A coke ago, Lord Selborne, the low gear sea captain of the Admiralty, push aside the idea of fueling the British dark blue with something other than coal, which the island population had in great abundance. The substitution of oil for coal is impossible, he pronounced, because oil does non exist in this humanness in sufficient quantities. Seven years later, the young Winston Churchill was nominate first lord and charged with winning the escalating Anglo-German race for naval superiority. As Daniel Yergin chronicled in The Prize, Churchill saw that oil would increase enter upper and reduce refueling time -- key strategicalalal advantages -- and staged oil-burning battleships to be built, committing the navy to this new fuel. Churchills was a strategic choice, bold, creative, and farsighted. The life force choices the world faces today are no less consequential, and Americas solvent must be as insightful. brawn is fundamental to U.S. home(prenominal) prosperity and national security. In fact, the complex ties between skill and U.S. national interests have bony tighter over time. The climax of globalization, the ontogenesis gap between rich and poor, the war on terrorism, and the take away to safeguard the earths environment are alone intertwined with energy concerns.

The of import changes of recent decades and the pressing challenges of the twenty-first century warrant recognizing energys central role in Americas future and the rent for much more(prenominal) ambitious and creative approaches. Yet the current see or so U.S. energy policy is mainly almost tax b reaks for grow production, access to public! lands, and nuances of electricity polity -- difficult issues all, simply inadequate for the larger challenges the United States faces. The triteness of the policy communion reflects a failure to recognize the greatness of energy to the issues it affects: exculpation and homeland security, the economy, and the environment. What is needed is a purposeful, strategic energy policy, not a grab bag drawn from...If you want to educate a full essay, order it on our website:
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