Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Advanced Clinical Practice Final Essay - 1532 Words
Advanced Clinical Practice Final This paper explores the scenario of a client and looks at the presenting problem from an ecological and strengths perspective. It will also explore advanced clinical skills, intervention strategies and ethical dilemmas encountered. Methods for evaluating progress will be discussed within the social context of the case. Termination and follow-up approaches, and any ethical dilemmas will be included. Any problems with oppressed populations will also be discussed. Finally, the limits of the chosen model and limits of the practitioner, evolution of client and practitioner identities, any ethical or social justice issues for the agency, and an evaluation of the practitioner’s effectiveness will conclude the paper. Scenario Erin is a White female in her late forties currently going through a divorce after 24 years of marriage. She and her husband, Sam, had three children together. Sam is an agent with the FBI and Erin was a stay at home mom during her marriage, at the insistence of her husband. Sam lives in the marital home with the youngest son, who attends high school and Erin’s widowed mother moved to the state to provide a place for Erin to live. Erin’s oldest daughter lives with her and the grandmother. The middle daughter is away at college, but stays with Erin when she comes home. Erin has been estranged from her only brother for years. Neither liked the other siblings spouse, and they have been at odds for years. Erin states her husband hasShow MoreRelatedAdvanced Clinical Practice : Final Paper Essay1176 Words  | 5 PagesAdvanced Clinical Practice ~ Final Paper Analysis The client for this paper is a twenty-seven-year-old single mother to a six-year-old son. The client was raised in a hardworking middle class family in which her father built a successful business. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Benefits of Immigrants in the United States Essay
Recently the United States has experienced a large number of immigrants coming over to the country within the 2000s. In recent studies, there are about 11.5 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. The undocumented immigrant population has grown 27% between 2000 to 2009. Immigrants from Mexico make up 59% of the undocumented immigrants in the United States. These undocumented immigrants can help the economy and country grow. These undocumented immigrants do have some downside to them, which makes people question do they really help this country. Many people question if this is a good or bad thing for the U.S. economy or the country. Immigrants have helped the U.S. economy out a lot and propose more positives then negatives on†¦show more content†¦If the United States were to deport all undocumented immigrants about $2.6 trillion would be lost. Also over five years it would cost 285 billion to just deport all the undocumented immigrants. Immigrants make a big po sitive impact on the United States through the work force. Dealing with the legal status and deporting undocumented immigrants can cost the United States a lot of money. The country would also lose a lot if they deported all undocumented immigrants. The immigration system is broken and needs to be fixed. The immigration system as of now can’t keep up with the demand of a growing economy and the diversity of the nation. The strict legal limits on green cards makes it nearly impossible for undocumented immigrants to become legal. The country should try to make it as easy as possible for those who qualify to legally come into the country on visas and green cards. A bill has been proposed a bill that would provide a path to citizenship for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country and to tighten the security at the border. Congress and the President have worked on bills and acts to try and reform immigration. Most of the acts and bills have been rejected and some are being worked on now. Improving rights, and makin g the process for becoming legal easier, could help more immigrants get into the country and make an impact on the economy. What the immigrants have done so far the economy has helped a lotShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits of Immigrants in the United States580 Words  | 2 PagesThe Morality of Immigration†argues that it is wrong to constrain immigrants but at the same time they try to understand the constraints that justice imposes on immigration policy. There is also that factor that not a lot of people look at the fact that earth does not belong to one person but it belongs to everyone. 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The government can stop illegal immigration right now, but would it not affectRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And The United States : Benefit Or Cost Essay1189 Words  | 5 Pages Illegal Immigrants in the United States: Benefit or Cost Migration to the United States is regularly the subject of huge open and political level headed discussion, with inquiries regarding the measure of inflows, migrants in the work business sector, authorization and helpful affirmation arrangements, and advantages and expenses. Nevertheless, it is vital for the general population to have entry to precise, fair-minded present and chronicled data about movement. Migration has moldedRead MoreImmigration Policy Should Be Reformed1585 Words  | 7 PagesThe United States has people coming in and out of the country every day. Most of these people are welcomed at airports and borders, and most do not intend to stay in the United States. 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It has gone to as far as making camps for Japanese Americans and deporting them and taking their belongings, to as low as giving immigrants papers and letting them stay. The laws of immigration have changedRead MoreImmigrants Of The United States1489 Words  | 6 PagesImmigrants in the United States Are immigrants a burden to the United States? Or do they benefit society? Many people might say that immigrants don’t help the country and that they should be deported back to their respective countries. Keeping the status of undocumented immigrants as aliens costs the government a lot of money and the broken solution of deporting immigrants costs even more. Immigrants stimulate the growth of the economy and immigrants give the country so much and no one gives themRead MoreUndocumented Immigrants Should Be Legal949 Words  | 4 Pagesundocumented immigrants should be able to get full amnesty is still a controversy. Even though illegal immigrants did make an illicit action, many see the United States as an opportunity for a better future. In addition, undocumented immigrants should be granted citizenship because it will benefit the United States. Creating an amnesty for the students will help the United States by improving the economy, create more jobs and decrease deportat ion. Granting citizenship to illegal immigrants will benefit theRead MoreThe United States Immigration System845 Words  | 4 PagesThe United States immigration system is faulty. The United States does not possess an immigration program that stipulates immigrants who do not already have family in the country or a job to become United States citizens unless they stay for many years with a green card. Consequently, immigrants are entering our country illegally and poverty forces some to commit crimes in order to provide for themselves and their families. There should be a program that will aid immigrants and existing United States
Monday, December 9, 2019
Miss Julie Monologue Essay Thesis Example For Students
Miss Julie Monologue Essay Thesis A monologue from the play by August Strindberg NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from Plays by August Strindberg. Trans. Edith and Warner Oland. Boston: John W. Luce and Co., 1912. JULIE: We must go away, but we must talk first. That is, I must speak, for until now you have done all the talking. You have told me about your lifenow I will tell you about mine, then we will know each other through and through before we start on our journey together. You see, my mother was not of noble birth. She was brought up with ideas of equality, woman\s freedom and all that. She had very decided opinions against matrimony, and when my father courted her she declared that she would never be his wifebut she did so for all that. I came into the world against my mother\s wishes, I discovered, and was brought up like a child of nature by my mother, and taught everything that a boy must know as well; I was to be an example of a woman being as good as a manI was made to go about it boy\s clothes and take care of the horses and harness and saddle and hunt, and all such things; in fact, all over the estate women servants were taught to do men\s work, with the result being that the pro perty came near being ruinedand so we became the laughing stock of the countryside. At last my father must have awakened from his bewitched condition, for he revolted and ran things according to his ideas. My mother became illwhat it was I don\t know, but she often had cramps and acted queerlysometimes hiding in the attic or the orchard, and would even be gone all night at times. Then came the big fire which of course you have heard about. The house, the stableseverything was burned, under circumstances that pointed strongly to an incendiary, for the misfortune happened the day after the quarterly insurance was due and the premiums sent in by my father were strangely delayed by his messenger so that they arrived too late. My father was utterly at a loss to know where to get money to rebuild with. Then my mother suggested that he try to borrow from a man who had been her friend in her youtha brick manufacturer here in the neighborhood. My father made the loan, but wasn\t allowed to pay any interest, which surprised him. Then the house was rebuilt. Do you know who burned the house? My mother. Do you know who the brick manufacturer was? My mother\s lover. Do you know who\s money it was? My mother\s. There was no contract. My mother had some money which she had not wished to have in my father\s keeping and therefore, she had entrusted it to her friend\s care. All this came to my father\s knowledge. He couldn\t proceed a gainst him, wasn\t allowed to pay his wife\s friend, and couldn\t prove that it was his wife\s money. That was my mother\s revenge for his taking the reins of the establishment into his own hands. At that time he was ready to shoot himself. Gossip had it that he tried and failed. Well, he lived it downand my mother paid full penalty for her misdeed. Those were five terrible years for me, as you can fancy. I sympathized with my father, but I took my mother\s part, for I didn\t know the true circumstances. Through her I learned to distrust and hate men, and I swore to her never to be a man\s slave.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Personal reaction Essay Example
Personal reaction Essay While reading the first couple pages of wild swans, I was immediately amazed by the culture and the perspectives of the citizens. For example, the men valued women with small petite bonded feet and it was said that a woman with large feet would bring shame onto the family. Mind you that so called large feet were what is now a womans average shoe size. Mothers did this to their young daughters. Can you imagine the pain of having a stone smashed on your foot every day? This caused bruising and ingrown toenails which are very disgusting. I cant imagine how men loud have found that attractive. Another thing that caught my attention was how on earth did Change know so much about her great grandmothers life, not only did she know about it, but she described it in detail, and all of her stories seem credible. Changes Wild Swans, has many situations where a Chinese woman was affected by their culture. However, the situation that stood out the most was in chapter six, when Jung Changes mother, De-Hong, was getting married to her boyfriend, Shoo-you. Less than two months after returning from Hardin my mother and father filed their application. Change 118) For people to get married they have to file an application for their society to approve their relationship. Marriage had traditionally been a contract between families, and there had never been civil registration or a marriage certificate. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal reaction specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Personal reaction specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Personal reaction specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Now for those who had Joined the revolution, the Party functioned as the family head. (Change 118) The criteria to be able to get married was called 28-7- regiment-I . (Change 118) The criteria Is called 28-7-regiment-l because The man had to be at least 28 years old, a Party member for at least seven years, and with a rank equivalent to that of a regimental commander; the 1 referred to the only qualification the woman had to meet, to have worked for the Party for a minimum of one year. Changes 118) If the man or women did not meet these requirements, they were not to be married. Overall, Jung Changes book, Wild Swans, Is Interesting and inspiring. It Is changing my perspective on things, and how much the world has developed since then. Its great to read about a culture and how It grows. Its Like Im reading a personal diary from generation to generation.
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