensive character. Its deployment follows Three Strike or San Da concept which is a three ring layered deployment which is Key Area/ Key Point centric. Overall the countrys AD posture follows a front light and rear heavy pattern with institutionalized Passive Air Defence (PAD) measures. Despite significant improvement in military C4I, Chinese ability to control sophisticated military operations still lags behind current western standards and its varied AD equipment are yet to be battle tested. PAKISTAN Since most of our discussions all these years have been Pak centric, the readers would be familiar with its AD organization and setup. However, I wish to bring out certain salient aspects which are some recent developments:- Pak AD Studies (AADS 2000) and Study by HQ 4 AD Division in Jan 2008 has led to development of CLIAD (Comprehensive Layered Integrated Air Defence) Capability. This has ushered in era of variety of SAMs which are planned to be a mix of Western (30%) and Chinese (70%) equipment to be employed as under :- Combat Zone. It would primarily consist of RBS -70, FIM-90 (Chinese) and a variety of SHORADS (Short Range Air Defence Systems). Communication Zone. Low and Medium Altitude AD Systems (LOMAD) consisting of BAMSE (Sweden) and KS 2/ LY 60 D (China). Rear Areas. HIMADS comprising LD 2000 (China) and Phalanx (US). Both these systems are also capable of tackling all forms of missile threat. It has already authorized integral AD Regiments to its Infantry Artillery Divisions and is reorganizing the existing units to absorb new equipment thereby increasing the density of AD in Combat Zone. Redefining the Mission Of Army AD. Existing Mission. To provide ground based air defence to operationally critical assets/areas in harmony with visualized land air operations, nullifying or reducing the effectiveness of hostile air attacks and surveillance Redefined Mission . Provide AD cover against Low, Med and High alt air threat to national and tri Service VAsIVPs and field formations during defensive and offensive ops In the new mission Pakistan is not only looking to cover its air defence in all the spectrums but is also seeking for a better integration between the air defence forces with the other ground forces. Integrated AD concept implies provision of terminal def to PAF bases, CZ, VAs of national imp and create cone of AD wpns in specific areas of CZ in harmony with own air-land ops in order to cause max attrition on adversarys (Indian) air force.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Pigman :: essays research papers
The Pigman      The topic I chose to write about is lonely. Many characters in The Pigman are lonely. Some of the characters in the story that are lonely are John, Loraine, Mr.Pignati, and Bobo. My definition of lonely is to be by ones self. Another definition of lonely is being forgotten, left alone. An example of lonely is â€Å"The boy was left alone in the park.†     In the story, the most lonely character was Mr.Pignati. He was lonely because he had no children and his wife recently passed away. Mr.Pignati always went to the zoo. The reason he went to the zoo was to see his best friend, a baboon named Bobo. Bobo was lonely to.      Loraine was lonely at times to. She was lonely when she first moved there. No one would talk to her and she started to get upset because of this. Then one day John had to sit next to her on the bus and he started laughing. Loraine told him to shut up and this is when they became friends. They started the L&J fund together and this is how they met Mr.Pignati.      At one time they took the other baboon out of his cage. He got so lonesome one week he wouldn’t eat. Bobo got very sick. Mr.pignati would always visit him to make sure he was getting better. Loraine and John would also go with Mr.Pignati to visit Bobo. Bobo got pneumonia and died.      They started out not very trusting Mr.Pignati, but then they found out he wasn’t such a bad guy. They started to visit him more often and became good friends with him. They went shopping and to the zoo and played memory games with each other. They went roller balding together and Mr.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Flowering Tree Guide for Plants in the Los Angles Area Essay -- tree, f
Jacaranda In Los Angeles and throughout Southern California, blooming jacaranda trees announce the coming of spring. This visually stunning tree can grow up to 100 feet tall, but most top out between 25 and 50 feet. Early growth is fast, but mature trees grow more slowly. Although some jacarandas exhibit an upright pattern, usually the branches are long and spreading, creating a wide and open crown. The bark is silvery gray to almost black and the lacy, fern-like foliage is bright green and abundant, providing plenty of filtered shade. In the spring, the jacaranda produces masses of pale blue to lavender flowers that transform the crown into a pastel cloud of blossoms. Despite its delicate appearance, the jacaranda is a sturdy tree. Jacarandas grow quickly in almost any well-drained soil. They are drought resistant once established, and although they thrive in summer sun they also tolerate isolated periods of cold weather or an occasional frost. Young trees may need selective pruning to develop a strong central trunk. Jacarandas show better color when amended with organic mulch, but keep mulch away from the trunk to prevent rotting. Jacarandas are most often planted in rows as street trees, where the crowns grow together to create colorful canopies, or in parks or large open areas where they have plenty of room to spread. The fallen blossoms are slightly sticky and sometimes considered a nuisance, especially when they drop on parked cars below. To avoid this problem, plant the jacaranda as a shade tree in an open lawn. Magnolia On paper at least, magnolias look like the wrong tree for Los Angeles. A native of the Southeastern US, this woodland tree is fond of rich, organic soils and cool, shady glades. Yet,... is needed to create a strong central trunk and regularly thereafter to remove hanging branches that may interfere with pedestrian or street traffic. This tree prefers full sun but will grow in scattered shade. Somewhat tender to cold temperatures, the Hong Kong orchid does well in sheltered locations and will not thrive in mountain or high desert settings. Unlike other varieties of orchid tree, the Hong Kong doesn’t produce masses of huge seed pods, making litter less of a problem with this tree. Drought resistant once established, the Hong Kong orchid tree will also accept moderate levels of aerosol salt. An outstanding specimen tree, the Hong Kong orchid is approved for street use in many Southern California communities. Use it in among smaller tropicals or shrubs to create a focal point or lawn island, or as the flamboyant centerpiece in a tropical garden.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Internal Combustion Engines :: physics internal combustion engine
Most motor vehicles today use an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) to give them power to drive down the road; ICEs are a form of a heat engine. Gasoline is burned to push a piston, which in return forces the car down the road. As the gas in the cylinder is ignited and expanded it forces the piston down the shaft. The force is carried through piston, which is connected to a crankshaft. The force moves through the transmission, down the driveshaft, and out the tires. The Otto Cycle is used to turn as much heat into the driving force as possible. â€Å"A heat engine is a machine that converts heat into work†(Heat Engines). A heat engine absorbs a quantity of energy from a hot reservoir, does work, and then gives up a quantity of energy to the cold reservoir. In the example of an ICE, gasoline is burned, creating heat and expanding the gasses. This expansion pushes the piston down the cylinder and the excess heat is carried out through the coolant system or exhaust. The work done by the engine can be determined using the equation: W=Q(hot) - Q(cold) The efficiency of a heat engine can be determined using the equation: e=W/Q(hot) Gasoline engines have four strokes and six processes in each cycle. During the intake stroke, air and fuel are drawn into the cylinder; the volume and potential energy increase. Next, the compression stroke adiabatically compresses the gases; the volume decreases and the temperature increases. The spark does not occur during a stroke but when the piston is fully raised, this causes the gases to ignite keeping relatively the same volume. In the power stroke, the gas adiabatically expands; the temperature decreases and the volume increases. Finally, the exhaust valve is opened so in the exhaust stroke when the piston moves up the gasses are released causing the volume to decrease. A hemi engine refers to the way the pistons, heads and block are designed. This style of engine claims to provide a better flow of air inside the cylinder by creating more room for larger valves in turn providing more power. The chamber on a hemi is hemispherical instead of being flat like traditional engines. This shape provides more surface area on the block allowing room for the larger valves. When the engine can breath better there is less friction and more clean air / fuel mixture providing more power.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Crime Essay Outline Essay
Critically examine the methods used to measure crime in Australia. In your answer you should discuss the following: How are crime statistics collected, collated and used? What are the strengths and weaknesses of official statistics versus unofficial statistics and alternative methods? How might these weaknesses be overcome? Introduction: By measuring crime, accurate crime data can be used for access the effectiveness of public policies, including the measurement of crime trends and the evaluation of crime control initiatives (Weatherburn 2011). This essay will discuss how crime statistics be used in Australia, the variances between official and unofficial statistics and the solutions of the weaknesses of official statistic. The definitions of concepts: Official statistics- They are produced by government institutions such as police offence information systems and Australian Institute of Criminology. Unofficial statistics – They are produced by people and agencies that are not involved in the criminal justices system. The methods used to measure crime According to Addington (2010), the main sources of crime data are crimes report from police, victim surveys and self-report surveys. Police recorded crime statistic Easy to conduct Including information about the nature of the recorded crime, location, time, what weapons were used etc. (Weatherburn 2011). Regionally and nationally Reliable Police were trained under criminological background Police are experienced Victim surveys Measure the dark figure of crime Crimes reported to an interviewer by the victim Nationally Based on sample of address (Block, C. R., Block R. L. 1984) Six index offenses Rape, aggravated assault, robbery, burglary, larceny, and automobile theft (Decker 1977) Self-report surveys Rarely reported to police Examples are illegal drug use and tax evasion (Weatherburn 2011) The advantages Official statistics Administrative data such as data from state and Territory police forces, courts, hospitals, community services (Browyn 2004). Represent an official record of crime Up-to-date information (Browyn 2004). Can be used for comparative purposes and deduction of crime trend. The limitations Official statistics Not all crimes committed are detected Not all crimes committed are reported Attitudes about the potential effectiveness of police in handing matters (Browyn 2004). Who are involved in an incident (Browyn 2004). The possible implication for victims (Browyn 2004). Not all crimes reported to police are recorded Technical difficulties A lack of sufficiently precise definitions for the phenomena to be measured (Security Publique Quebec 1993). A lack of uniformity or rigour in administrative practices used to compile the date (Security Publique Quebec 1993). Statistics only reflect the visible face of crime and do not make it possible to measure all the crimes perpetrated (Security Publique Quebec 1993). Selective use of data The lag in reporting Solutions Ensure independence (UK statistics Authority 2010) Public confidence as a target A augment that statistics needed to be at heart of policy-making and performance management Reinforce supervision on media The media plays an important role in forming people’s views on official statists (UK statistics Authority 2010). ‘The misreporting and under –reporting apparently endemic in current statistic has led to their widespread devaluation’ (Skogan 1975) Prevent from abuse of official statistics Conclusion Official statistics are more credible but need to overcome their weaknesses. There are two possible options which are ensuring independence and reinforcing supervision on media can be considered as solutions in this paper. References: Block, Carolyn R. , Block, Richard L. (1984) ‘Crime definition, crime measurement, and Victim Surveys’, Journal of Social issues, Vol. 40, No.1, pp 137-160 Browyn, H. (2004) ‘measuring crime in Australia’, crime in the community, chapter 4, pp 64-78 Decker, Scott H. (1977) ‘Official crime rates and victim surveys: an empirical comparison’, Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol. 5, pp 47-54 Lynn A. Addington (2010) ‘Measuring Crime’, Oxford Available from Oxford Bibliographies [30 March 2014] Security Publique Quebec (1993) ‘Partners in Crime Prevention: For a Safer Quebec Report of the Task Force on crime prevention’ Skogan, W. G. (1975) ‘Measurement problems in official and survey crime rates’, Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol3, pp17-32 UK statistics Authority (2010) ‘Overcoming Barriers to Trust in: Crime Statistics: England and Wales’, Monitoring report 5 Weatherburn, D. (2011) ‘Uses and ab uses of crime statistics’ Crime and Justice Bulletin, no. 153
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Business Administration Essay
1.1 Describe the different features of telephone systems and how to use them Telephone systems have many different functions eg: hold, transfer, ignore and making a call. Thousands of organisations use the telephone system as it is a reliable and easy way to contact clients and fellow colleagues. Putting a call on hold will allow you leave your work space to perhaps collect documents, ask colleagues some questions or find another colleague to deal with the call. Another function of the telephone is transferring calls, if a client calls the reception desk and asks for a colleague then you can transfer the call using the extension number. This is a fast an effective strategy as it allows you to transfer the call straight away, with no interruptions. Furthermore, another function of the telephone is the ability to ignore a call. Ignoring a phone call isn’t professional but sometimes it may occur, a blocked number may call and then you have the choice to either ignore it or answer. 1.2 Give reasons for identifying the purpose of a call before making it Identifying the purpose of the call allows you to prepare yourself before the call. Knowing and planning what you are going to say is an excellent strategy to have. Writing down all of the facts and having the right phone number to call is essential, being confident and knowing the purpose of the phone call is a great way to show that you are professional. If you don’t prepare yourself before a phone call it can come across unprofessional, saying words such as ‘erm’ and ‘like’ shows the recipient that you are unsure of the points you are trying to get across. 1.3 Describe different ways of obtaining the names and numbers of people that need to be contacted There are many different ways to obtain personal information such as the name of a client or their phone number. In working situations you can ask your Manager, HR, phone directory or even email the client. Human Resources will usually have a phone book or a business card holder that could have the clients name and number. Also your Manager should have a list of clients that they associate with, they can give you the name of the person you are trying to contact and a number. Furthermore, you can look in your organisations phone directory, they should have the client’s details in there, along with an email address or a phone number. 1.4 Describe how to use a telephone system to make contact with people inside and outside an 0rganisation Telephone systems are a great way for colleagues to communicate during working hours. Colleagues are able to transfer and divert calls to each other, or even take messages for each other. Also, it is a quick and easy way to get hold of other colleagues/people. Furthermore, you are able to contact clients and potential business partners via phone, it is a simple and effective manner of contacting someone that is virtually hassle free. If you try to call the client/colleague and they don’t answer, you can always leave a voice mail with them so they can contact you later on in the day/at a later date. 1.5 Explain the purpose of giving a positive image of self and own organisation It is important to present a positive image of you and your organisation to influence people in taking you seriously. This attracts the best workforce when employment opportunities arise in the organisation and the best clients when attracting business. All this translates into better returns and a higher profitability for the organisation. You are expected to present a positive image of yourself and your organisation because you will be able to: listen to and absorb the information that others are giving you, ask questions, when necessary, provide information to other people clearly and accurately, contribute to and allow others to contribute to, discussions, select and read written information that contains the information you need, communicate well in writing, establish good working relationships with other people. 1.6 Explain the purpose of summarising the outcomes of a telephone conversation before ending the call It is important to summarise the outcomes of a telephone conversation so that both parties agree on what has been said and there are no confusions, objectives are clean and the information is fresh in the mind for both parties to write down or relay to another call. You cannot see the recipient’s reactions during the conversation so a verbal confirmation of the outcomes is an essential way to know whether or not someone has misunderstood or has any qualms. 1.7 Describe how to identify problems and who to refer them to When a call comes into the office always take a name (full name if possible and preferably) and the company they are calling from, try and obtain from the caller either what the problem is. Pass the message along to relevant staff and see what information can be found to resolve the problem. If this is not possible try and locate a member of staff who can help from the information obtained from the caller eg: If there is a payment problem then transfer the phone call to Lauren, she will be able to help the caller with the problem. 1.8 Describe organisation structures and communication channels within an organisation Staff have a role, shared decision making, specialisation is possible. 1. Decisions pass down formal channels from managers to staff members. 2. Information flows up formal channels from staff to managers. 3. Entrepreneurial – decisions are made centrally 4. Matrix – staff with specific skills join project teams, each individual has a responsibility. 5. Independent – seen in professions where organisations provide support systems and little else Channels of communication- communication in organisations follow paths or channels. Communication between managers and subordinates is known as vertical communication this is because the information flows up or down the hierarchy. Channels between departments or functions involve lateral communication. As well as formal channels of communication, information also passes through an organisation informally. Communication is not complete until feedback has been received. 1.1 Describe how to follow organisational procedures when making a telephone call Always introduce yourself including name and company you are calling from, if prior know request to talk to the member of staff/department you are calling for. If not explain why you are calling and request help on locating staff that can help. When connected have questions ready or know exactly what information is required. At end summarise call and recap information to check accuracy. 1.2 Explain how to report telephone system faults Being as exact as possible will help the fault be restored asap. Take notes such as; when did the problem first occur, how frequent is it happening, what conditions are occurring, can you restart or reset the equipment ect. Then once you have made a note of these problems/answers you can inform a member of staff of the fault and try contacting service providers for assistance.
Fiction and Australian Identity Essay
The novel Cloudstreet, by Tim Winton resonates the idea of engaging readers through its focus on optimism despite hardship throughout the narrative. The text has the ability to be appreciated and understood through its textual integrity and realism, making it an inspirationally driven text for those engaged readers. A cultural perspective of the novel highlights how the characters in the novel overcome hardships and gain that sense of optimism, which is a true acknowledgment of the sentiment of the stereotypical â€Å"Australian†character. Winton’s focus on the overcoming of segregation in the novel, thoroughly emphasizes this notion of how after hardship, comes optimism, as once the family unites, there is this strong sense of optimism felt in the text. These ideas engage the reader to an extent of realisation that this text is one full of inspiration and encouragement, despite the hardship present at times. The cultural perspective of the novel incorporates the acknowledgment of the Australian identity, making the readers engage and relate with the various characters who posses similar traits. Sam Pickle’s lifestyle, focusing on vices and addiction, causes a great deal of hardship for himself and those around him. The influence gambling has on his life is shown in the quote, â€Å"He loved to gamble, for it was another way of finding water, a divination that sent his whole body sparking. †Comparing Sam’s gambling addiction to that of water allows for realisation of the importance of gambling in his life, as water is a necessity for life. This also creates a distinct connection between Sam and Fish, as Fish’s character thrives for water, bringing happiness and satisfaction to his life, as it is a â€Å"divination†. This creates the parallel that Sam may see gambling in this necessary way. It is known throughout the novel of the importance of water, and this quote portrays Sam’s view on gambling, thoroughly reflecting on its influence on his life. The hardships depicted in the novel are a realistic truth that creates textual integrity; recognizing the Australian identity, as a way to accept the hardships and move on with life, as Sam does throughout the novel. The significance of the inclusion of the Australian identity, is key in the characterization of the various characters, each bringing their own flaws and qualities to the narrative, giving it its engaging effect. The cultural perspective give the hardships faced in the novel a sense of realism, and relatability. Rose’s character is one that signifies the overcoming of these hardships, as she arguably faces the most significant adversities throughout her life. Rose’s private feelings regarding the impact of her parents’ vices is expressed in how, â€Å"There was too much shame, too much cowering under the neighbours’ eyes, too much agonizing embarrassment going to school with a black eye †¦Ã¢â‚¬ The repetition of â€Å"too much†evokes empathy for her circumstances as she is compelled to suffer not only neglect but physical abuse from her mother as well. The obvious physical pain, as well as her lowered moral shown throughout the novel, seem to entice the idea of the negativity hardship can have on ones life. It forces Rose to want to breakaway from her family ideas and values, and explore the world, looking for that sense of optimism. Her character proves the underlying attributes in the Australian identity; attributes that focus on pursuing happiness, to gain a greater perspective of life. The narrative allows for the idea of segregation to act as an aspect of the hardship faced by the characters. It distinguishes the differences between those who are separated, identifying their different lifestyles and values as factors, which has caused this disconnection. The segregation and major personality differences between the two families are highlighted in the quote, â€Å"Sometimes they squared off at one another like opposing platoons. †The metaphor of comparing the two sets of children to â€Å"platoon†, a word commonly used in war, parallels the separation caused by the war. This emphasizes a key aspect of the contextual features of the storyline, as the war has a major impact on the lives of the characters. This also exaggerates the level of separation between the two families, suggesting they have a war-like standing against each other, caused by different views and opinions. The notion of segregation between the families is an obvious cause of hardship, as the two families share so much, whilst being completely different. There is strong symbolism throughout Cloud Street that parallels this idea of segregation. The end of the novel signifies the overcoming of these symbols, in order to unite. The divided backyard is achieved through â€Å"old signs patched together,†symbolizing the patching together’ of lives after the previous hardships faced. The families of Cloudstreet are very different, one who works hard for their own benefit and the other strongly focused on taking life in its stride, letting luck decide life’s path. Winton tends to favour the Lamb families determination, as the constant reliance on luck is not always dependable, as it causes much disruption and conflict between members of the Pickle family. Representatives of the different families work collaboratively in removing both the physical and emotional barriers. â€Å"A square little woman unpegged and folded a tent another woman stepped forward, tottering a little. She crossed the long gash where yesterday there’d been a fence, and took a corner of the tent herself. †The families are literally brought together by the folding of the tent. Corner to corner, their lives are intertwined in a fashion that shows overcoming the hardships created by segregation, allowing for a united nature to be founded in Cloudstreet due to the determination of two family representatives overcoming mutual prejudices. Tim Winton’s novel Cloudstreet is inspirational in the sense that the realism that is created through the narrative, makes the text relatable and appreciated for different contexts. This enables for the reader to be engaged with the storyline, which acknowledges key features such as the Australian identity, and the overcoming of segregation.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Abortion Should Stay Legal
Abortion Should Stay Legal By Ariam Abraham Professor Maria Mollinedo English 102 9 December 2011 Abstract The topic of abortion is one of the most controversial of our times. It discusses human interaction where ethics, emotions and law come together. There are different points of views towards abortion. These views can be broken down into two categories, Pro-life and Pro-choice. Everyone has their own views and opinions; despite what several people may believe, abortion is neither right nor wrong. A pro-lifer is against abortion.Pro-lifers believe that from the moment of conception, the embryo is alive and this life imposes a moral obligation to preserve it. It has a brain and a heart; therefore it also has a right to life. Religion plays a big role on pro-life. Abortion is against the Bible and most religious people don’t believe in it either. On the other hand a pro-choicer would feel that the decision to abort a pregnancy is that of the mothers’; and the s tate has no right to interfere. Abortion is a women’s own right hand choice. Women should not be forced to have babies they don’t want or aren’t ready for.They must be able to decide what happens to them and have a safe plus legal way of doing so. Women are in control of their own bodies and lives. Legislators have no right to interfere. Abortion allows us to choose what we want for ourselves, and it also helps us to follow family planning. We have every right to choose whether we want to have an abortion or not. Religious people don’t support it but since it is their belief and decision they should not force other people to be like them. It has been proven above that all their arguments were not fully true.The reasons why women have abortions vary. It may be a case of rape, physical or psychological condition. A choice must need to be available to prevent the birth of unwanted children, to avoid damage to the child as well as to safeguard the emotional and physical health of women. Abortion is a tough choice and the decision should be a personal one, without interference of government or special interest groups. Outline I. Abortion is a very controversial subject that has been continually argued over for the past few years and probably for many years to come.A. Abortion is the destruction of a fetus or unborn child while the child is still in the mother’s womb. B. Abortion in the United States has been legal in every state since the United States Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, on January 22, 1973 C. There are two sides to abortion, the pro-life and prochoice. a. Pro-life are people who are against abortion. b. Pro-choice are people who support abortion. II. Religion and philosophy thinking shouldn’t affect the law of abortion. A. A fetus is not a person. B.Pro-life people shouldn’t push other people to believe their religion. C. The pro-life’s arguments against abortion are p rovn to be false. a. Women having an abortion have been decreasing since 1973. III. Abortion playes a big role in some cases. A. A pregnancy from rape is better to be avoided. B. Incest children face a lot of difficulties in being accepted by their society. C. Woman should have an abortion if her pregnancy is uncompitible with her health IV. Abortion has allowed us to choose what we want for ourselves, and it also helps us to follow family planning. A.New laws that are being developed make it harder and harder for women to deal with the problems of pregnancies. Abortion is a very controversial subject that has been continually argued over for the past few years and probably for many years to come. The main controversy is should abortion be legalized? Before we get to the answer, let’s first define the word abortion. According to Tom Head â€Å"Abortion is the international terminology of a pregnancy after conception. It allows women to put an end to their pregnan cies, but involves killing the undeveloped embryo or fetus†(1).This destruction of a fetus or unborn child while the child is still in the mother’s womb can be done by almost anyone from the mother herself to even to abortionist by clinics set up especially for this purpose. Since abortion involves killing a fetus, it is considered as a sensitive subject to discuss, because every person around the world have a different view and opinion about it. As history tells us â€Å"Abortion in the United States has been legal in every state since the United States Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, on January 22, 1973†(Lewis 1).Since then, there have been many debates among the citizens whether the law is right or wrong. There are two sides to this abortion topic the pro-life, which are those who are against abortion, and the pro-choice are those who believe it is the woman’s right to choose if she wants to have an abortion or not. These two groups offer diffe rent solutions to a problem. The pro-life solution is to have the child and basically live with it. They believe abortion is not an answer. The pro-choice solution is abortion because of reasons they feel are appropriate.Although abortion is morally and ethically wrong, should it be legal for victims of rape or incest who have no other alternative? To see the Americans view on abortion, a popular TV channel in the United States did a survey on over 1133 people over the age of 18 in 2004. Generally, 57 percent in this ABCNEWS poll say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 43 percent voted against it. I will point out the argumentative reasons for abortion to stay legalized through out the paper.Many famous and respected people have talked about abortion, like Mother Teresa who was the winner of Nobel Prize for Peace in 1979. She argues, â€Å"If we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people to not kill each other? Any country tha t accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want†(Barbier and Goree 98). Since Mother Teresa was very religious women what she said make sense but I totally disagree with what she said. Killing a fetus is not the same as killing a person.The word â€Å"murder†is often used by pro-lifers to describe abortion. Murder means deliberate and unjustified killing of another person containing intent. How can anybody see an evil intent in a woman's decision to interrupt pregnancy if it is a result of rape or incest? A woman cannot bear the thought of having a child that would be a constant reminder of what had happened on such and such a day, such and such number of years ago. She doesn't want to kill a baby; she wants to interrupt the growth of an embryo so that it will not become a baby. She interrupts potential life. But potential life is just that, potential.There's an argument until these days that a fe tus is a person that is indistinguishable from the rest of us and that it deserves rights equal to women's. On this question there is a tremendous spectrum of religious, philosophical, scientific, and medical opinion. It's been argued for centuries. Fortunately, our society has recognized that each woman must be able to make this decision, based on her own conscience. To impose a law defining a fetus as a person, granting it rights equal to or superior to a woman’s thinking, feeling, conscious human being is arrogant and absurd.It only serves to diminish women. A fetus is like a body part in women’s body not an individual person and can only be recognized as a person since the day it is born. It is not registered as a citizen in the government’s book and is not even considered as existing person. So killing a fetus can be called as getting rid of a body part. And, it is not the government’s duty to teach the citizens how to love. People learn about love f rom their parents, from their religion and relatives and society. Government cant build a law based on how it is going to affect the behavior of the citizens.It is like we can’t have a war because it is not nice to kill people. What if another country attacks us? Are we going to sit and wait until we die? We should protect out country and our selves and the same goes with abortion, we have to protect ourselves if we see harm is coming to us. On the other hand, Abortion is a difficult issue when it is viewed from a religious point of view. On one hand there is the Commandment against murder, which begs the question of whether a fetus is a human or not. There is a passage in the Bible, which deals specifically with the act of causing  woman to abort a pregnancy. In Exodus 21:22-25 we read: †And if men struggle and strike a woman with child so that she has a miscarriage, yet there is no further injury, he shall be fined as the woman's husband may demand of him, and he shall pay as the judges decide. But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise†( New Revised Standard Version, Exodus 21:22). In this passage we find a woman losing her child by being stuck by men who are fighting.Rather than it being a capital offense, however it is looked as a civil matter, with the father – to – be taking the participants to court for a settlement. But, as we read on, if the woman is killed, a â€Å"life for a life,†then the men who killed her shall be killed. Some have claimed that the life for a life part is talking about the baby, but in this passage we also read, â€Å"Tooth for a tooth†. Fetuses/babies do not have teeth when they are born. Thus we can see that if the baby is lost, it does not require a death sentence – it is not considered murder. But if the woman is lost, it is considered murder and is punished by death.I do not want to say that abortion is Biblical, but I just want to show that there can be arguments on both sides and a judgment against people in God's name should be stopped. As we have seen above every individual have their own opinion on abortion, depending on their religion and beliefs. If the pro- life group doesn’t support abortion they don’t have to do it. The law doesn’t force you to have abortion in any case. So people against abortion due to their religions or beliefs shouldn’t protest against abortion because it is their personal preference. Religious ideology is no foundation for any law.Freedom of religion is guaranteed to any citizen in the United States, so why would the beliefs and values of one religion mandate actual laws for all citizens? It would be unfair, unjust and immoral. We do not have laws against eating fish, nor do we have laws that declare it is legal to sell one’s daughter, rape someone, or keep a person as slave -all things that are promoted in religious text. There are also few pro-life people that claim women are using abortion as a birth control. By that they mean women are going to be irresponsible and will have unprotected sex since abortion is legal.This is proven to be untrue by Ms Heather Boonstra. She is a Senior Public Policy Associate in the Guttmacher Institute's Washington, DC. On the article Abortion in Women’s Lives that she published in 2006 she states, â€Å"from time to time the number of women having abortion is decreasing †(3). Here is here summarized graph. [pic] As we can see in the graph the number of women having abortion has been going down since 1981, which proves that women are using abortion in special cases not as birth control. Other than that, abortion plays a big role in some special cases.We don’t hear it that often but t here is sexual intercourse between two people called incest. In definition â€Å"Incest is sexual intercourse between close relatives that is illegal in the jurisdiction where it takes place and is conventionally considered a taboo. The term may apply to sexual activities between: individuals of close ‘blood relationship’; members of the same household; step relatives related by adoption or marriage; and members of the same clan or lineage†(Stritof). Even though it is between families it can be taken as sexual harassment if it is between an adult and an under age.It is not accepted in out society. People consider it as the nastiest thing that human being would do. If by any chance someone becomes a victim of incest, their family and friends will isolate them for their rest of their lives. Likewise, when a girl is raped, she feels dreadful. The trauma of being raped could break her down and make her depressed and that is only the beginning. After she gets raped, in her own eyes, she has no respect or self-esteem for herself and then comes the embarrassment. Her reputation in the society will be damaged permanently and everyone will look down upon her.Even her own family's reputation will be tainted. If she is forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy, the result is unwanted children. After the unwanted baby is born, the childhood that he will get will not be the best one because of how it was originated. At home, the raped woman would not be a good mother and would be cruel to the baby. Therefore, because of this abnormal type of childhood, when the child grows up and becomes a teenager, he will often turn to crime and be involved in gangs and drugs. For example, 40% of African-American kids grow up by a single mother due to unplanned sex or poverty.And 20% of those kids drop out in middle school (Hanson 141). Once a kid stops going to school he or she have a high chance of doing illegal things in order to get money. They are among society's mo st tragic cases, often uncared-for, unloved, brutalized, and abandoned. Those children have a very strong chance of getting hurt or getting arrested or in a worse case scenario, be killed. All this could be prevented if the mother was allowed to get an abortion early on and she would not have to face all the shame and embarrassment for herself and her family. This is not good for children, for families, or for the country.Children need love and families who want and will care for them. Therefore, women who are raped or victims of incest should not be forced to carry out a pregnancy. Odds are that 1 in 3 women will be victims of sexual violence in her lifetime (Mahkorn and Dolan182). Does that mean that 33% of all women should be forced to carry out a pregnancy from this violation? Those people always don’t tell that they have been in that situation until the woman becomes pregnant and all her relatives find out. The baby they have is going to go through a lot since he is born between two family members.Isolation, bulling, and it is most possible that he will involve in illegal medicines or drags just to put himself in the mood since he is most of the time unhappy. These are few of the bad things the child will face, as he got older. This poor baby will have a lot of problems just because of his parents made a mistake. Why would their child take the punishment for what his parents did? Abortion is the only choice here. Many would argue that these women could endure the pregnancy, spending nearly a year of her life simply re-living the rape and its effects over and over again, to give up a baby at the end of it for adoption.However, we all are aware of the fact that there are millions of unwanted children awaiting adoption as we speak who remain unclaimed; in fact, UNICEF estimates that there are 210 million orphans in the world right now. If they have no one willing to be their parent or guardian, why would another baby have a better chance? In other wor d abortion will help in decreasing world’s population. Similarly, World health organization posted an interesting article about women and pregnancy saying, â€Å"Every minute, at least one woman dies from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth – that means 529 000 women a year.In addition, for every woman who dies in childbirth, around 20 more suffer injury, infection or disease – approximately 10 million women each year†(10). It is shocking that a lot of women die during pregnancy. People against abortion think that a woman must have the baby once she is pregnant, but that is ridiculous. There are many women in a situation that they can’t have a baby. Women have to avoid pregnancy if she has some kind of diseases that gets worse with pregnancy, because it could affect her health or the baby’s health.For example a breast cancer women-getting chemotherapy should not get pregnant because she does not know the effect of chemotherapy on the outcome for the fetus. In this case if a women gets pregnant accidentally she should think about her health first and her baby’s health second, and have an abortion before the fetus gets older. Most people now agree that if the mother's life is in danger abortion is acceptable. It seems unreasonable to let both die when one can be saved. There are many other situations in which abortion can be morally justified. One thing is obvious.These pregnancies were not planned and they are unwanted. Children born to these mothers are â€Å"biological accidents†. In my opinion it is sinful to bring innocent and defenseless children into the world when they will not be cared for. All over the globe these are children starving, being raped, dying, being beaten up because they’re unwanted. They suffer abuses from which they never recover. Medical researchers also show that unwanted children whose mothers refused an abortion suffer from serious psychological disturbances throughout their life (Morgentaler, 52).Another reason why I believe that availability of choice is vital for women is that if a woman decides to have an abortion, she will do anything to end her pregnancy. This is the reality. There is no such thing as a one hundred-per cent effective contraceptive which of course results in unwanted pregnancies. From the illegal days we know many ways in which women aborted themselves. Many women would introduce caustic detergent substances into themselves, producing major burns of the vaginal wall and systemic poisoning.Others would insert a tablet of potassium, which led to serious lesions. Number of women tried to dislodge their pregnancies by introducing knitting needles, coat hangers, or other metal or wooden objects into their uteruses. Some women threw themselves down flights of stairs, and some pumped air into the uterus by means of a small pump used to blow up bicycle tires. Illegal abortions were performed by people with no or little medical knowledge, in back rooms, in a non-hygienic environment. All this led to tremendous number of deaths but did not stop the abortions.Anyone who thinks that outlawing abortion makes abortion go away is a fool. It makes it dangerous and it makes it shameful. Women will always get abortions. And if we are truly concerned about human life and if this is not just a hollow slogan for us we should make abortion safe and clean procedure instead of trying to make women feel guilty. Additionally, making abortion legal can decrease illegal abortion. Let’s look. The following chart was used on the floor of the US Senate during the tumultuous debate on abortion in 1981. It was compiled from official U. S. tatistics. As we can see on the graph, abortion was first legalized on 1967 and we can clearly see that after that year the line started to drop sharply which shows that the death of women due to illegal abortion decreased. Simply, Laws against abortion do not stop abortion; they simply make it less safe. The number of women who get abortions does not change when it goes from being legal to illegal, or vice versa. The only thing that changes is more women die. [pic] Opponents of abortion seem to think that women who choose to have abortions typically do so thoughtlessly.They do not know that a decision in itself is already agonizing and a very painful thing for women. But can you really understand the issue of abortion unless you have been in the situation of possibly having one? What some people do not seem to understand is that abortion is not an easy way out. This issue concerned with badness, and if there is badness there is bitterness and worseness. Woman herself has to make a decision, on which is which. Many people try to force their beliefs on others and judge them for their actions. These people need to judge themselves before they start to judge others.There is a question that should be answered. Should government be involved in personal matters such as abortion? In my opinion government should not interfere with citizens personal problems. Having an abortion is the same as having a kidney surgery. Once a doctor tells you in what condition your kidney is, it is your decision to have a surgery depending on what the doctor said. Even your kidney is in the worst condition you still have a choice to stay without medication. That doesn’t consider as a suicide by the law. It also goes the same with abortion.Would you allow the government to tell you if you could have a kidney transplant or a blood transfusion? Of course not, the fact that we even consider, let alone allow, governments to regulate a medical procedure is both illogical and foolish. Depending on your health, your baby’s health, and your baby’s future you should have the right to decide weather you want to have an abortion or not. Therefore my theory is that people who spend so much time, energy, and money on anti-abortion campaigns should instead spend it on the precious children they say need saving so muchâ€â€the ones who are alive and parentless.Imagine if all the funds spent on all those billboards and flyers and campaigns were instead either spent adopting or donating to places that are overrun with orphaned children, perhaps some actual credibility would be given to these people who claim to love children so much. Also, there is the fact of the matter of the more than one million homeless youth in America alone. The number one factor for a child being homeless is physical or sexual abuse at home. Perhaps these child-lovers should step in and care for these already-born children as well. If those people really want to stop abortion, they should turn to methods that do work.These include comprehensive sex education and safe, affordable contraceptives. Unfortunately, as illogical as it sounds, the people who are most against abortion are also often most against these preventative measures. If they truly wanted to reduce the number of abortions that occur, they would embrace these methods. Additionally, if the Supreme Court ever declared abortion illegal, only the poor will be adversely affected. The rich will purchase a round-trip ticket to one of the European Countries, have an abortion there and return. The poor, do not have enough sometimes even to ay for the bus fare to go downtown. The impact of such a law would be disproportionate. This is in fact what happened before 1973 (before Roe), when abortion was illegal. We must learn from history otherwise we are condemned to repeat it. People who oppose abortion do so usually on religious and moral grounds. They can continue with their moral standards, no one is asking them to have an abortion in the event of rape or incest or some other medical reason. We just ask to be let alone. There is nothing more private to a woman then the right to regulate her own fertility and no one has a right to tell her otherwise.Not in U. S. A. not in this land of the free which guarantees individual and constitutional rights? Choice is a constitutional right, the Supreme Court says so. Michael Monahan is the author of non-profit organization called the Heritage House and in is article â€Å"Illegal Abortion†he says, â€Å"I’d still worry that if you forbid abortion, it will just go back to back-alley but butchery and lots of mothers dying. †(1). I totally agree with him, stopping abortion will be a totally disaster and we will see more death of women due to illegal abortions.As I mentioned through out the paper, abortion should be the mother and the father choice to do, not the law or the government, because it is important when the mother can have a baby due to health problem, when the baby have no future, when a pregnancy occurs under a circumstances that is not accepted on the society ETC. N ew laws that are being developed make it harder and harder for women to deal with the problems of pregnancies. If laws were adapted leaving the choice up to the families of the newly conceived, it would make their lives and their choices a lot easier.My personal belief is that each woman should have a right to decide whether she wants to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. For reasons of women's right to self-determination, protection of their health, adequate care of children which are born and in order to prevent child abuse and mental disease, easy access to abortion is a must. Most abortions occur because contraception failed, because of a rape or because of a serious medical condition of the mother, which could lead to her death. In these situations abortion is often the only way that prevents the birth of an unwanted child or saves a mothers life.We have seen that abortion is really important to the society. It has allowed us to cho ose what we want for ourselves, and it also helps us to follow family planning. We have every right to choose whether we want to have an abortion or not. Religious people don’t support it but since it is their belief and decision they should not force other people to be like them. It has been proven above that all their arguments were not fully true. The reasons why women have abortions vary. It may be a case of rape, physical or psychological condition.A choice must need to be available to prevent the birth of unwanted children, to avoid damage to the child as well as to safeguard the emotional and physical health of women. Preservation of life seems to be rather a slogan than a genuine goal of the anti-abortion forces; what they really want is control. Control over our behavior and power over women. Abortion is a tough choice and the decision should be a personal one, without interference of government or special interest groups. Losing safe and legal a bortion would mean reducing women to childbearing vessels.It would mean turning our backs on the technology we have, and it will also devalue women as independent human beings. It would bring more meaningless deaths from the illegal and self- induced abortions and more pain for women. Works Cited Barbier, Jean, and Georges Goree. Mother Teresa: The Love of Christ. New York: Harper ; Row, 1982. Print. Boonstra, Heather. Key Questions for Consideration as a New Federal Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative is Implemented. 1st. ed. 13. Washington DC: Guttmacher Policy Review, 2010. Print. Hanson T. , McLanahan, S. and Thomson, E. (1996).Double Jeopardy: Parental Conflict and Stepfamily Outcomes for Children. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 58(1): 141-154. Print. Head, Tom. â€Å"What is Abortion? †Web. 10 Dec. 2011. Lewis, Jone. â€Å"Abortion History†Web. 10 Dec. 2011. Mahkorn ; Dolan, â€Å"Sexual Assault & Pregnancy. †In New Perspectives on Human Abortion, University Publisher of Amer. , 1981, pp. 182-199 Monhan, Michael. Illegal Abortion. Web. Morgentaler, Henry. Abortion and Contraception. 1st ed. Beaufort Books, 1982. Print. Stritof, Bob. Prohibited Marraige. Web. The New Oxford Annotated Bible: With the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books, New Revised Standard Version.Michael D. Coogan, editor. New York: Oxford UP, 2001. Print. WHO. District Planning Tool for Maternal and Newborn Health Strategy Implementation. 6-13. Print. Bibliography Barbier, Jean, and Georges Goree. Mother Teresa: The Love of Christ. New York: Harper ; Row, 1982. Print. Boonstra, Heather. Key Questions for Consideration as a New Federal Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative is Implemented. 1st. ed. 13. Washington DC: Guttmacher Policy Review, 2010. Print. CNN – Obama: Pro-choice, Not Pro-Abortion Ad [Video]. (2008). 12 Nov. 2011 Hanson T. , McLanahan, S. and Thomson, E. (1996).Double Jeopardy: Parental Conflict and Stepfamily Outcomes fo r Children. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 58(1): 141-154. Print. Head, Tom. â€Å"What is Abortion? †Web. 10 Dec. 2011. Lewis, Jone. â€Å"Abortion History†Web. 10 Dec. 2011. Mahkorn ; Dolan, â€Å"Sexual Assault & Pregnancy. †In New Perspectives on Human Abortion, University Publisher of Amer. , 1981. Print. Monhan, Michael. Illegal Abortion. Web. Morgentaler, Henry. Abortion and Contraception. 1st ed. Beaufort Books, 1982. Print. Reagan, L. J. When Abortion was a Crime, Women, Medicine, and Law in the United States, 1867-1973.Univ of California Pr, 1999. Print. Sproul, R. C. Abortion, a Rational Look at an Emotional Issue. Reformation Trust Publishing, 2010. Print. Stritof, Bob. Prohibited Marraige. Web. 24 November 2011. The New Oxford Annotated Bible: With the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books, New Revised Standard Version. Michael D. Coogan, editor. New York: Oxford UP, 2001. Print. WHO. District Planning Tool for Maternal and Newborn Health Strategy Implementation. 6-13. Print. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. â€Å"Abortion†Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 22 July 2004. Web. 10 Aug. 2011
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