Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Camuss The Stranger Essay
Camuss The Stranger Essay Free Online Research Papers In Camus’s The Stranger, Meursault, the hero, winds up condemned to death in a ridiculous bit of destiny. For no sane explanation, Meursault ends the life of an Arab, whom he doesn't wish to murder, on a sweltering, bright evening in Algiers. Using symbolism, Camus effectively changes the African sun into an image of threatening vibe that at last leads Meursault to submit murder. Camus reliably utilizes the sun as an instrument to speak to opposition and hostility. The creator does so just in the most critical sections in the novel, for example, during his mother’s memorial service and the showdown with the Arabs. This imagery happens in both of these scenes because of the physical reaction that it evokes from Meursault and the connection between the memorial service, the homicide, and Meursault’s preliminary and conviction. One must consider the setting of the imagery so as to get a handle on how Camus utilizes the sun as the wellspring of hostility. For instance, the sun is depicted as â€Å"a unfriendly presence†¦ symboliz[ing] viciousness and destruction†(S. John, 113). The creator utilizes both material and visual symbolism inside the content to depict the threatening idea of the sun. By engaging a reader’s feeling of sight, Camus portrays the sun as difficult to Meursault’s vision. The youngster expresses that during his stroll on the sea shore, â€Å"the sun was sparkling legitimately overhead onto the sand, and the glare on the water was unbearable†(Camus, 52). Scholarly pundits also perceive the unfriendly effect of the sun. For instance, S. John remarks, â€Å"the frequency of pictures of light increments as occasions come to their dangerous climax†(S. John, 113). Camus utilizes material symbolism for a similar impact with word usage like â€Å"overpowering†and â€Å"heavy.†Even â€Å"the weight of the sun discourages his progress†(S. John, 113). The unsafe impact of the sun legitimately drives Meursault to slaughter the Arab both actually and allegorically. Prior to the homicide, Meursault takes note of that â€Å"there was the equivalent astonishing red glare†¦ and I could feel my brow expanding under the sun†¦ With each cutting edge of light that flashed off the sand†¦ my jaws tightened†(Camus, 57). As an immediate consequence of the sun, Meursault’s body tenses. He accidentally pulls the trigger, shooting a solitary shot before long followed by four extra adjusts, all striking the Arab. In this manner, the sun truly powers Meursault to slaughter. As S. John watches, the sun figuratively drives the Frenchman to shoot the Arab also. The abstract pundit states, â€Å"the ruinous act happens under the aegis of the sun and is by all accounts a straightforward augmentation of its influence†(S. John). Also, S. John represents the accompanying: A conspicuous physical reference to the extreme light of the sun on the sand hints, from a non-literal perspective, the brutality that is to follow. The shade of the sand under the sun’s beams recommends the shedding of blood (S. John). By utilizing verifiable representation, Camus augments the impact of the sun and features its main job in the homicide. As indicated by scholarly pundit Philip Thody, â€Å"Meursault, the focal figure of The Outsider, is described by his total lack of interest to everything with the exception of prompt physical sensations†(Thody). As a basic mastermind, a peruser should legitimately consider both the translations of Thody and S. John as he continued looking for pinpointing Camus’s purposeful, negative portrayal of the sun. As such, one may deduce that in light of the fact that Meursault is influenced uniquely by physical sensation, and the sun is the wellspring of progressively unfriendly improvements, the sun’s impact straightforwardly causes Meursault to end the Arab’s life. Exploration Papers on Camus' The Stranger EssayMind TravelCapital PunishmentArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)The Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsThe Fifth HorsemanEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementHip-Hop is ArtThree Concepts of Psychodynamic
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Autonomous Vehicle Parking Using Finite State Automata Information Technology Essay
Independent Vehicle Parking Using Finite State Automata Information Technology Essay Our venture depends on the self-governing stopping utilizing limited state automata. The development of the self-sufficient leaving framework in which the lift, lifter and PC are associated in gathering with the end goal that every unit trade data as it require and afterward the framework computing procedures of stacking and emptying a vehicle, giving the leaving ticket and afterward distinguishing the leaving ticket. The leaving framework incorporate a lift , lifter, PC, database for putting away vehicle number information and data information which just presentation that what number of vehicle are leaving in various floors and afterward lift load vehicle , leave in empty floor and emptied the vehicle individually and. The procedure of lift is to pick and lift the vehicle from ground to leaving region and afterward back to it claims position. The current innovation describes to an arrangement of controlling an independent stopping framework and ascertaining a stopping expense and all the more primarily to a stopping control framework to which a PC, a control unit, a stopping ticket backer, and a stopping ticket recognizer are associated through a system for permitting any necessary data to be utilized among them. Depiction of the Prior Art For the most part in a customary self-ruling leaving framework, a vehicle is moved to an individual floor along raise path with utilization of a lift, and afterward left in particular parking spot with utilization of beds. In that framework, an expense mini-computer and a stopping ticket guarantor are independently worked to such an extent that every activity of a stopping machine, a stopping ticket backer, and the charge mini-computer is performed independently. History The leaving of vehicles in the business focal point of bigger urban communities of the world has progressively become a significant issue. Not exclusively is there inadequate accessible land for surface stopping yet the significant expense of the land makes such an utilization financially infeasible. What's more, the total of a lot of vehicles causes traffic, ecological, tasteful, and contamination issues. The answer for find stopping offices in increasingly remote regions where land cost are lower is additionally not attainable on account of badly designed separations to zones of business and potential wellbeing and security issue To build huge underground stopping office in these clogged focus city regions likewise make serious issue in light of the significant expense of the guidance the large number of underground utility experienced and the inescapable circulation to existing administrations during the development time frame This mind boggling circumstance shows that the utilization of little low volume underground stopping office with the ability of the fitting inside the current infra structure would be profoundly attractive. Not exclusively would be they have the option to be found helpfully to the drivers goal yet they additionally can possibly keep up the surface over the stopping office in a recreation center Different generators that request progressively helpful, close or neighboring stopping arrangement incorporate places of business, condos, inns and foundations where surface stopping would not meet the prerequisites by reason of limited land region, high land costs, awkward access, security, and natural variables. Because of these requirements for elective and helpful stopping, the designing gathering attempted to build an answer. They had recently unraveled couples configuration challenges in the development business by using a methodology that remembered normalization and assortment decrease for request to diminish development expenses and time and to give more prominent purchaser advantage. Their answer was self-governing stopping framework, a measured robotized stopping framework that could be introduced underneath or over the ground, alone or in rehash modules. This methodology gave the upsides of limiting bother, speeding up development time, and bringing down development cost. Its reduced zone allowed it to be worked in focus city regions, while maintaining a strategic distance from the issues of impedance with thick underground utilities and significant interruptions to these administrations. Presentation Self-sufficient leaving is a self-governing vehicle arranging from a line of traffic into a leaving spot to perform equal leaving. The self-ruling leaving plans to build up the simplicity and security of driving in controlled circumstances where much consideration and information is required to direct the vehicle. The stopping plan is accomplished by methods for synchronized control of the guiding point and speed which considers the genuine condition in the earth to ensure crash free movement inside the accessible space. Or on the other hand The mechanized vehicle leaving framework for a leaving office that be in handle with a vehicle drawing nearer or leaving the office with RF signals, or something like that, that distinguish the vehicle and sends the vehicle recognizable proof number, time of day, and path number to a focal PC for ascertaining the leaving cost dependent on rates for every individual vehicle put away in the PC. [7] Transformative FUNCTIONAL TEST OF THE AUTONOMOUS PARKING SYSTEM THE AUTONOMOUS PARKING SYSTEM As a car producer, DaimlerChrysler is persistently growing new frameworks so as to improve vehicle security, quality, and solace. Inside this specific situation, prototypical vehicle frameworks are created, which bolster self-ruling vehicle leaving a capacity that may be acquainted with the market in certain years time. The self-governing stopping frameworks respected in this paper are proposed to mechanize stopping lengthways into a parking spot, as appeared in Fig.1. For this reason, the vehicle is furnished with ecological sensors, which register objects encompassing the vehicle. On going along, the framework can perceive adequately enormous parking spots and can motion toward the driver that a parking spot has been found. On the off chance that the driver chooses to leave in the vehicle can do this naturally. Fig 1: Functionality of Autonomous Parking System [1] In Fig.2 the framework condition for the self-governing stopping framework is appeared. The sources of info are sensor information, which contain data on the condition of the vehicle, for example vehicle speed or guiding position, and data from the ecological sensors, which register protests on the left and right hand side of the vehicle. For yield the framework has an interface to the vehicle entertainers, where the vehicles speed and directing edge will be set. The interior structure of the independent stopping Fig 2: System Environment-[2] The parking spot location forms the information from the ecological sensor frameworks and conveys the perceived geometry of a parking spot in the event that it has been distinguished to be adequately huge. The leaving controller segment utilizes the geometry information of the parking spot along with the information from the vehicle sensors to direct the vehicle through the leaving technique. For this reason, speed and directing point are set for the vehicle entertainers. Fig 3: Subcomponents of Autonomous Parking System [3] A few proposition for taking care of stopping issues A decent choice is to be fabricated computerized leaving frameworks for vehicles ideally served by stacker cranes (see fig 4), that are the fundamental component of the robotized distribution center structures. Fig 4: [4] Brief Description about FINITE STATE AUTOMATA Limited State Automata A limited state transducer whose yield segments are overlooked is known as a limited state machine. Officially, aâ finite-state automaton M is a tuple , where Q,â , q0, and F are characterized with respect to limited state transducers, and the progress tableâ â is a connection from Q ÃÆ'-( â {}) to Q. Sorts of Finite State Automata 1. DFA 2. NFA What is NFA? In the hypothesis of calculation, nondeterministic limited robot (NFA) is aâ finite state machineâ where for each pair of state and information image there might be a few potential next states. This recognizes it from theâ deterministic limited automaton (DFA), where the following conceivable state is remarkably decided. In spite of the fact that the DFA and NFA have particular definitions, it might be appeared in the proper hypothesis that they are proportional, in that, for any given NFA, one may develop an identical DFA, and the other way around: this is theâ power set development. The two sorts of automata perceive onlyâ regular dialects. Non-deterministic limited state machines are here and there concentrated by the nameâ sub movements of limited kind. Non-deterministic limited state machines are summed up byâ probabilistic automata, which allocate a likelihood to each state progress. Formal Definition Two comparative sorts of NFAs are ordinarily characterized: the NFA and the NFA with Þâ µ-moves. The common NFA is characterized as aâ 5-tuple, (Q, ÃŽÂ £, T, q0, F), comprising of a finiteâ setâ of states Q a limited set ofâ input symbolsâ ãžâ £ a transition function T : Q ÃÆ'-Þâ £ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ P(Q). anâ initialâ (orâ start) state q0 à ¢Ã‹â€ ˆÂ Q a lot of states F distinguished as accepting (or final) states F à ¢Ã… † Q. What is DFA? In theâ theory of calculation, aâ deterministic limited state machine-additionally known asâ deterministic limited state automaton (DFSA) is aâ finite state machineâ where for each pair of state and information image there is one and only one change to a next state, rather than aâ nondeterministic limited state machine, which has the chance of different advances . DFAs perceive the set ofâ regular languagesâ and no different dialects. A DFA will take in a string of info images. For each info image it will at that point change to a state given by following a progress work. At the point when the last information image has been gotten it will either acknowledge or dismiss the string contingent upon whether the DFA is in a tolerant state or a non-tolerating state. Formal Definition A DFA is a 5-tuple, (Q, Þâ £, ÃŽÂ', q0, F), comprising of a limited set of states (Q) a limited arrangement of information images called theâ alphabet
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
The rest of my life
The rest of my life The next few months of my life are pretty well planned out. Im going to take a few classes, write a million blog entries for you guys about all the things I kept meaning to write and then never got around to, and visit Boston a bit once it stops being absolutely miserable weather out there. But mostly Ill be taking classes. Thesis Do a lot of work and write a paper. Details to come, so stay tuned. 21M.733: Design for the Theater: Scenery The final component of my theater arts concentration. This is actually pretty cool, because were learning and practicing a bunch of art techniques, like different types of sketching and stuff. Also, I get to keep a blog. No joke. Part of the requirements are to write reflective essays about each of the projects we do. Instead of this, we can also keep a journal about our work. When I found out this journal could be in the form of a blog, I thought, well how can I not? 1.851: Water and Sanitation Infrastructure for Developing Countries Lots of reading and discussion about water and sanitation interventions in the developing world on their effects on public health. Plus every week we learn about a different watsan (water/sanitation) technology, which keeps me plenty interested. Ive even managed to get myself tangled up in potential plans involving possible redesign and experimentation with the most recently showcased technology, fog harvesting. 2.722: D-Lab Hydropowered lantern. Nuff said. So then, after all that, hopefully (knock on wood), Im going to graduate. And then I have to be an adult. Im not sure you can fully appreciate how utterly terrifying this is. June 5 is Commencement. June 6 is moving day. I was on the phone with my mom the other day and she asked me when I had to leave me dorm. I realized I didnt even know, so I looked up that little fact and wrote it in my planner. June 6th, at noon. Ill pack up my belongings and move away from Boston forever. This is so unbelievably weird to think about, because I never really thought of Boston as my home exactly. I mean, it has just sort of become the place Ive lived for several years- there was no conscious thought process that went along with it. Also, Ive never moved away from anywhere before. Ive lived on the same street in suburban New Jersey for my entire life. When I was four, my family moved from our house to the house next door. Im not kidding. Two of my earliest memories are of carrying boxes of my toys across the backyard, and playing tic tac toe with my mom on the wall as we painted what would become my new room. Sure, technically I left home to come here, but NJ was still home in my mind. I knew Id be going back there every few months to visit. That will still be true, no matter where I end up next year. But this is different. In a few years Ill be able to say things like, Oh yeah, I used to live in Boston. Thats SO WEIRD. You dont get to say things like that unless youre an adult who has led an interesting and fulfilling life and have LIVED long enough to spend a few years living in whatever random city before moving to the next one. Ok, so this is clearly biased by the fact that, as previously mentioned, I lived on the same street my whole life. Also, almost my entire extended family lives within a half hour drive of my house. But its still weird, okay? So. On June 6, I move away from Boston. June 7 is a black hole. Its kind of like hundreds of years ago, when people thought the world was flat and that you could get to the end and just drop off. June 6th is that edge of the flat, flat world. Or if youre looking for a more contemporary example, its kind of like when you stretch your brain to try to figure out whats at the edge of the universe. Is there a plexiglass wall? Is there another universe? Where does that one end? Try as you might, you just cannot see past a certain point. That point is June 6. The only things I know about June 7 is that I will presumably be on this earth, that I will no longer be a student, that I will hopefully be employed somewhere, that I will need to find a place to live and pay rent that is not managed through a student loan system and of which no portion goes into a social budget, that I will have to start filing tax forms! I mean, right now I technically pay taxes and all, but then I just go like, Hey IRS, Im a student and make like 4 grand a year and then theyre like alright you dont really count yet and give most of it back. But next year I will have to actually file tax forms. This boggles the mind. I will also presumably have a job. But who knows. The job search, FYI, is not going well. I feel like Ive scoured the farthest reaches of the internet and have subsequently discovered every single development organization that exists. The problem is that there is no obvious solution. If I were Course 6, Id just be like, Okay, Ill just go apply to Microsoft, and then go to a career fair, where 90% of the companies will recruit me. But instead, Ive got to search pretty hard. Most places arent really hiring, at least not college grads, so Ive got to whip out that whole cover letter routine and hope for the best while trying not to sound too desperate (which I am). Also, I hate cover letters with an intense, fiery passion. Its just slow going, in general. I spent something like 8 hours last weekend searching for a job. I eventually had to force myself to stop, just to get some homework done. Its like wasting time on YouTube, but less entertaining, or on Wikipedia, but less informative. Lets just hope the Peace Corps takes me. Just keep your fingers crossed for me, okay? EDIT: Heres a piece of good news Im bursting to share: Teach for America just invited me to the first round of interviews. Woo!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Wilfred Owen Essay - 836 Words
English Essay Wilfred Owen, through his poems, shows the harsh reality of human conflict and contrasts the portrayal of these conflicts with the reality. Owen purpose is to challenges our thoughts and perspectives on war to show its true effects and stop the glorification that it receives in society. This can be seen in his poem Dulce et Decorum Est as he causing us to question whether it really is sweet and decorous to die for ones country by showing the reality of war through his personal experiences. These views can also be seen in the poem Anthem for Doomed Youth as Owen portrays the treatment the dead soldiers are receiving contrasted with the treatment a normal desist civilian would receive. This help to give the forgotten†¦show more content†¦Owen does this again through the aural imagery, ‘the shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells; and bugles calling for them from sad shires’. This shows the effects of war on the soldiers and causes an emotional connection betw een them in the reader which therefore enforces the harsh reality of war. Both of these aspects challenge the reader’s perspective on war as they both contradict the glorification it receives through propaganda. Wilfred Owen, through his poems, challenges our thoughts and perspectives on war in order to show the true effects and to stop the glorification it receives in society. Owen does this in both poems Anthem for Doomed Youth and Dulce et Decorum Est as he contrasts societies views and depictions of war from societies views as a result propaganda and the harsh reality as a result of Owens personal experiences. Owen also demonstrates the true effects of war by showing the treatment of the dead soldiers and the lack of respect which they receive by contrasting the funerals the soldiers received to civilian ones. From both poems we gather the understanding of Owens negative perspective towards human conflict and his purpose which is to show us the true and unglorified reality ofShow MoreRelatedEssay about Wilfred Owen Speech891 Words  | 4 Pages both written by Wilfred Owen. I would choose these two poems to be in an anthology because I found the poems to be very dramatic and extremely detailed. Owen intends to shock us by demonstrating what a soldier might expect in a situation between life and death. He is not afraid to show his own feelings. Wilfred Owen is an anti-war poet and expresses his ideas and feelings through various themes and poetic devices which I will be discussing throughout this speech. Wilfred Owens’ themes portray hisRead More Disabled By Wilfred Owen Essay543 Words  | 3 PagesDisabled By Wilfred Owen In my essay,Disabled by Wilfred Owen. I am going to describe how successfully he uses poetic techniques to present the true effects of war in his poem. The main technique used in the poem is contrast, as well as other techniques. Which makes the fate of the young man more pitiful. The use of irony, word choice, and powerful images, all create the sense of atmosphere in each stanza. The contrast of mood and tone is used in the first and second stanza, which createsRead MoreEssay on Comparing The Soldier and Dulce et Decorum Est644 Words  | 3 PagesRupert Brooke and Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen were both written during world war one. War and death are the themes of both poems but they are written from different perspectives. Brooke seems to base his poem on myth because overall he says that it is good to die for your country while fighting at war is terrible and that it is every soldier for himself and not for your country. There are many reasons why Brooke and Owen have different attitudes to war. For exampleRead More The Healing Power of Poetry Essay1663 Words  | 7 Pagesmeaning that literature is here to serve and help. During this time, researchers continually investigated it in the attempt to get something definitively published. In 1969, Dr. Leedy published the first scholarly book, Poetry Therapy, which contained essays by numerous early pioneers of the field. Not much later, the Poetry Therapy Institute opened on the west coast, founded by Arthur Lerner, with a Ph.D from Los Angeles, and who in 1976 wrote Poetry in the Therapeutic Experience. Finally, in 1980Read MoreWilfred Owen Essay1001 Words  | 5 PagesWilfred Owen’s poetry effectively conveys his perspectives on human conflict through his experiences during The Great War. Poems such as ‘Futility’ and ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ portray these perceptions through the use of poetic techniques, emphasising such conflicts involving himself, other people and nature. These the mes are examined in extreme detail, attempting to shape meaning in relation to Owen’s first-hand encounters whilst fighting on the battlefield. Wilfred Owen experiences many innerRead MoreWilfred Owen Essay922 Words  | 4 PagesWilfred Owen successfully creates the truthful and terrifying image of war within his poems. The loss, sacrifice, urgency and pity of war are shown within the themes of his poetry and the use of strong figurative language; sensory imagery and tone contribute to the reader. This enables the reader to appreciate Owen’s comments about the hopelessness of war and the sacrifice the men around him went through within his poems, ‘Dulce et Decorum Est.’ and ‘Futility’. ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ reveals theRead MoreEssay on Wilfred Owen3883 Words  | 16 Pages Wilfred Owen Read and Compare and Contrast the Following Poems by Wilfred Owen: [It Was a Navy Boy], Anthem for Doomed Youth and Dulce et Decorum Est. Wilfred Owen was a poet who was widely regarded as one of the best poets of the World War one period. Wilfred Owen was born on the 18th of March 1893, at Plas Wilmot, Oswestry, on the English Welsh border; he was the son of Tom and Susan Owen. During the winter of 1897-8 Tom Owen, Wilfred’s father was reappointed to Birkenhead, and withRead More Poetic Techniques of Wilfred Owen Essay1511 Words  | 7 PagesWilfred Owen can be considered as one of the finest war poets of all times. His war poems, a collection of works composed between January 1917, when he was first sent to the Western Front, and November 1918, when he was killed in action, use a variety of poetic techniques to allow the reader to empathise with his world, situation, emotions and thoughts. The sonnet form, para-rhymes, ironic titles, voice, and various imagery used by Owen grasp the prominent central idea of the complete futility ofRead More Love Presented in Poems by Wilfred Owen Essay2489 Words  | 10 PagesLove Presented in Poems by Wilfred Owen Explore how the theme of love is presented in Birdsong and a selection of poems by Wilfred Owen. Loving attitudes, though perhaps not as prominent as themes such as violence and pride, are intimately observed and explored in Sebastian Faulks Birdsong and in many of Wilfred Owens War poems. Each aspect of love, as seen through the eyes of this First World War soldier and Faulks characters, is as interesting as it is diverse, allowing an imperviousRead MoreWilfred Owen Poem Analysis Essay1526 Words  | 7 PagesWilfred Owen’s poetry is shaped by an intense focus on extraordinary human experiences. In at least 2 poems set for study, explore Owen’s portrayal of suffering and pity. One is to think of war as one of the most honorable and noble services that a man can attend to for his country, it is seen as one of the most heroic ways to die for the best cause. The idea of this is stripped down and made a complete mockery of throughout both of Wilfred Owen’s poems â€Å"Dulce Et Decorum Est†and â€Å"Anthem for Doomed
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Compare And Contrast Araby And A P Short Story - 999 Words
A coming of age story is when the protagonist experiences climatic event that leads them to adulthood. The event is usually tough but leads to a realization or epiphany. The short stories â€Å"AP†by John Updike and â€Å"Araby†by James Joyce both reflect coming of age stories. In the story AP, the narrator, Sammy quits his job to stand up for the three girls wearing â€Å"nothing but their bathing suits†() In the story Araby, the narrator shows himself growing up through discovering his sexuality. In the stories AP and Araby there are strong similarities in the plot and setting, however they are also different in the imagery and figurative language. The setting in â€Å"AP†takes place at a grocery store in the early 1960s in the summertime.†¦show more content†¦The settings in the two stories are similar in the way that they both take place in a small town with a sense of poverty. The adults are portrayed as authoritative and the narrators feel trapped. The plot in â€Å"AP†begins when the three girls who walk into the grocery store wearing their bathing suits. The conflict of the plot is the the girls who walked into the grocery store wearing nothing but their bathing suits. In this time period it was socially unacceptable for girls to walk around showing a lot of skin. The manager, Lengel confronted the girls for dressing inappropriately and because of this Sammy quits his job right after Lengle confronted the girls. Sammy removed his apron and bow tie and walked out of the store. When Sammy gets outside he expects the girls to be waiting for him but they are gone. The plot in â€Å"Araby†starts by the narrator telling the readers how he is obsessed with Mangan’s sister. He says â€Å"Every morning I lay on the floor in the front parlour watching her door. The blind was pulled down to within an inch of the sash so that I could not be seen. When she came out on the doorstep my heart leaped†(J oyce 331). Mangans sister tells the narrator about the Araby. She tells him that she wants to go but cannot. The narrator decides that he is going to go to the Araby to get his crush a gift. When he gets there most of the stalls are closed and he does not have enough money to buy her anything so he comes home with nothing. TheShow MoreRelatedEssay on AP vs. Araby692 Words  | 3 PagesAP vs. Araby John Updike’s AP and James Joyce’s Araby are very similar yet very different in many ways. Each short story has a normal kid with an obsession over a girl. The big difference between Sammy in AP and Jimmy in Araby is just that they were raised differently and have different values. The way Jimmy talks about his fantasy girl is on a more religious level while Sammy in other words is kind of impolite about how he describes the three girls that walk into the market. From the narrator’sRead MoreThe Power of Araby by James Joyce Essay1907 Words  | 8 Pagesall the stories that I was assigned to read, one story in particular stood out to me because of how the author used words to create a vivid image in my mind. The story I’m talking about is â€Å"Araby†by James Joyce. James Joyce does a great job creating vivid images in the readers mind and creates a theme that most of us can relate. In this paper I will be discussing five scholarly peer review ed journals that also discusses the use of image and theme that James Joyce created in his short story â€Å"Araby†Read MoreEssay on James Joyces Dubliners1145 Words  | 5 Pagesrepresented with the actual physical paralysis of Father Flynn in â€Å"The Sisters†. In this paper I intend to explore the different paths and contours of these themes in the four stories where I think they are most prevalent ,and which I most enjoyed â€Å"Araby†, â€Å"Eveline†, â€Å"The Boarding House†, and â€Å"A Little Cloud†. The story of â€Å"Araby†is that of a young boy probably about the age of adolescence who is having his first crush on his friends sister. Although the boy seems to have no intention of realisticallyRead MoreBusiness and Management2600 Words  | 11 Pagesmodalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Barnet, S., Cain, W.E., Burto, W. (2011). Literature for composition: Essays, stories, poems, and plays (9th ed.). New York, NY: Longman. All electronic materials are available on the student website. |Week One: Elements of Literatureâ€â€Stories | |Active and Responsive Reading Read MoreEssay on James Joyces Dubliners: Two Gallants2403 Words  | 10 Pages  In Two Gallants, the sixth short story in the Dubliners collection, James Joyce is especially careful and crafty in his opening paragraph. Even the most cursory of readings exposes repetition, alliteration, and a clear structure within just these nine lines. The question remains, though, as to what the beginning of Two Gallants contributes to the meaning and impact of Joyces work, both for the isolated story itself and for Dubliners as a whole. The construction, style, and word choiceRead MoreANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words  | 116 Pagesthat may prove helpful. PLOT The Elements of Plot When we refer to the plot of a work of fiction, then, we are referring to the deliberately arranged sequence of interrelated events that constitute the basic narrative structure of a novel or a short story. Events of any kind, of course, inevitably involve people, and for this reason it is virtually impossible to discuss plot in isolation from character. Character and plot are, in fact, intimately and reciprocally related, especially in modern fictionRead MoreAmerican Literature11652 Words  | 47 Pagesdemocratic utopia use of reason history is an act of individual and national self-assertion Genre/Style: ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · political pamphlets travel writing highly ornate writing style fiction employs generic plots and characters fiction often tells the story of how an innocent young woman is tested by a seductive male Effect: ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · patriotism grows instills pride creates common agreement about issues shows differences between Americans and Europeans Historical Context: ï‚ · ï‚ · tells readers
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Political Risk in Venezuela Free Essays
The political climate in Venezuela is very unsettled, this is because of the course of action the president decides to take. However the biggest risk is to industry –type company’s that have major operations in Venezuela. This is exemplified in the operations of foreign oil companies and mining companies with operation in or with Venezuela. We will write a custom essay sample on Political Risk in Venezuela or any similar topic only for you Order Now The greatest risk in conducting business is straightforward expropriation. Another major risk that foreign companies face while operating in Venezuela is increased income tax. The tax rates tend to be subjective and can change depending on the revenue and size (growth) of the company. The largest risk facing any foreign company such as the proposed from class is converting the local currency (Bolivar) to outside currency. This is mainly because of the bureaucracy involved exchanging the currency, which is governed by the Central Bank of Venezuela and the National Exchange Control Administration. This is especially applicable to the U. S. currency because of current relations. * The additional expenditures accumulate because of time and resources required to transfer money abroad. Venezuela’s democracy is broken according to the standards of the OAS Inter-American Democratic Charter. This may mean that changes to the political climate to further burden the operations of business will prove to be futile. Living Conditions Venezuela has a national poverty percentage of 52% according to the World Bank. There is considerable income inequality, especially in densely populated areas. This becomes a concern because Venezuela has had massive economic growth compared to historical percentages. The unemployment rate is 6. 6% at the year-end of 2009. This is considered to be low when factoring in that many people engage in subsistence farming and small-scale trade, which is not considered part of the unemployment count. There is a large gap in income where the population is considerably wealthy or poor to very poor. The population averages out to upper middle class income. The World Bank states that the GNI per capita in Venezuela is $12,370 USD in 2009 (The World Bank). However with 95% literacy rate we can deduce that many Venezuelans are well educated. This widens the market segment for products that involve interaction with the individual. One such example would be exercise products that come with routines by book and/or video. Inner city residents live in apartments, condominiums and small houses, which are in close proximity. The cost of living increases closer to the city center especially in large cities such as Caracas. The inner city residents are mostly middle class to upper middle class. Upper class Venezuelans live outside the city usually in the hills in gated communities. The lower class lives in slums located in the perimeter of the cities and use public transportation to go to the city center. The lower class may also live on estates and work for the upper class in large numbers especially on large farms. Reference How to cite Political Risk in Venezuela, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Dancehall Music Essay Example For Students
Dancehall Music Essay My theme is danceable music because of my growing concern to the negative impacts this type of music has brought upon the Jamaican youth population. The intention of this project is to investigate and expose the effects of danceable music towards the Jamaican youth population. I am personally interested in this theme because I enjoy music very much and being in the music club at my school has influenced me to explore different genres of music. I am academically interested in this theme as I am currently attending afternoon classes at the Edna Manley School of Music. This theme also relates to my work-related interest because I would like to become a musician in the future, and as a future role model I want to give a positive contribution to my country. For my reflective, I have composed a narrative piece entitled; Clacks Downfall. The theme is brought out through the main character, Selects whose life was led in the wrong path after being negatively influenced by danceable music. This genre was the most appropriate medium for me to fully express the changes in the life of the main character. The purpose of this project is to investigate and expose the effects of danceable USIA towards the Jamaican youth population. The intended audiences are the Jamaican adolescents, ages 14-17 that are exposed to this type of music to remind them to never forget who they are as well as to the parents to guide and help the teens to the right path. The general context of this project portrays young people who use danceable music as a Bible to guide their lives rather than Just another genre of music listened for enjoyment. Meaning they forget about their original personalities and try to emulate the characteristics described in the danceable world, whether it is he actions being sang about or using a danceable artist as a role model. The specific context of the prose in this project is about a teenage girl who had the potential to have a successful future but threw it away after being negatively influenced by danceable music. Clacks Downfall The dark room she laid in night after night was now to be called her home for years to come. With mistakes Selects now lives to regret, she has 25 years to sit and wonder, what would her life have been had her actions been different. Selects Martin was a short, light colored, frizzy hair, nerdy girl. She carried a draw string bag pack, huge glasses like those from the asss and all her uniforms were double her size. She wasnt a people person, always preferred to stick by herself, especially since every time she went in a crowd, people would step a distance away from her. Above all of this, Selects was intelligent and outspoken when it came to school work, she always maintained good grades and was seen as a young girl with a bright future by her teachers. That all changed as the ninth grade arrived. Danville, a dark brown colored, collie hair, curvy girl who wore short, tight uniforms was practically the opposite of Selects. She did very poorly in academics and had a nasty attitude to her teachers. She always walked with a group of girls who went everywhere she did and they would sit all day and talk about the last party they attended. Everyone seemed to like them though, especially the boys. Miff Tries, did social ago shot toted menu! A bare tings ago swan man, said Danville as she boasted to her friends in the bathroom, hussy all Prince, I going mad him head toted. Selects, coming from one of the bathroom stalls, overheard the girls talking. She was not very fund of these arils because she knew they were bad news. As a member of the key club society, I would prefer if that type of behavior was not displayed at our social, thank you, said vibrated with music and the students rushed to the gates to claim their positions. The finance department EssayThese were identified as a casual registers since they were conversations between acquaintances that were comfortable with each other and had less concern for the use of polite expressions. Dialectal variation was evident in the piece by the main character, Selects. This is because in the first part of the narrative, she used the Standard Jamaican English by saying, As a member of the key club society, I would prefer if that type of behavior was not displayed at our social, thank you, as she addressed the girls after overhearing their conversation in the bathroom. This indicated that this was the language Selects preferred as it presented her literacy and education and also expressed her dislike of the girls conduct. The main character also uses Creole towards the end of the piece as she becomes more drawn into the danceable culture through danceable music. An example of this is when she expresses her violent intentions to her friends as she said, meek we link up disc evening and thump hard up, show hard who a did B-A-D-D-E-S- T. This expresses how the character is now comfortable with the Creole language and has become violent due to influences from the danceable field. In conclusion, language registers and dialectal variations in the piece helped to highlight the changes in behavior and language on the main characters personality after being influenced by the danceable genre. Format of Presentation Introduction:- Theme Research topic Definition Issues:- The music encourages violence, sexual promiscuity, and multiple sex partners The music glorifies disrespect to authority Few emerging artists sing conscious music Evaluation of Sources:- The effect of danceable genre on adolescent sexual and violent behavior in Jamaica; A public concern written by Alexia D. Crawford The effects of danceable on Jamaican young people written by Snidely John Dancers Redemption written by Cecilia Campbell-Livingston Challenges Conclusion From this assignment, I have learnt that according to valid sources, there are mainly negative effects of danceable music on Jamaican adolescents. It encourages violence, sexual promiscuity, multiple sex partners and the music glorifies disrespect to authorities. I also learnt that not all artists are guilty of this type of negative encouragement as there are few that aim to sing conscious lyrics and uplift Jamaica.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Anthropology Personal Statement Writing Essay Example
Anthropology Personal Statement Writing Essay Example Anthropology Personal Statement Writing Essay Anthropology Personal Statement Writing Essay â€Å"Anthropology demands the open-mindedness with which one must look and listen, record in astonishment and wonder that which one would not have been able to guess.†(Margaret Mead) The main purpose of crafting an anthropology personal statement is to convince the board of the university to accept your admission application. It is imperative that the purpose for applying for admission in the college should be apparent in the admission essay. While writing the anthropology statement of purpose, you should determine your audience. It means that you should first determine who you are writing for and why. The targeted audience who will review your admission essay will be comprised of those admission officers who are experts in your field of interest. Through the personal statement you need to persuade those officers that you have what it takes to be a proficient anthropologist. There are some universities that provide you a list of specific questions and expect you to address those questions in the statement of purpose accurately. If any question has numerous parts, ensure that you address each part of that question effectively. It is also very important to go through the list of specifications carefully so that you don’t miss out on any crucial details. The opening paragraph of the anthropology statement is very important because it introduces your passion to the readers. It tells the readers why the candidate wants to explore anthropology field or what encouraged the candidate to do so. Keep in mind that a convincing personal statement is one that looks like it is crafted especially for the admission officers. Therefore, don’t worry about the format of your statement. You may check out few sample statement to learn about the basic elements of an engaging anthropology personal statement. Sample statements are easily accessible these days, thanks to the internet. There are also many websites that offer students to post their personal statements which have been accepted in numerous academies. By reviewing those statements you can easily figure out the essential elements that a particular university seeks in a statement of purpose. The statement of purpose should be written in simple and straightforward language. Though it is true that sometimes technical jargons are necessary to be used in the statement, however, too much use of such technical terminologies must be avoided. It should only be used where it is necessary. The anthropology personal statement should discuss the candidate’s moral values. It should also discuss the work experience of the candidate and tell the audience what he/she has learnt from those experiences. The statement of purpose should also tell the readers how those work experiences or moral values impact your future goals. Ensure before submitting the essay that it doesn’t exceed the word limit as mentioned in the prompt. Read through the personal statement thoroughly so that you can correct any grammar or spelling mistakes. Such mistakes make the candidate look careless in the eyes of the admission officers. So proofread the statement carefully and make sure you submit an immaculate personal statement.
Friday, March 6, 2020
MGT499 Mod 2 TD Example
MGT499 Mod 2 TD Example MGT499 Mod 2 TD – Coursework Example SWOT analysis The SWOT analysis is a mechanism that is used in the evaluation of the environment that surrounds a business ventureor a market. It is an acronym that stands for Strength, weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Opportunities are the loopholes that are available in the market that if a business venture is able to fully capitalize on shall lead to a huge success. Threats on the other hand are the potential scares that threaten to demolish the prospects of the business venture and should be handed cautiously right in time. One perfect example of a company that has taken a wrong approach in dealing with its threats is Apple. The biggest competitor and by far biggest threat to the prospects of Apple Inc is Samsung Company. Apple is a US Smartphone firm while Samsung is a South Korean electronics firm that has of late taken the mobile telephony industry by a storm. Apple failed to notice the huge threat that was posed by Samsung and in turn it dealt with the threat very wrong ly. This has come to haunt them up to date. One mistake that Apple made is constantly outsourcing its tenders to the South Korean firm. This gave their enemy key knowledge of their technology. Apple also failed to deal with the fact that the Google Operating System Android was just left open for anyone who wished to incorporate in heir devise. This hugely exposed Apple Inc to the throngs of the threat in the market. By the time Apple realized that they had taken a wrong approach in dealing with their threats, the adverse effects were already taking a toll on them. Apple was compelled to take another wrong approach in filing a law suit against Samsung over the allegation of copying its technology. This is a very expensive and long affair that is largely seen as the last kicks of a dying horse. ReferencesApple Computer, Inc. SWOT Analysis. (2003). Datamonitor Plc.Apple Computer, Inc. SWOT Analysis. (n.d.). (Business Source Complete.) Munster: Datamonitor Plc.Lee, J. (January 01, 2012) . A Clash between IT Giants and the Changing Face of International Law: the Samsung vs. Apple Litigation and its Jurisdictional Implications. Journal of East Asia and International Law, 5, 1, 117-142.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Correlational Methods (SLP) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Correlational Methods (SLP) - Essay Example The Glasgow Coma Scale, a model used by medics analyses the eye opening reactions to stimuli, the post traumatic amnesia and the loss of consciousness (Silver et, al, 2011).Patients for this study are taken through imaging tests to diagnose a brain injury. X-Rays and rehabilitation are dependent upon the severity of the brain injury (Murdoch and Theodoros, 2001). Data is an invaluable asset when dealing with health care improvement. It is collected in the process of ongoing patient care or clinical trials programs. The study’s focus is on evaluation of internet based intervention that looks into behavioral therapy and promoting mental health among veterans of combat. It concludes that stating online based models can offer early treatments as well as preventive programs (Van & Fugal, 2012).Qualitative research method which focuses on quality and quantity of data will be instrumental in this research (Flick, 2014). Descriptive statistical techniques will be used to summarize the numerical information gathered in the study. Critical analysis will be conducted and determine the testability of the hypothesis to descriptive statistics. In measures of central tendencies, Voorhees and colleagues used the mean of two to explain the participants’ completion of internet based lessons. Voorhees and his colleagues also used data range scores to compare the elements in the research. For example, they differentiated between score scales by comparing depression findings from the center of epidemiologic studies to PTSD checklist military. The brain trauma studies seem to yield weaker results as compared to others. The researcher fails to include a representative sample of brain injuries occurrences. The procedures are also dependent on clinical trials that present ethical challenges. The data collection mode of study is one of the strongest as it gives adequate information about the study
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Gender and Migration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Gender and Migration - Essay Example Recently, temporary migration is the primary method of international migration particularly for the Asian women. The author has explored a number of probable causes of the migration of women traditionally. Poverty has conventionally been considered as the fundamental cause of the feminization of migration, but the scanty number of female migrants from the low-income countries like Bangladesh compliments this perception. High unemployment rate is also falsified as a driving factor for the feminization of migration because Pakistani women’s representation is minimal in the global migrating women despite the fact that they are less than half as employed as Pakistani men in number. In fact, numerous push and pull factors are working simultaneously. Religion is also not always the determinant of the female migration pattern. Even the network approach does not offer sufficient explanation for the origination of migration. Household roles significantly depict and impact the migration pattern. This book aims at making an integrative approach to determine the causal factors for Asian women’s migration. To accomplish this, the author simultaneously uses the method of agreement and the method of difference to identify the driving factors for Asian women’s migration. The author analyzes the state’s role at the macro level and the women’s autonomy and power of decision making at the micro level. Using social legitimacy, the author will tend to draw a link between the globalization forces and individual autonomy and state policy. The author has identified a very unique topic to explore. Yes, there is an obvious difference between the numbers of female migrants among various Asian countries. I believe that the difference primarily originates in culture. Factors that control Asian women’s migration on the second and third level are religion and need respectively. Asian countries vary in their culture. Countries like
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Sound Technique In Citizen Kane Film Studies Essay
Sound Technique In Citizen Kane Film Studies Essay The dramatic film Citizen Kane in 1941 is a story of group of reporters that are trying to interpret the last words of Charles Foster Kane (Orson Welles), who is the millionaire newspaper business man, Rosebud and to examine his lifestyle. The film starts with a news roll detailing Kanes life, and after that the film shows the audience flashbacks from his life and illustrates to the audience of a man who had everything and anything he wanted to a man who died and had nothing. The newsreel reporter Jerry Thompson (William Alland) starts to investigate the people from Kane past such as friends, lovers and colleagues to identify the real meaning of Rosebud. The first scene in the movie when Kane is dying and holding the crystal glass globe in his hand then he whispered a word that is heard spoken by enormous, mouth that fill the screen ROSEBUD. When he said it, no one could hear him because he said it in a low tone; however, only the butler heard it. The sound of Kane saying it and all the noise and silence before he dies illustrates to the audience that the word is something important in the movie and makes them think about the mystery of the movie. After he has pronounced his last dying words, the crystal glass globe rolls from his hand; the ball jumps down two steps (stairs) and smashes into pieces. The audience hears a loud beat when the crystal glass globe shatters into tiny pieces the sound of the shattering globe indicates that the Kane is heartbroken. Through the unclear lens of the globe a nurse is seen entering the room. She lays out the body of Kanes dead body and the music that has been suspended in a minor key finishes on a main musical tones. (Spurr Cameron, 2009). Then the scene cuts suddenly to news announcement, full of loud music that makes the audience forget about the previous scene. However, Rosebud was repeated in more than one scene that was presented in different type of flutes, bass clarinets, and bassoons to create a sense of darkness, vagueness and mystery to the audience. Moreover, a scene that started when the camera pans from top to bottom while focuses on the statue. The audience hears Miss Andersons voice heard before she appears in the shot. The feature of her voice is ordinary sound qualities of the room. The size of the room is shown to the audience when both Miss Anderson and Mr. Thompson the reporter are in the same frame. This scene shows the audience the importance of the large cold stone pillared library room that matches the cold strict character of Miss Anderson. Also the sound of Miss Andersons footsteps, as she walks towards the room to give Mr. Thompson the document he needs about Kane. When Miss Anderson opens the door to the room, the sound of the door that the audience hears which shows them the size of the room and the importance of the room. After the conversation between Mr. Thompson and Miss Anderson, and Miss Anderson leaving the room the audience could hear the closing of the door with music. The sound of the door mixed with music is a transition to the next shot. A next scene shows the audience when Susan Alexander Kane (Dorothy Comingore), who is the Wife of Charles Kane, sitting in her club after the death of her husband and Thompson comes in to talk with her. Thompson sits down, and then Susan tells him who told you, you could sit down? and he replies, I thought maybe we could have a talk together. Then she replies, Well, think again. Why dont you people leave me alone? I am minding my own business. You mind yours. Get out of here. Get out! .When she was saying get out she was shouting with a high tone which illustrated to the audience she is mad and upset. Before he comes in the club the audiences hears heavy rain and thunder this also demonstrates to the audience the anger, tension, and sadness. Also another scene, the audience saw that Kane had grown up from a child into an adult in only two shots. As Charless guardian gives him his sled, and Charles wishing him a Merry Christmas and unexpectedly the audience sees another shot of his guardian after almost fifteen years later, and the phrase is completed and a Happy New Year. This showed the audience that he has grown up, and it showed only by continuing the soundtrack. Another scene, when Kane takes his wife Susan to go to a picnic and suddenly slaps her in a tent near the beach. They are both silently angry at each other while a lady near their tent wildly launching with a loud voice at the background. This illustrated to the audience the misery and sadness of both Kane and Susan. In addition, the director used a numerous number of voices, each saying a sentence or a phrase or sometimes half a sentence and joining the dialogue in an immediate sequence, this action gave the audience an impression that the whole town was talking and also knowing what the whole town was talking about. The director also use the over lapping dialogue which made the scene look more realistic to the audience. Moreover, the director used a technique of putting the sound and audio before of the visual in scene transaction. In other words, when a scene came to a close, the sound and audio would change to the next scene before the image did. Moreover, the opera rehearsal scene where Kanes wife Susan sings; for example, when the camera slowly pans up the walls of the opera hall from Susan beginning her singing presentation to two stagehands both were looking shocked and disgusted of Susans singing. According to Louis Giannetti in Understanding Movies, music is a greatly abstract art, tending toward pure form. When combined with lyrics, music acquires a more focus content because words have specific references. While words and music both express meanings, each does so in a special manner. With or without lyrics, music can be more specific when put together with film images. (Giannetti, 2010). Moreover, according to Understanding Movies, one of the most continuing and popular film genres is the musical whose major raison is song and dance. Like opera and ballet, the narrative elements of musical are usually pretexts for the production numbers, but some musicals are exceptionally sophisticated dramatically. (Giannetti, 2010) The films numerous use of mixture allows to create stability between the images and passing of time that would otherwise seem disjointed and disorganized. In a scene that is illustrating Charless hectic actions as a newspaperman, suddenly a scene where it shows people dancing and singing with music in the background after that the scene shifts to another scene and time passes. Also, another scene where Kane and his first wife Emily (Ruth Warrick) are having breakfast, the scene here is presented in an elegant way where both are dressed fancily, and exchanging loving words, then the words dies away out after seconds. This scene showed the audience of the timing passing. Moreover, in another scene when Emily is disagreeing with Charles over the suitability of hanging an anonymous gift one of his friends has given their son in the nursery. The music in the background demonstrates to the audience that there is something wrong while still maintaining a distressingly joyful attitude, and Kanes rejection into taking his wife Emily seriously while they are having breakfast. The Sound Technique that is Connected to Another Technique Citizen Kane is an excellent example of sounds but it is also connected to different techniques, such as movements and cinematography technique. For example, in Citizen Kane extreme deep focus, diverse camera angles (including low angles that exposed set ceiling) and unusual use of lighting and deep shadows all these techniques were used in the film. Moreover, Citizen Kane had a storytelling technique; changeable narrative forms such as the opening of the film when a newsreel man was talking, and then the interviews and the flashbacks. Sounds in General The music of movies in general has a powerful effect on the audience. The music of any movie is to evoke or enhance emotions in the audience. When audiences listen to music a certain emotional feeling the music awakens the memories that the audience faces in the present or past. Moreover, music is able to move through time and leave at two different points at once. Music helps to enhance the effect of a shot to the audiences. Also, music creates tension in a movie. Citizen Kanes music was considered one of the major things in the movie because the music had an important role when the scene changes from one to another and to develop the emotion and the mood of the film to the audience. The director sometimes used music that would work with the sound effects throughout the film. According to the book Understanding Movies, sound effects also express internal emotions. When there is silence in a film it makes the audience pay more attention to the scene. Any important silences in a film creates to the audience a sense of something approaching or something that is about to happen. Moreover, like the freeze frame, silence in a sound film can be used to represent death, because usually sounds are linked with the presence of continuing life. (Giannetti, 2010). In addition, according to Louis Giannetti, loud sounds tend be forceful, intense, and threatening. On the other hand, quiet sounds strike the audience as delicate, hesitant, and sometimes weak. (Giannetti, 2010) Conclusion In other words, music in films is highly effective to the audience. Music creates tension, brings out emotions, and is definitely one of the most vital aspects of the cinematic experience. Furthermore, it has shown that music is highly complex and artful; it does not only bring the emotional impact on audience by also comprising some of the most dazzling music produced over the year. (Donnelly, 2001). Moreover, sounds help the audience to understand the movie better and also emphases on the vital parts in the movie.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Ashford University Essay
Pornography is very addictive and can destroy someone’s marriage and life. This addiction can, and in many cases, lead to someone committing very serious sexual crimes. People who look at porn often look for more perversity in different areas. The resources from which I found my information on is the Ashford Library and a couple credible internet sites. There are several reasons why people turn to porn. Some reasons are for seeing their own fantasies acted out because they can’t act them out with their own partner / spouse, some people want to avoid intimacy within their own relationship for personal reasons, some just do it for personal pleasure. But for whatever reason, there is always a consequence that will follow. According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), 56% of divorces occur because one spouse keeps returning to a pornographic website. These men / women feel as though they are being compared to these people in the pornographic films or pict ures. Whether it’s the man or the woman who is watching porn inside the marriage, in most cases, they are doing this against their spouses wishes. This leads to lack of intimacy, low self esteem, shame, and lack of trust. This also makes the spouse feel as if they are no longer found attractive. â€Å"Just ask your spouse how confident they feel being naked in front of you after you’ve looked at pornography and you’ll understand this one.†( ). Many people say that they introduce porn into their marriage to spice their love life up but in the end all this does is slowly destroy the intimacy that was there. After watching pornography people’s views are completely changed. After being exposed to R- rated material men no longer see their spouse as they once did. They look at them now more as an object rather than an individual that they love. Studies have shown ( ) that pornography can be just the same as an addiction. Some experts who have studied porn addiction have called the effects of porn on the brain toxic and also compared it to the deadly drug cocaine (WebMD, 2014). These addicts no longer just suffer from nights without sleep or unpaid credit card bills but they are also becoming more engaged in group sex and sexual contact with animals. Other effects that have surfaced from pornography include acting out what they have seen in porn material, sexual acts towards children both boys and girls, and rape using foreign materials / objects. (The Forerunner, 1991). Child pornography is a disgusting fact that we hear about every day. â€Å"Child pornography is the visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct includes acts such as intercourse, bestiality and masturbation as well as lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area.†(Pulido, 2013). Recently, there were 71 people, 70 men and 1 woman, who were arrested in child pornography charges. Among that 70 included a police officer, a paramedic, a rabbi, an airline pilot, an architect, and a Boy Scout leader. Many of these people who were arrest had search the phrases â€Å"real child rape†and â€Å"family sex†into their computers search engines turning up extremely disturbing images (Hays, 2014). With so many people connected to the internet it has made this type of crime so easy. Perverts and pedophiles search the web everyday to find new victims. â€Å"The victims are getting younger, and the images more violent.†(Flack). When a picture of a child circles the internet going from one person to another, that child is being re-abused. No child should have to endear that type of suffering, never! A peer – to – peer, also known as P2P, file sharing network, that allows people to share music, videos, and pictures, was under investigation by authorizes and had 3,000 child pornography consumers with tens of thousands of child pornographic images traded. â€Å"The investigation began after agents, using software available to law enforcement, were able to trace files of child pornography to an I.P. address on a computer used by Brian Fanelli, 54, who until January was the police chief of Mount Pleasant, N.Y†(Berger, 2014). Another, earlier, report back in 2009, out of all the arrest made on P2P users, 33 percent of those arrested had images of children three years old and younger and 42 percent had images of children showing some type of sexual explicit material. (Pulido, 2013). Virtue Ethics is â€Å"A person’s character is the totality of his character traits. Our character traits can be good, bad or somewhere in between. They can be admirable or not. The admirable character traits, the marks of perfection in character, are called virtues, their opposites are vices.†(Garrett, 2005)., I believe that this theory is a big part of someone who is willing to put everything at risk for something so degrading and disrespectful to themselves. A persons character says a lot about who that person is and what that person may be capable of doing. Not everyone has good virtue ethics and this is when one’s character and moral traits come in play. One’s character is shown through their ac tions and behavior, whether this is being good or bad. One’s moral values are shown through their honesty, their loyalty, and their respect for others. As we all know pornography is very popular but it can also cause serious problems. Many people look at the disturbing images not thinking about the consequences, they are only thinking about what is happening at that moment and at that moment that’s what they want to do. I look at this issue using the deontology theory. â€Å"Rather than looking at the consequences of an act, deontology looks at the reason for which an act is done, and the rule according to which one chooses to act.†(Mosser, 2013). I take that as someone doing something on impulse rather than thinking about the consequences that they will face when they act upon their decision. If someone knew that they was going to destroy their marriage by watching porn, if someone knew that by watching porn it would make them fall behind on their bills, or if someone knew that by watching porn they would go out and commit sexual crimes, do you think they would have continued or even started looking at these image s, I think not! REFERENCES: Berger, J. (2014, May).71 Are Accused in a Child Pornography Case, Officials Say. The New York Times. Retrieved from Dr. Garrett. (2005, Nov.) Virtue Ethcs. Retrieved from Editorial Staff. (1991, Nov.). The Documented Effect of Porn. The Forerunner, X(VI). Retrieved from Flack, (Date, N/A)E. Bill Calls For Harsher Penalties For Possessing Child Porn. Retrieved from Hays, T. (2014, May). Cop, rabbi among 71 charged in child porn case. Telegraph – Herald Retrieved from Mosser, K. (2013). Ethics and social responsibility (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Pulido, Ph.D. ( Oct, 2013). Child Pornography: Basic Facts About A Horrific Crime. Huffington Post. Retrieved from
Friday, January 10, 2020
Multicultural Literature: “Poisoned Story†Essay
Latino culture, specifically Puerto-Rican culture has changed through the course of history. Puerto Rico has witnessed a fusion of races and cultures spanning over many years, starting in 1898, after the Spanish-American war. Ultimately, Puerto Rico was annexed to the United States, the Puerto Rican people made United States citizens with limited restrictions and granted commonwealth status. The changes made during those eras did not come without consequences to the Puerto Rican culture. In â€Å"Poisoned Story†, author Rosario Ferre depicts the political and economic changing norms and tensions between the social classes of the Puerto Rican’s culture. In Ferre’s story â€Å"Poisoned Story†several major themes are prevalent through the story: opposition between the aristocratic and working class, literacy, interpretation of historicity and magic realism. The overriding structure of the story is based upon a narrative conflict between the characters which dramatizes the issue of the actual â€Å"writer†within the story. The reason this is important is because the concepts of the Puerto Rican history is based upon experience of the individual Puerto Rican. The class structure between rich and poor at one time was clear. During this story, the class structure and culture of two generations against the backdrop of the United States relationship is developed. The characters within the story represent several classes of people in the Puerto Rican society. Also, Ferre uses a narrative style in the story that introduces different â€Å"writers†within the story or shall we say different perceptions of occurrences of history based upon personal experience within the Puerto Rican fusion of culture. Read more: A depiction of a fantasy city. The Puerto Rican economy was disturbed with the United States intervention which led to classes of people being displaced within society, as was the case with the character of Don Lorenzo. Don Lorenzo was Rosaura’s father. After the death of his first wife, Don Lorenzo married his second wife named Rosa. An important issue of this story is the masculine character of Don Lorenzo represents and the fact that he married out of his class when he married Rosa, leaving behind his traditions and some of his culture. The character of Don Lorenzo transitions through the story. In the beginning, Don Lorenzo is viewed in high regard, with pride for his land and culture. As the story progresses Don Lorenzo looses his land, his home, and his heart as he and his aristocratic culture deteriorates before his very eyes with the help of his new wife Rosa and changing social structure. Rosa is an antagonistic source and character in the story. Rosa is the representation of the lower class of society, or the â€Å"working class†. Good with her hands, the character of Rosa is represented as being cunning and resourceful by one of the writers, and bitter and cruel by another. Depending on who is writing the story, there is a like and dislike of this character on several levels in regards to the interactions with both characters Don Lorenzo and Rosaura. Rosa is described as being from the working class, much different from Lorenzo’s first wife. The physical description describes Rosa as having â€Å"broad hips with generous breasts†who â€Å"reestablished†Don Lorenzo’s domestic comfort after the death of his first wife (p.9). Rosa is also described as coming from a different class background when being described by her customers: â€Å"Whoever would have thought it; from charwoman to gentlewoman, first wallowing in mud, then wallowing in wealth. But finery does not a lady make.†(p.8). This class jumping is important to recognize in the fact that Rosa was once Don Lorenzo’s wife’s caregiver, and now she has replaced the aristocratic mother and wife, defying the social system of poor vs. rich. Rosa’s character transitions from poor to rich, similar to a creative Puerto Rican rendition of a Cinderella story: rags to riches. Rosa is also instrumental in leading, or forcing the characters of Don Lorenzo and Rosaura to evolve or assimilate into the then current Puerto Rican culture. The character of an aristocratic daughter named Rosaura is introduced in the first paragraph. Rosaura was the daughter of a once wealthy sugar cane plantation owner named Don Lorenzo. It can be assumed that Rosaura was fairly young at the onset of this story, but old enough to read and attend school. Her mother had recently died (reason is not specified) and her father quickly remarried to Rosa. This young girl loved to read books in a â€Å"dense overgrowth of crimson bougainvillea vines†(p.1). It should be noted that the color of crimson and red are repetitively used to describe associations with Rosaura. The red association is first in the flower on vine, then in the bloodlike guava compote which gets spilled on Rosa’s dress. The story represents Rosaura as an educated daughter, a part of the â€Å"aristocracy†who was described to possess the ability to read in a country where the illiteracy rate was very high. It can be assumed through Puerto Rican history and through the narrative description in the story, that unless you were of the wealthy class, education was not an option: â€Å"†¦she was forced to leave school because of his poor business deals†(p.9). The literacy rate was very poor in Puerto Rico which was a farming country. The characters that were literate in the Poisoned Story also represent the idea of who usually writes history, which is the literate, or the rich. The structure of the story is centered on the narrative theme of the concept â€Å"poisoned story†. The introduction starts with an excerpt from a book or story by A Thousand and One Nights, author unknown: And the King said to Ruyan the Wise Man: -Wise Man, there is nothing written. -Leaf through a few more pages. The King turned a few more pages, and Before long the poison began to course rapidly through his body. Then The King trembled and cried out: -This story is poisoned. This poem sets up the overwhelming major theme of the writer being in control of the story, and those words or interpretation being poison. The rising action of the story is centered around the different perspectives of the interpretations of the â€Å"history†of the story that is being commented on through the writers. Within the story there is the perception of several writers. Several parts to the story are written in a fairytale manner, with eloquently chosen words and beautiful descriptions of days past when the aristocracy led the social class structure and everyone seemed magically fantastical. Exquisite dolls, fancy dinners and luxuries were of the excess for the aristocracy while the working class struggled to put food on the table. The opposite perception of that same time is written in a language that seems to be sympathetic to Rosa and her hardships as being from the working class, trying â€Å"honestly†to work her way up the entrepreneur ladder in the fashion industry. The third voice in this story is that of Rosa herself who discriminates what is being written, the historicity and the interpretation of the situations being described within the story. Rosa’s voice is harsh and cutting, with a choice of very expressive language that invokes a cynical commentary on the para graphs written previously. All three voices within the story represent different views of the same situations or conflicts within and through the relationships of the characters. The conflict within the story is the relationship between the two classes of society making the adaptation to the changing societal norms. The concepts of the societal system have been shaken with the changing Puerto Rican political commonwealth. Don Lorenzo has been taken from his days of glory, with â€Å"patriotic zeal†and diminished to a â€Å"small town-writer†through the course of the story. What is interpreted by one is a fairy tale, is interpreted by another as a lie. The climax in the story is when Don Lorenzo agrees to allow Rosa to burn Rosaura’s books, after the sale of the plantation and house. Don Lorenzo had sold the house and plantation to benefit the dress shop opened by Rosa in the house. As the shop put them into more and more debt, Lorenzo was forced to sell the plantation and then his land. When he sold the house, he was under the pretense that the mayor was going to â€Å"restore the house as a historic landmark, where the mementos of the sugarcane-growing aristocracy would be preserved for generations†(p. 15). Lorenzo had sold his home, then his heart when he conceded in allowing Rosa to burn his daughter’s books, the last tie he had with his culture that he seemed to value in the story. The last part of the story and resolution depicts the funeral of Don Lorenzo and Rosa finally reads the poisoned story at the end of Rosauras book. The book was the last gift given to Rosaura by her father. The resolution is in the reading the poisoned story by Rosa. Through out the story, Rosa never reads anything, as it was not in Rosa’s culture, most of the working class was illiterate. The shifting political powers and class jumping has brought Rosa to a new level in the culture of the aristocracy, education and the power of the written word, or better known as the poisoned story. The story has come full circle with Rosa’s character progression and metamorphosis to the upper class. Don Lorenzo lived by the romantic ideas and notions of an aristocratic society: A man could sell everything he had-his horse, his cart, his shirt, even the skin off his back- but one’s land, like one’s heart, must never be sold. (p.8). Symbolically, Don Lorenzo had sold out the culture he had for so long cherished and been proud of. He had lived through the first changes in hi s heritage when he began to work the plantation, and his house became decayed: It was there that the criollo’s first resistance to the invasion had taken place, almost a hundred years before. Don Lorenzo commemorated the day well, and he would enthusiastically re-enact the battle scene as he strode vigorously through the halls and parlors†¦ thinking of those heroic ancestors who had gloriously died for their homeland†¦however he had never considered selling the house or the plantation (p. 13). After Lorenzo moved to the city, he began to write a book on the â€Å"patriot’s of our island’s independence†(13). The interpretation of the â€Å"history†of the invasion in 1898 is recollected by both Lorenzo and Rosa. Lorenzo describes the Civil War between the plantation system and slavery, but Rosa describes the same situation in terms of disregard. Rosa interprets the truth of the history in a different light, describing the rich of the island as a â€Å"plague of vultures†(14). The relationship between Rosaura, her father and Rosa weave magical realism through the interaction. Fictional and historical happenings are mixed with the fantastical in Poisoned Story. Examples of the magical realism start with the introductory poem where the set up to Rosa’s possible demise is introduced. The beginning of the story begins with a story about a poisoned story, or story book that poisons the reader. As the story progresses Rosaura reverts to an almost fantasy every time she indulges in her stories. The vivid description of the â€Å"fantasy world†that Rosa claims Rosaura lives in produces elements of fantasy mingled with realism: The house, like Rosaura’s books, was a fantasy world, filled with exquisite old dolls in threadbare clothes, musty wardrobes full of satin robes, velvet capes, and crystal candelabra which Rosaura used to swear she’d seen floating through the halls at night, held aloft by flickering ghosts (9). The author also uses repetition to create a tension around this story book, fantasy focus. Rosa is continually referring to Rosaura as a girl who does not â€Å"earn her keep†and who â€Å"lives in a storybook world, while she had to sew her fingers to the bone in order to feed them all†(12 & 16). The only time Rosaura is not referenced to her storybooks is when she cooks her father a meal and after they move to city. It is ironic that Rosaura stops reading her stories after the move to city which would symbolize Rosaura and Don Lorenzos paradise lost. The impression you get from the speaker is that Rosaura has stopped reading her birthday present storybook because she is busy with her friends. However, as the story progresses, Rosaura has a dream about a tale of a poisoned story which has the mysterious power that would immediately destroy its first reader which is described to have frightened Rosaura. Yet, when the poisoned story is discovered, it is discovered by Rosa and written in a â€Å"thick guava-colored ink†, the same guava based ink Rosaura had spilled on Rosa’s dress. It should be noted that a wealthy man would have built up his library in that last century of Puerto Rican history. A culture that values education would have a strong tie to the impact of books. Coincidentally, Lorenzo agrees to give up his daughter’s books and last ties with his aristocratic culture at with Rosa’s insistence. The spilling of the compote symbolizes two things: the aristocratic culture that Lorenzo cherished so much and the death of that culture. In comparison, Rosa is never used in any whimsical or fantastical terms unless referring to her outward appearance and dresses or when she is referred to selling the â€Å"family heirlooms†(10&11). Rosa in presented much like the evil stepmother in fairy tale literature which adds to the dramatic effect and magical theme. The marriage between Lorenzo and Rosa is not based upon love on her part as she describes marrying him â€Å"out of pity†(9). The evil stepmother is also referred to as miserly, unless it has to do with her own dressings and wardrobe. The appearance of richness is far more important to Rosa than self worth. She also uses the appearance of education to further her desires in the story as she calls her store â€Å"The fall of the Bastille†and pretends to read at the funeral (10 &17). The success of Rosa’s store fulfilled her wishes of becoming an entrepreneur. She describes herself as being rich, yet she was very much in debt. Her idea of being rich could very well be interpreted as being â€Å"a free woman†as described on page 11. The mythical tone of the story is even carried over to the â€Å"salvation through style†philosophy, where the writer compares her work to a possible religious experience (11). The lavish materials and designs Rosa is described to put together are compared to the style and design of her pompous clients who dress like â€Å"witches†(12). Lastly, Rosa incorporates the fairy tale or magical qualitative of ultimatums which further the action of the story. Lorenzo on several occasions is co-coerced into doing whatever Rosa wants. The lust and bountiful bosom is a safe haven for Lorenzo, but in return Lorenzo must pay with his life. Lorenzo pays with his honor, plantation, home, and then heart. The end result is the poisoned story, a story whose interpretation is subjective, not necessarily objective. A story based upon history, written by an unobjective writer may write a â€Å"poisoned story†, with the possibility that truth in writing is subjective.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Gender Inequality A Hierarchical Structure Of...
Broad Overview of Gender Gender is part of the framework of the institutional framework of society. Gender is a hierarchical structure of opportunity and oppression as well as a structure of identity and cohesion. Gender is a socially constructed experience. It is a learned identity. (Zinn Eitzen, 1993) Gender inequality defined Gender inequality, in my opinion, is the unequal, unfair and biased treatment of both sexes. According to Ferree,1991:107 â€Å"Gender inequality is a widespread problem in society. It can be found in many sub-systems in the world. In order to be able to identify gender inequality, it is important to understand what it is in order to identify as well as attempt to correct it.†(Zinn Eitzen, 1993) â€Å"Gender inequality refers to unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender. It arises from differences in socially constructed gender roles. [1] Gender systems are often dichotomous and hierarchical; gender binary systems may reflect the inequalities that manifest in numerous dimensions of daily life. Gender inequality stems from distinctions, whether empirically grounded or socially constructed. (On differences between the sexes, see Sex and psychology.)†(Wikipedia, 2016) â€Å"South Africa has made great strides in gender equality and is a model to other countries – yet gender inequality continues to impede its efforts to build social cohesion.†(Achieving gender equality., 2013) Specific issue/problem addressed The problem issueShow MoreRelatedSocial Stratification1349 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Social Stratification: Impacting Positions in Society Social stratification is vertical hierarchical arrangement which differentiate people as superior or inferior. 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